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  1. Hearn, Donald and Baker, M. Pauline (1994). Computer Graphics, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, pp. 356-358, 500-503.

  2. Ebert, David, et al (1994). ``Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach'', AP Professional, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 148-166.

  3. Serway, Raymond (1990). ``Physics for Scientists &Engineers'', 3rd Ed., Saunders College Publishing, Toronto, Ontario, pp. 989-993.

  4. McCool, Michael and Veres, Greg (1995). ``Gn Introduction and Specification''. Available on-line at WWW site cs488/

  5. McCool, Michael (1995). ``CS488 Lecture Notes''. Available on-line at WWW site cs488/
Wed Aug 2 20:30:34 EDT 1995