CS 450/650 Comptuer Architecture

Winter 2025





Class Information

Meeting location: MC 4021
Meeting time: Tue & Thu 10:00 AM – 11:20 AM

Piazza (for discussions and questions): https://piazza.com/uwaterloo.ca/winter2025/cs450650

Crowdmark (for submissions): https://app.crowdmark.com/courses/cs-450-cs-650-winter-2025

Course website (this site): https://student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cs450/


Sihang Liu


Please include [CS 450] or [CS 650] in the subject line

Office hours: Tue 1-2 PM

Office: DC 3528

Teaching Assistant

Daewoo Kim


Please include [CS 450] or [CS 650] in the subject line

Office hours: Thu 1-2 PM

Office: DC 3323

Course Overview

Computer architecture is science and engineering that includes the design and interconnect of hardware components and hardware-software interface to create a computer system, to meet the demand for certain demands, such as particular functionalities, performance/cost/energy requirements, etc. This course covers the fundamental components of modern computing systems, such as processors and memory systems, as well as edge-cutting technologies in computer architecture, such as domain-specific accelerators and new memory technologies. In this course, students will learn the designs, concepts, and tradeoffs of different architectures not only through lectures but also from a research-oriented course project.