Software Requirements: Specification & Analysis (SE463)
Fall 2024 Schedule
Claimer: The published outline at
is only a snapshot, taken at the beginning of the term, of this living,
canonical, outline here, that you are looking at now. Wherever the
published outline and this living, canonical outline here differ, this
living, canonical outline's contents is taken as correct.
"E", "em", and "er" are gender non-specific third-person singular
pronouns in subjective, objective, and possessive forms, respectively.
Course Description:
SE 463:
Introduces students to the requirements definition phase of software
development; models, notations, and processes for software requirements,
identification, representation, analysis, and validation. Cost estimation
from early documents and specifications.
View requirements for SE 463
This term, the instructor is
Daniel Berry.
You may call him "Dan". In fact, he prefers "Dan" to "Professor",
"Professor Berry", and even "Daniel"!
Daniel Berry, DC 3329, No telephone, dberry ATT uwaterloo DOTT ca
Office hours: by appointment made by e-mail,
but feel free to knock on his room door, if the door is closed.
Berry says, "The reason I have no telephone is that I am nearly deaf.
I do not sign, but I do read lips. So I cannot use a voice-only
telephone. I can use a video communication medium if the bandwidth
of the connection is high enough that the image gets updated at the
frequency of television or movies and thus, the lip movement is smooth
enough to be decipherable."
An appointment can be via Zoom.
Please send to Berry e-mail that you
want to meet in person or via Zoom, along with some possible times, and
he will reply with one of those times or an alternative proposal. When
you and he agree on a time, if the meeting is to be via Zoom, he will
send you a Zoom invitation.
Evaluation of Instructor at the End of the Term
You will be able to take revenge on and evaluate the course instructor at
any time between Wednesday 20 November 2024 at 8:30am
and Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 11:59pm (just before midnight that starts
Please see these slides for
more detail about logging into the site and the questions it asks.
Joel Rorseth, jerorset ATT uwaterloo DOTT ca
Yelizaveta Brus, ybrus ATT uwaterloo DOTT ca
Noble Saji Mathews, ns3mathe ATT uwaterloo DOTT ca
Shimon, ssarefin ATT uwaterloo DOTT ca
Mohamed Rouili, mrouili ATT uwaterloo DOTT ca
Max Zhang, m492zhan ATT uwaterloo DOTT ca
Class Communication:
If you have a question that is not private and is not targeted directly
to one of the Instructors or TAs, then send it to, the course e-mail address.
One of the TAs or the prof will answer it. If the question is
deemed to be of general interest and not private, the answer, including
the question WITH THE SENDER'S IDENTITY REMOVED, will be sent by e-mail
to the whole class so everyone gets the benefit of the answer.
The main way that the course prof will announce things to the class is
by e-mailing to everyone's watIam e-mail address. You are responsible
for all information sent this way. If you prefer to receive such e-mail
at a different address, please send e-mail to
the course e-mail
address from your watIam e-mail address, with the new
e-mail address that you prefer given in the body of the message. To
help you in case you delete any such messages too quickly, below you
will find a link to an archive of every e-mail message sent in this
Archive of E-mail Sent to Class:
Click here for an archive of the e-mail sent to the entire class.
Highest Level Course Outline:
AI = Artificial Intelligence
ML = Machine Learning
RE = Requirements Engineering
SE = Software Engineering
wrt = with respect to
Administration, Plans, and Requirements of the Course
Requirements Modeling
RE Reference Model
Domain Modeling
Use-Case Modeling
Assumptions and Exceptions Identification
Requirements Specifications
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) documents
Users' Manuals
SE and RE Economics
Cost Estimation
Classifying Requirements wrt Downstream Repair Costs
RE in Agile Development
RE Issues To Be Aware Of
Ambiguity in Requirements Specifications
Non-Functional Requirements
Verification and Validation
Importance of Ignorance in RE
Requirements Elicitation
Things to Specify
User Interfaces
RE for AI and ML
Formal Specification Notations
State Machines
Linear Temporal Logic
General Overview of RE
Case Studies
The topics are listed in a rough order of dependency. However, the
reality is that you are probably experienced enough that you can
understand each topic somewhat independently. The topics that you
probably will need to be able to do the project well are earlier in
this list. See the Lecture Schedule for the
actual order of lectures and links to the material on each topic.
Course Times and Locations:
Tutorial (occasionally): Mondays: 2:30pm--3:20pm in MC 4045
Lecture: Tuesdays: 2:30pm--3:50pm in RC 211
Lecture: Thursdays: 2:30pm--3:50pm in RC 211
Each week, each student should attend the Tuesday and Thursday lectures and
the Monday tutorial, if it is being given.
The student is responsible for knowing anything significant that
arises from any in-class discussion.
No textbook. Notes are provided at this Web site.
Gause and Weinberg, Exploring Requirements: Quality Before
Design, Dorset House, 1989.
Gause and Weinberg, Are Your Lights On? How to Figure Out
What the Problem REALLY Is?, Dorset House, 1990.
Rumbaugh,, Object-Oriented Modeling and Design,
Prentice-Hall, 1991.
Davis, Software Requirements: Objects, Functions, &
States, Prentice-Hall, 1993.
Braek and Haugen, Engineering real-time systems: an
object-oriented methodology using SDL, Prentice-Hall, 1993.
Jackson, Software Requirements and Specification, ACM Press, 1995.
Ellsberger, Hogrefe, Sarma, SDL, Prentice Hall, 1997.
Larman, Applying UML and Patterns, Prentice Hall, 1998.
Rumbaugh, Jacobson, and Booch, The Unified Modeling Language
Reference Manual, Reading, MA, 1999.
Bray, An Introduction to Requirements Engineering,
Addison-Wesley, 2002.
Leffingwell and Widrig, Managing Software Requirements: A Use Case
Approach, Addison Wesley, 2003.
Robertson and Robertson, Requirements-Led Project Management,
Addison-Wesley, 2005.
Kotonya and Sommerville, Requirements Engineering: Processes and
Techniques, Wiley, 2005.
Sommerville and Sawyer, Requirements Engineering: A Good Practice
Guide, Wiley, 2006.
Maciaszek, Requirements Analysis and System Design: Developing
Information Systems with UML, Addison Wesley, 2007.
Nuseibeh and Zave, Software Requirements and Design: The Work of
Michael Jackson, Good Friends, 2010.
Pohl, Requirements Engineering: Fundamentals, Principles, and
Techniques, Springer, 2010.
Brooks, The Design of Design, Addison Wesley, 2010.
van Lamsweerde, Requirements Engineering: From System Goals to UML
Models to Software Specifications, Wiley, 2011.
Robertson and Robertson, Mastering the Requirements Process: Getting
Requirements Right, Addison-Wesley, 2012.
Wiegers and Beatty, Software Requirements, Microsoft Press,
Dick, Hull, and Jackson, Requirements Engineering, Springer,
Laplante, Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems, CRC
Press, Taylor and Francis, 2017.
UML Cheat Sheets
IEEE Standard for SRSs
EVLA Array Operations Software Requirements,
an example of a good SRS document
Example SRSs and User's Manual, including a local copy of the EVLA Array
Operations Software Requirements (called "array-sw-rqmts.pdf")
There is
also a template for SRSs in LaTeX form, called "srs.tex.txt". To use it as
input to LaTeX, strip off the ".txt".
A link to the Website of
Understanding Requirements, by David Gelperin, a book targeted
to practitioners. The site has a collection of videos on various aspects of
requirements engineering. Particularly interesting is Tutorial 1,
"Simplistic Requirements Models Considered Harmful".
The graded workload for this course consists of:
a group project: some complete requirements specification
of the identified scope of the group's system:
This complete requirements specification can be in any of a
number of forms, including, but not limited to:
a complete Software Requirements Specification (SRS),
a complete user's manual (UM),
a complete set of complete UML descriptions,
a complete online help system,
a complete set of complete user stories and for each user
story, and associated complete set of test cases, or
a set of artifacts accepted by the course prof as providing sufficient
The key criterion for completeness is that the group, in writing
the specification, is forced to flesh out all the requirements that
are already present in the chosen scope of the system that is being
prototyped in SE490 or in the project of your choice;
some individual or group deliverables, mostly directed at helping you in
the group project; and
a 2.5 hour in-person final exam (assessment).
Concerning the group:
For those registered in SE463 who are BSE students,
your group in this class is your team in the concurrent offering of SE490.
The TA that your group has in this class is the same that your team has
in SE490.
The TA of your group serves as the group's mentor and evaluates the group's
project-related work.
See the slides on "Administration,
Plans, and Requirements of the Course" for more detail.
As indicated in overview form in the slides for
"Administration, Plans, and
Requirements of the Course",:
The non-final deliverables: 10%, as follows:
1%, for Deliverable 1,
1%, for Deliverable 2,
1%, for Deliverable 3,
7%, for Deliverable 4.
The final deliverable, Deliverable 5: 40%
The final exam: 50%
You need to pass the final exam in order to pass the course.
The exam covers any and all material in the lectures and lecture slides.
As indicated in the slides for "Administration, Plans, and
Requirements of the Course", part of the exam is designed to be
easier if you have actively participated in the project, so that
overall, more of the final grade comes from the project work.
Each group has a different system for which to write a specification.
In the past, every group wrote its own specification of single shared
system, for which the prof served as the chief customer. The prof was able
to be quite precise about what was expected in all deliverables and to
even prepare er own solution to the early deliverables against which each
group could check its own version. This precision is not possible now.
The descriptions of the deliverables here must be general enough to fit
any system, but specific enough to make it clear what is expected of each
deliverable. As the term progresses, expect that the descriptions of
all deliverables will change, as the prof learns what is needed and what
is possible.
The first three deliverables are the three artifacts described here:
Domain, Class, and World Model for Your System
Use Case Model for Your System
Domain Assumptions, Exceptions, Variations for Your System
All three of these should be based on the abstract you have already
written for your project and have installed at the capstone
If your group has not written an abstract yet, then the first
deliverable includes the writing and installing of this abstract.
If, as a result of what it learns in the doing of any
develiverable, your group changes its abstract, then say so in that
deliverable and include in the deliverable both the before and after
abstract, with the differences somehow highlighted.
As each new artifact is done, you will occasionally discover that one
or more previously delivered artifacts needs to be changed. When
delivering any new artifact, the updated versions of all updated,
previously delivered artifacts need to be delivered as well and
included in the same file as the new artifact..
If you believe that a different order of these deliverables makes sense
for your project, please approach your TA and the prof to discuss a
different ordering, and we will make that ordering the order of the
deliverable for your project. Generally, you should try to do the
deliverables in order of increasing amounts of information needed from
other artifacts. The artifact that needs the least information from
the others should be done first, and the artifact that needs the most
information from the others should be done last.
If your project is a research project and not an implementation
project, then please talk with the prof ASAP so that you, your TA, and
the prof can meet to negotiate a set of meaningful deliverables that
help identify the requirements for your research. Yes. Even research
often has requirements! :-)
If you find that a deliverable uses a notation that is not
helpful or not relevant to your system, then please appraoch the prof
ASAP so that you, your TA, and the prof can meet to find a notation,
perhaps domain specific, that serves the deliverable's purpose, but is
helpful and relevant to your system.
In particular, for any deliverable, if the domain in which your project
is situated has its own established notation for expressing the content
of the deliverable,
e.g., E-R diagrams for databases
as a domain model
Unix manual page headers,
procedure headers, and
language grammars,
as a use case model,
then please consult with the prof and your TA about using that notation
instead of one described in the deliverable description.
If your group has started implementating already, then do not
specify what you have implemented (aw! shucks!). Instead, specify the
system that you and your customer had in mind when you wrote and
refined your project's abstract that is at the repository. Remember,
that at the time, you got your customer's buy-in to this intent. So E
is expecting something similar to that intent. In particular, it is
not acceptable to produce a specification that is built from your
implementation upward. For an explanation, see these same words in
the page on
Thoughts on the Purposes of Writing a Requirements Specification.
You can find past whole-class projects and possible solutions to their
early deliverables in the subdirectories of the directory
Feedback on Deliverables
You can find slides with the prof's feedback on any deliverable
by clicking on the date of its tutorial in the table above, after it
has become a link.
Caveat on Deliverables
Berry says, "A number of you will run the two courses, SE463 and SE490,
together in your
minds and start considering time spent doing the deliverables for this
class as taking time away from doing things in the capstone. NO NO NO!!!!
No matter what, you have to do the homework in this class. I could have
made you do a totally unrelated project. You would have to spend the
same amount of time on it. You would not be able to spend the same time
on the project, but you would not consider it as diverting time away
from one task of the project to another.
NO matter what, you will not have as much time on the project as you
would have if you were not taking SE463. What I have done is make the
SE463 project be related to your capstone project. It might or might
not inform the capstone. If it doesn't, there is no loss, because you
never had the time any way. But, if it DOES, then wow, you have a
REMEMBER THIS. I will keep reminding you :-)"
The list below represents the sequence of lectures as we see they will be
given. As time goes on, we may change the order. Also as time goes on, we
will see how they divide themselves up into dates.
If a topic has hot links, then the slides for the topic are available for
downloading. If there are no hot links on a topic, the slides are not ready
yet, and will be later, we hope, at least one day before the lecture.
The title itself is a hot link to a copy of its slides in Acrobat form (.pdf).
These slides may not be exactly what we are showing on the screen during the
lecture. The lecture may have material that we do not have the legal right to
distribute multiple copies of. It may have also an exercise that we want to
do alive in class with your help. We do not want you to be able to see
such material until we have finished.
Underneath the header Additional Materials OR Deliverable Details,
you will find some additional reading or viewing material.
Date |
Day & Lecturer OR Topic & Main Slides |
Additional Materials |
5 September |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Administration, Plans, and Requirements of the Course |
The Importance of Ignorance |
10 September |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Requirements Engineering Reference Model: Domain Modeling |
12 September |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Requirements Engineering Reference Model: Domain Modeling |
17 September |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Classes: Concepts, Context, and Identification |
| | |
First Draft Domain Model for Scan |
Bad Draft Domain Model for |
19 September |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Classes: Concepts, Context, and Identification |
More on Domain Modeling for Deliverable |
| | |
First Draft Domain Model for Scan |
Final Draft Domain Model for |
| | |
Bad Draft Domain Model for |
Domain Model for Electric Passenger Vehicle: Scan |
| | |
First Draft Domain Model with no borders: Photo of Blackboard |
Second Draft Domain Model with System Border Updated from First Draft: Photo Of Blackboard |
| | |
Third Draft Domain Model with Both Borders and some Trimming: Photo Of Blackboard |
Final Draft Domain Model with Both Borders and Trimmed: Photo of Blackboard |
24 September |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Use Cases and Scenarios |
| | |
WhenIsGood Use Cases Raw |
WhenIsGood Use Cases With Labels |
26 September |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Use Cases and Scenarios |
Use Cases for Podium System, including alternatives and exceptions |
| | |
WhenIsGood Use Cases Raw |
WhenIsGood Use Cases With Labels |
| | |
Scenarios for PopulateEvent |
Scenarios for Update Event |
| | |
Scenarios for ShowResponseCalendar |
WhenIsGood Use Cases With Scenario Steps Made Use Cases |
1 October |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Finding Exceptions and Variations to Use Cases
The Dangerous "All" in Specifications: See Slides 1--30. |
Requirements Determination is Unstoppable: See Slides 1--48, 58--60. |
3 October |
Tuesday NO LECTURE: Professor On Holiday!!! |
8 October |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Scope Determined (D) and Scope Determining (G) Requirements: A New Categorization of Functional Requirements |
Advice on Where to Find Exceptions |
| | |
The 90-10 or 80-20 percent phenomenon |
My Self-Administered Hair Cut During the Covid-19 Lockdown: Real-Life, Small-Scale Requirements Engineering |
10 October |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
SRSs |
IEEE Standard for SRSs |
| | |
User's Manuals as Requirements Specifications |
15 October |
Tuesday NO LECTURE: Reading Week!!! |
17 October |
Thursday NO LECTURE: Reading Week!!! |
22 October |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
User's Manual Advice |
Example User's Manual for WD-pic |
24 October |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
User Interface Specifications |
"Interface Quotas and Internet-Derived Value", Bob Colwell, IEEE Computer 37:12, pp. 10-12, 2004 |
| | |
Exiting a textEdit Session |
Exiting an MS Word Session |
29 October |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Software Cost Estimation |
Head Start or Bad Bet? |
31 October |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
"Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants", by Grant Gross |
Requirements Engineering for a Synagogue's Kitchen |
5 November |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Ambiguity in Requirements Specifications |
Some "only" Exercises for Class |
| | |
Google search for "I only eat" |
Google search for "I eat only" |
7 November |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Ambiguity in Requirements Specifications |
All the sentences with "only" in the EVLA Array Operations Software Requirements. |
| | |
Google search for "All eat" |
Google search for "Each eats" |
| | |
Google search for "Both eat" |
The Dangerous "All" in Specifications: See Slides 30--34. |
| | |
'Requirements for Monitoring Inattention of the Responsible Human in an Autonomous Vehicle: The Recall and Precision Tradeoff' by Johnathan DiMatteo, Daniel M. Berry, Krzysztof Czarnecki |
12 November |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Nonfunctional or Quality Requirements |
14 November |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
'Requirements for Monitoring Inattention of the Responsible Human in an Autonomous Vehicle: The Recall and Precision Tradeoff' by Johnathan DiMatteo, Daniel M. Berry, Krzysztof Czarnecki |
RE for AI: What is an RS for an AI? |
| | |
Some AI Apps |
AI Validation TimeLine |
| | |
Evaluate Correctness of Translator |
Evaluate Correctness of Recognizer |
19 November |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
State Machine Diagrams |
21 November |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Linear Temporal Logic |
| | |
How to Evaluate the Course Prof |
26 November |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Linear Temporal Logic |
| | |
Linear Temporal Logic Exercises |
Linear Temporal Logic
Exercises: A Solution |
28 November |
Thursday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Elicitation |
Key Slides from the Full Set of Slides About Elicitation |
3 December |
Tuesday Lecture: Daniel Berry |
Review of Course Introduction |
The Requirements Iceberg |
| | |
Key Slides from the Full Set of Iceberg Slides |
The Requirements Iceberg Bibliography |
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CS445/CS645/ECE451: Software Requirements and Specification
Last modification: Friday, 06-Dec-2024 08:20:59 EST