M0: Forming a Team
You are expected to form project teams in the first week of the course.
Rules around team formation
- Teams must consist of four people.
- Team members must all be enrolled in the same sections of the course.
- Everyone must commit to attending team activities, including attending in-person lectures.
This course moves quickly, and we need everyone to participate in order for it to work. We will do our best to help you find a team, but you also need to be active participants in the process! In extreme cases, failing to join a team may result in you being removed from the course.
Finding Team Members
How do you find team members?
- Join friends who are also taking the course! If you are in different sections, speak with the instructor to see if you can be moved to the same section.
- Post on Piazza to introduce yourself and find teams that are looking for people.
- If you're in-class, introduce yourself to people sitting near you! We'll even give you time at the end of lectures to meet.
How to form a successful team
When picking teammates, look for alignment in how you work.
- Are you all equally motivated? Are you all willing to work for an "A"?
- Are you all able to come to class? Are you willing to meet at a regular time outside of class?
- Do you have similar schedules? Work habits?
- Are you willing to work as a team and help each other?
Also consider if your interests are complemenetary.
- Your collective interests should cover the breadth of what the team needs to do e.g., some front-end UI work, some back-end work.
- A mix of design + programming + organizational skills is important to any project.
Team Guidelines
Before agreeing to work together, make sure that you agree on some teamwork basics:
- Are you all able to meet during class? Does the schedule work for everyone?
- Do you have free time together to work on the project outside of class?
- Do you want similar things from the project i.e. do you all want to build an Android application? Do you have similar interests that can help guide your project?
Make sure to review the team contract guidelines. You will be required to complete a team contract and write down some of these details as part of your M1 Project Setup milestone.
How to submit
Once you have a team formed, register yourselves on Learn:
- Navigate to
and choose an empty team from the list. Add yourself and your team members. - Use this team number to create a project on GitLab.
Remember your team number! You will need it to create your GitLab project, and when submitting items in Learn.