CS240 Winter 2024 Course Resources

Skip to: Communication, Submitting on Markus, Submitting on Marmoset

Communication & Resources in CS 240

CS240 uses a variety of platforms in order to communicate and provide course materials to students. The kind of information conveyed with each varies:

Submitting Written Assignments on MarkUs 

Written assignments are submitted electronically using Markus - a web-based submission and marking system.

Submitting Assignments 

To submit files for Assignments, follow the instructions below.

  1. On your MarkUs homepage, click the assignment name to go to its submission page.
    This box shows you how many files you have submitted and how many of the required files you are missing. The Missing Required Files will initially be equal to the number of files you have to submit. As you submit the properly named files, this number will decrease. NOTE: For CS 240 assignment written components, you are required to submit pdfs for individual questions. Our required files in MarkUs reflect the requirements.
    Assignment Rules
    This box has the assignment name, due date, and the names of the required files for the assignment. You must name your assignment files for submission as indicated by the list, matching lowercase and uppercase letters before continuing with submitting.
  2. Click the "Submissions" tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click "Add A New File". A new row will be added to the table. Click "Choose File" or "Submit" in the new row. (The button's name will depend on your web browser.) In the window that appears, browse to where you have saved your file and select it. Click the Submit button.
  4. Your submitted file will now appear in the table. Check that the filename is correct. If you click on the filename, you will see the contents of the file. You should check that the contents are correct, and that you have submitted what you wanted to submit.

MarkUs: Replacing a file You can only replace a file with one that has the same name.
Warning Do not use Internet Explorer to replace files. It will appear as though the change has gone through when it has not. Your files will not be replaced.

MarkUs: Deleting a file If you have submitted the incorrect file, you can delete it by selecting the "Delete" box for the file and then clicking Submit.

Do NOT replace files by deleting and re-submitting them. If you want to submit a new version of your work, use the "Replace" column.

If you are still experiencing issues or have run into errors (such as a redirect problem), please e-mail the course account with your Quest userid and a brief description of your error.

Submitting Programming Assignments Using Marmoset


Logging In

  1. Go to https://marmoset.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/ and log in using your WatIAM info. This should be the same as the info you use to log in to Quest.
  2. Click the "as" button under "Authenticate". You should have only one choice here.
  3. Click "CS240 (Winter 2024)".
    [Note] Course staff will make an announcement on Piazza (closer to the posting date of the first programming assignment) when students have been added to Marmoset. If, after this announcement, you do not see what you should have seen in steps 2 or 3, please contact the course staff to resolve this issue.
  4. You should now be able to see the assignments that have been set up on Marmoset for CS 240. You can submit your assignment files to Marmoset via the "web submission" column for each assignment question.

Submitting Assignments

If only one file is required for an assignment question, you can submit only that file. If multiple files are required for an assignment question, you must zip all of the required files and submit the zip file. Make sure that all of the required files are named correctly; otherwise, you will receive "did not compile" error message.

After Submitting a Program

When you make a submission to an assignment question on Marmoset, your submission will be automatically tested on a CSCF server. After a while (a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the state of the server, the program and test complexity), the tests should finish and a result will be available.

Your submission with the highest score (ties broken by latest submission time) will be marked. After marking, if you wish to have a different submission marked instead, please submit a remark request.

Math Background