New CS 100 ISA Guide
If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.– Chinese Proverb
Welcome Guide
Welcome to being a CS 100 ISA! Congratulations on being hired. The previous ISA’s hope you have a wonderful term. This site is meant to provide a few instructions on how things work and what you need to do. It is not a complete guide, and we hope you keep adding to it! Also note that since this course is constantly changing and developing there may be things which become obsolete, but we hope this provides you with a reference for what a CS 100 ISA typically does and a framework for how your term will look.
One of the things you should start by doing is making an intro announcement in Learn for the students. Simply introduce yourself, your program, and if you'd like something about yourself. Along with that, just make sure you have access to Learn and the course email. Make a chat on Teams with the other ISAs for communications. This helps keep things organized and also makes it easy to add your supervisor to the chat if needed.What To Expect
Every week, you will have a list of tasks that you need to complete. This includes things from marking, proofreading
assignments, communicating with students and so on. Some weeks, you will feel like you have nothing to do, however,
it will pick up quite quickly. Just be prepared for all the assignments you need to mark so you don’t fall behind!
Most importantly, be sure to touch base with your supervisor so you can update them with your progress.
Weekly Activities
This section goes over some of the weekly activities that you need to complete. It also provides a checklist to help make your life easier.
Welcome Guide
Every week there are multiple tasks that need to be completed in a timely manner. Main tasks include marking, replying to students, holding office hours proofreading next weeks content, and running labs and attending lectures (if course is in-person that term). Here is an example day-to-day list of tasks you might need to complete and when you should finish them.
Monday | Tuesday |
Wednesday | Thursday |
Friday | Everyday |
Making sure these tasks are completed as soon as possible. Falling behind on one task can lead to a domino affect where all the other tasks are delayed. Make sure the feedback for assignments is released in a timely manner too. This is especially important for the Excel and HTML/CSS assignments where the next one builds on the previous one which means that the feedback is very important.
On Campus Tasks
If the course is being offered on campus, this section will go over some of the weekly activities that come along with attending in-person classes, including hands-on exercises, group discussions, and lab sessions. It will guide you through what you can expect for the week, as it will be slightly different from the online offering.
Here is an example day-to-day list of tasks for a week where an assignment was due on the Wednesday, labs were held on Monday, and lectures were every Tuesday and Thursday (the schedule will look different depending on when things are due/scheduled that term). Note that if assignments are bi-weekly then your weeks will look different depending on whether an assignment is being released that week or not, which can be seen below.
Monday | Tuesday |
Wednesday | Thursday |
Friday | Everyday |
Weekly Tasks
To make sure every ISA does their fair share of work, we came up with this simple template to easily divide the work. This template can be easily recreated in Excel and modified for more ISA’s if needed. An example template can also be found in the CS 100 folder if you’d like to use that.
Each of the letter’s A, B, and C here represent a different ISA. If the number of ISA’s is not 3, this format will need to be edited by shifting responsibilities to another ISA. In recent terms we have used the discussion board or had/needed an evening office hour, so that column can be removed if there are only two ISAs. The dates should be adjusted to the appropriate dates for your term. The start is identified as Saturday and end as Friday. This makes sure that everything is accounted for over the weekends, though you aren't required to respond to emails/messages during the weekend.
Feel free to add your name for each letter instead of the letters. A few things about the schedule, it mentions who will mark each group. This will be later explained in the marking section of this documentation. Along with that, the evening office hours have also been laid out. Feel free to add more duties to this sample template as needed. One duty not depicted here is handling remark requests, as this should rotate each assignment; you could just decide that whoever marks Group 1 will do the remarks, or explicitly assign someone each week. This template is a great starting point for making sure everyone does parts of the work for the course. It also makes sure that one person won't be doing everything at the end of the week.Scheduling
In terms of scheduling meetings or office hours, be sure to work around everyone’s schedule and ask if everyone is comfortable with what they have. Some people will not speak up unless asked so it is always a good idea to ask everyone directly.
Schedule your office hours directly on Teams with yourself so you have something to remind yourself. Be sure to always be on time for office hours or other meetings.Communication
This section goes over some of the ways you will be interacting with students along with how to use the different ways. One thing that isn’t talked about here is the different situations that might arise when dealing with students. Some of these situations will be covered during the Coffee and Learn meetings. However, when in doubt, be sure to consult with the other ISA’s or your supervisor. Let the student know that you will get back to them at a later date and ask someone else (Be sure to get back to them).
In terms of accessing you email, you can use the following link. . Things do change from time to time so be sure to check in with your supervisor if there is a new link or new way to access the email.
The login for the email should just be your regular Learn login. Again, things do change so check in with your supervisor and be sure to update this if anything is different. In terms of email etiquette, be sure to follow your schedule for replying to emails. There will be a surge of emails around the due dates for the major assignments involving Excel and CSS. If the ISA’s are not able to reply to an email from a student at an appropriate time, be sure to be more lenient in giving them more time as they sent an email before the deadline. This helps keep things fair while also helping to keep a good work life balance for the ISA. For organizing the email, create a folder for your term. In that folder, create subfolders for each ISA and one for Waterloo Odyssey. Once an email has been replied to, immediately move it to your folder. This helps make it clear which emails have been replied and which haven’t. This is important as a different ISA is replying to emails each week and seeing a large number of emails that might or might not be replied to is daunting. Any junk email can be deleted. Emails that don’t need a reply can just be moved to the course folder. Lastly, some cases that might come up. If a student is asking about an extension or a VIF, reply to that email saying that you will direct this to the course coordinator. When you reply, be sure to CC Barbara and put CS 100 in the subject line. Other cases such as exam proctoring, or any special cases that you cannot deal with should be replied to and CC’d to Barbara and/or the course instructor (as appropriate). Be sure not to just forward every email to your instructor/ISC as that might overload them. In terms of students personally emailing you, you can politely ask them to email the course email. It isn’t a good idea to entertain emails on your personal account as it can lead to students emailing you at odd hours for help.Teams
Using Teams is relatively simple, and you probably already have experience with this. Just be sure to reply to students’ questions in a timely manner. Office hours will be held through Teams too.
There will likely be three channels on the course Team: "General", "Office Hours", and "Questions and Answers".
- The "General" channel can be used for general communication with all students, though should be used sparingly and not for announcements (these should be done on Learn) since many students don't check Teams often (in Fall 2024 we primarily used this channel when we wanted to provide students with files, such as HTML files for the labs).
- The "Office Hours" channel is used to remind students when office hours were occuring and provide a space for students to request to meet online (see "Office Hours" section below).
- The "Questions and Answers" channel is a place for students to ask any questions they have about course material that they are comfortable with being public; it is an alternative to asking questions through email, and replaced Learn discussion boards in recent terms.
Discusison Board
This one is also relatively simple but has not been used for many terms, though that may change in a future term. If it is used, be sure to check this as some students will post questions here that often get missed by the ISAs. The board can be found by going to the following menu:
Announcements should mainly be used for communicating major items. Try to avoid having multiple announcements for small issues as that can clog up students’ inboxes and diminish the importance of the announcements (if many small issues do come up at once you could list them all in one announcement). The main reasons you will be using announcements for include:
- Release of marks, and remark requests
- Start of week updates
- Any major outages or events
Then click on Announcements.
Here, you should be able to create a new announcement by clicking on New Item.
When making a new announcement, be sure to add an end date. The end date should be the last day of the term.
Also be sure to have the other ISAs proofread your announcement for any grammatical errors. You can save the announcement as a draft before publishing it. Once published, all the students will get a notification or email about it which is why it is important to do the proofreading beforehand.
Office Hours
Your supervisor will inform you of how many hours you need to do for office hours. These should be scheduled within the first week of classes. You should update the course webpage by going into the public_html folder and editing the index.html file. To access the course account folder, follow the instructions under Course Accounts.
There may be one evening office hour on day/day before the assignment is due. This is to accommodate students who need help before the main deadline. This office hour should be switched around so that one ISA doesn’t have to ruin their nights once every week. Along with that, some students might need help outside of office hours. Try to accommodate them to the best of your ability by scheduling them for whenever the ISA and the student is free. If you do schedule a time to meet outside of regular office hours and plan to meet in-person, remember to book the section of MC4065 that you intend to use.Office hours are typically held in the CS Consulting Centre (MC 4065) and/or online, on the course Team. On work-from-home days you can hold your office hours online, but on days when you are in the office you should hold in-person office hours, with the option for people to join online if needed.
General instructions for booking and using a section of MC4065 are given in either ISA training or the first Coffee and Learn, and a file with instructions should be shared to an ISA Team channel.
Holding the actual office hour is quite simple. When begining office hours, create a new post in the "Office Hours" channel of teams. The subject of the post is typically "Office Hours- *insert day and date*". The body typically looks something like the following: “Hi everyone, I will be holding my office hour today in MC4065 from [insert time], please come by if you have any questions. If you'd like to meet online through Teams please reply to this post with a [insert emoji] and I'll message you to get started.”. This was the general format that I used, feel free to change it as you’d like. Students who want to meet online can then type a whatever you told them to on your message, and once they do, like their message to signify that you are working with that student. Privately message the student and ask if they’d like to call or chat. From that you can proceed with their preference. When calling a student, please remember to use headphones for privacy reasons especially if you're calling from the Consulting Centre. For CS 100, there usually aren’t that many students for office hours as the assignments are not too difficult. There are a few assignments where you will see a larger number of students. Slowly work through each one during office hours. If you feel overwhelmed, ask one of the other ISAs to help you out with the students.General Communication Tips
Students can sometimes be rude or harsh when emailing or asking questions. This shouldn’t be taken to heart as it is mainly because they are stressed with deadlines from multiple courses. Be sure to always reply politely and stay calm.
A lot of tips should be covered during the Coffee and Learn meetings. That is mostly what you will need. Be sure to be active with the students and offer to help when needed. Staying calm and asking other ISAs for a second opinion on matters is very important. Lastly, always consult with your supervisor when in doubt.Marking
Marking will be what you do for majority of the job. Most days will include marking. It can get quite tedious after a while but being able to properly manage your time will make it a lot easier. This section talks about all the details and things you need to know for marking.
Splitting Marking
There are two ways to go about splitting the marking between the ISAs.
First is to split the students into groups so that each ISA marks the entire quiz for a certain number of students. This is a better choice as it helps keep things consistent for students, as some ISAs mark harsher and some are more lenient, so using this first method is better for assignments so that the entire quiz is marked consistently. To keep things fair overall, the ISAs will switch which group they do for each assignment. This was outlined in the weekly tasks section.
The other method is to have each ISA mark certain questions for all students. This helps keep the marking consistent for that particular question itself, and is the method used for marking the midterm and final exams, as in for these two there is no rotation of groups such as with assignments, as mentioned above. Additionally, the exams are marked on Crowdmark, which makes it easier to mark by question as opposed to groups.
For the technical side of things, Learn will automatically split the quizzes into the appropriate number of groups. Once you have clicked on the quiz you want to grade, you need to choose the following option:Hit Groups and click apply. From here, you can choose which group you are doing:
Then hit apply again. This should only show you students for that group. This makes things pretty simple in terms of marking.
Marking Schemes
Marking schemes are extremely important to make sure that everyone is on the same page. There are usually no TAs to help with marking for CS 100 so it helps reduce the number of people that need to be informed about how to mark.
The marking schemes are usually available from previous terms. If an assignment is made brand new, the instructor should provide the marking scheme. If you guys created the assignment, be sure to create it with an appropriate marking scheme in mind.
Before even releasing the assignment, during the proofreading of the assignments you should also be proofreading the marking scheme, as it may make sense to change the number of marks allocated to a question (which would need to be changed in the Learn quiz before release), or the marking scheme may have to change if the wording of the question changes, etc...
Marking schemes should also be checked over during the marking meeting to make sure everyone is on the same page. Try to follow the marking scheme as closely as possible, however there will always be cases that the marking scheme doesn’t cover. For cases like this, we suggest making an ‘A# Comments’ document where each ISA types up the specific case for each question and how many marks/deductions correspond to that case. This is useful in case another ISA wants to see if a similar case was encountered before so that they can be consistent. If you ever encounter something that's not covered in the marking scheme, you should first check that document to see if it's been covered already, then if not either discuss with your fellow ISAs how you'd like to handle it and then add it to the doc, or just add your solution yourself if it's straightforward enough.
Marking Meetings
Aside from marking schemes, marking meetings are even more useful in making sure the marking is consistent. In this term we held them the day after the assignment was due, but in the past we've also held them between the release date and the due date so we could get a jump on marking and mark them as they came in. They should be held a day or two after the due date at the latest in order to not fall behind on marking. During this meeting, one ISA should pull up the assignment submissions on their screen (and share their screen if meeting online), and go through around 3-7 assignments; the number varies depending on the level of difficulty of the assignment, you should get an idea after marking a couple together how many need to be done so everyone feels comfortable. This allows the other ISAs to share their opinion on how the marking should be done so that everyone is on the same page. At this time you should also have the marking scheme up and the 'A# Comments' document (see above) so you can add comments to it.
You should and probably will edit the marking scheme during this meeting. Either to add items or remove them as needed. You might want to change the grades distribution for a question (ex. if there's a part a, b, c, etc...), but you shouldn't be changing the total number of marks allocated for a question, as it wouldn't be fair when the students are expecting a certain question to be worth a certain amount of marks and may have answered accordingly. You also shouldn't be changing the total amount of marks for the quiz after it has been released to students as that would require changing the number of marks in the gradebook, which is why proofreading beforehand is so important. A different ISA should do the marking meeting each time. It is important that everyone is present for this, so that everyone is on the same page, so make sure to schedule a time where everyone is available. Marking meetings also help the ISAs see which questions might have answers that are harder to mark. This is especially true for open ended questions where marking them can be highly subjective. If you are on the fence about something, you should fall on the side of giving them the mark. As CS 100 is an introductory course, you should always be more lenient when marking.Auto-marking Scripts
The HTML/CSS Assignments have scripts to help in marking html and CSS pages. These aren't used every term, as we've found marking them by hand to be just as efficient, and the allocation of marks for these assignments has changed throughout terms. However, you are welcome to use them if you think they'd be helpful, but they will likely need to be edited first, particularly to reflect the current marking scheme.
The documentation for these is on the course account under the folder "Marking Tools".These scripts are not perfect, however they are better at detecting presence of elements rather than absence. When marking with them, double-check that missing elements are actually missing. Once you mark 10-20 this way, you will get a feel for the types of mistakes the scripts make.
To use these scripts, first download Python 3. If you were given a laptop like we were, it will be on the self service software page. If not, you can contact CSCF for help on this.Then you should unzip the scanning folder (in the marking tools folder), and it should look like:
Then you are completely setup to run the scripts! Drop in the assignments to be marked in the "submissions" folder and run the python script. There are three ways to run python scripts:
- Drag the scanner .py folder into the python launcher. To do this, type "Python launcher" into the search bar and look for a rocket ship on your Dock. You can then drag the python file to that rocket ship and the script will run.
- Right click the script and use 'Open With' and choose 'IDLE' which is the python launher.
- Open terminal, type in
and then press ENTER. Then typepython3
and press ENTER again.
The "Grading Summary" section is the most important. it will show you the maximum possible grade given the deductions the student has earned, and reminds you of what to check next. Remember to sanity check the deductions for at least the first few submissions.
There is also a marking tool for the "Buzzfeed Quiz" HTML assignment, a script that will auto-select the first option for each question of the quiz, which is necessary for marking as we need to validate the results of selecting each first option. The script and instructions for how to implement it can be found in the course account by going to: Archives->1249 Archive->Assignments->A3->A3 Marking Tool.docx.
Releasing Grades
Finally, once all marking is done, it is time to release grades. Make sure all assignments have been marked. An easy way to
check is to go into the grading option for an assignment and click on Show Search Options.
Then, you should see options to filter the assignments.
Before you filter, be sure you have it set to show by User. You do not want to be looking at assignments for a particular group here.
Here, you can tick the Pending Evaluations box and then click the little magnifying glass in the search option. Clicking Apply will not apply
the filter settings. You should now be able to see all evaluations that have not been marked. Once you have made sure that everything is marked,
set the filter back to Unpublished Evaluations and click the magnifying glass. Then, you want to make It so that more assignments are shown per page.
Select 200 per page here. This will make our lives a bit easier.
Click on the tick mark to select all students on that page. Then you can click on Publish to publish their grades. Make sure to go onto
the second page and publish grades for the remaining students if necessary.
Late Days
In this course the students are allowed to use five grace days to avoid late submission deductions, but they can only use two for any one assignment, as we only accept assignments two days after the official due date at the latest. Because of this, we need to keep track of how many late days have been used by each student.
After assignments have been marked and graded, you can then enter in FileMaker the number of late days used for each student in your group. If you don't know how to access the database on FileMaker, see the instructions in the Lab section. Once in FileMaker, you will need to manually enter the number of late days used for each student in the "Late Days" section, and if a student didn't use any late days just leave theirs blank. Note that on the "Grade Quiz" page Learn will state the number of days late an assignment was submitted below the attempt, however these aren't quite correct as Learn calculates days late differently than we do, so make sure you are looking at the submission date to determine the number of late days used. Additionally, although this is not disclosed to the students, we do wave the late days for the first hour of the first day of submissions, but only for the first day. This means for example that if they submit 1 minute late we will record no late days used, but if they submit 24 hours and 1 minute late we would record 2 late days used (since it's over 1 day late).Remarks
There will definitely be mistakes while marking no matter how careful you are. Hopefully, the student themselves will notice this and point it out through remarks. There are already setup remark surveys on Learn that will allow the student to request a remark.
To make use of these surveys, simply edit the start and end dates for the survey. The start date should be whenever grades are released, and it's a good idea to have them release the evening of that day rather than at the same time (though this should be noted in the announcement so students aren't confused as to why they can't access the survey), so that students have time to read over and think about their feedback rather than just rushing to submit a remark request because they didn't like their grade. The end date should be 1 week after the start date or the last day of classes, whichever is sooner. As mentioned previously, either assign an ISA to remarks for each assignment at the start of the term, or have the ISA that did Group 1 for that assignment handle all the remark requests for that assignment. Having one person do all the remark requests for that assignment also helps simplify the logistics of it and ensure no request gets missed or responded to twice. When reviewing a request, if you were the original marker you may wish to get the other ISA(s) to look at it so that there is a new set of eyes on the assignment. Sometimes you may wish to discuss remark requests amongst the ISAs if it's a difficult decision, but sometimes it's simple enough (if there is clearly an error or clearly no error) for just the one in charge of remarks to resolve it on their own. One may choose to take care of remark requests as they come in or do them all at the end. To handle the request itself, go through each one, and find the email of the student through the class list. Send the student an email in which you should talk about their concern. If they were wrong about their request, explain why. If they were right about the request, let them know. At the end of the email, include a sentence mentioning if any marks were changed to make it clear to the student. To actually change the grade if necessary, simply re-enter that student's assignment submission, change the mark and/or feedback, and then click "update" at the bottom. This will automatically make the new grade and feedback visible to the student, and their mark will be updated it the gradebook.Marking Tips
To help make marking faster, there are some things you can do.
For the Excel assignment, there may be a few Excel questions in the quiz. It is very hard to look at the formula typed by the student and mark it. An easier way to mark this is to create your own Excel file with the question laid out along with all the information. In here, you can simply copy paste the students answers and see if it works. You can also create a table in Excel with the cells you have so that it auto fills. An example file should be available in the Tools folder in the course account. Same goes for the Excel assignments themselves, you can copy paste the students’ values into your own spreadsheet with the correct answers. This helps you quickly check if they have the right values. You can also use formulas to see if the answers match.Assignments
Aside from marking, another big part of your job is proofreading assignments. In some cases, you might even need to create assignments. This section will go over some of the common tasks that you need to do and how to do them.
Proofreading Assignments
At the start of every week, you need to proofread next weeks assignment. Proofreading is not just checking the questions to see if the answers make sense. It involves checking a lot more. Some of the things that you need to check for involve:
- You need to check the assignment overview to make sure all the due dates make sense and the text on that page makes sense.
- Check if the links work on every page and if they lead to the correct page
- Check if the images are working
- Many quizzes usually have broken images. Be sure to thoroughly check for these as fixing this after the quiz has gone live is hard
- Check if the instructions are appropriately updated and if everything makes sense
- Go through the quiz and see if all the choices are correct
- Check that the wording of the questions all make sense and that there aren't multiple ways to interpret something
- Check if the grades on the quiz match the marking scheme and the section under the Grades
- This is very important. If there is a mismatch between the grades and the marking scheme, it will cause a lot of troubles later. Be sure that the number of grades is the same.
When proofreading assignments, it's a good idea to preview the quiz (click on the dropdown and select "preview" instead of "edit") and go through it as if you were a student, so look through the questions from a student's perspective before you even look at the marking scheme; this can help you figure out if there's any confusing/ambiguous wording, etc...
The quiz on Learn is where the actual assignment takes place. On online offerings in the past there were 3 parts to each assignments which are separated into individual pages on the quiz; these three were multiple choice, short answer, then major component (ex. Excel file or HTML webpage). However, in the in-person offering (such as F24) there wasn't such a separation, some assignments had a mix of different questions types like matching, ranking, short answer, etc..., but the HTML assignment only had the major component. In the future there may be a mixture of these different types.
The quiz for each week should already be setup. You still need to proofread it and attempt the quiz yourself to make sure everything is working. If you play around with the settings a bit, you will find options to edit the questions or change the points. These are relatively easy to find.Excel Assignments
In this course offering Excel had been removed from the course so we did not have any Excel assignments. If Excel is a part of the course during your term and you'd like more info on them, there is info in previous ISA manuals, as well as archives of previous term's assignments.
Another large portion of this job when it is offered in-person is handling labs. As an ISA you will be responsible for preparing lab content and running one or more lab sections.
Preparing Labs
During labs you will be giving students a printed off workbook of questions and/or a file to work on which need to be prepared in advance.
You can find copies of previous labs in the course archives (particularly 1245, 1249, and 1251 as those were in-person terms). You may wish to change up these questions and/or add new ones, and will likely have to move things around at some point depending on what gets covered during certain lectures in your offering. When creating new questions, it is usually a good idea to make some that are somewhat similar to what the students will see on the assignments to help prepare them, but it's also good to add some harder and/or more open-ended questions to get them thinking, especially since you have more opportunity to discuss during labs.
You will have a lab meeting with the course instructor ahead of the lab, probably the day before, to go over it and finalize the questions. You should have the lab prepared as much as possible before this meeting, this is just to have the instructor look over and approve it, and sometimes make changes/additions, for example if a certain topic wasn't reached in lectures. Though the whole lab period is 2 hours, we try to aim for about 45 minutes to an hour of actual content so that there is open time after if anyone wants to ask questions, so keep this in mind when preparing questions.
After the meeting you'll print off a copy of the lab worksheets for each student. You should then staple each lab together (many labs are multiple pages long), and divide them into piles according to lab sections (we separated them with labelled post-it notes) so you can easily grab your section's lab. If providing the students with a digital file for the lab, such as for the HTML/CSS unit, then this should be made available to the students at the start/right before the lab; we posted them to the "General" channel of Teams and directed the students to look there. Instructions for how to set up the printer should be given the first week on the job, and post-it notes and staples can be found in the supply closet.
One last thing you should have prepared before the lab is a document to record the participation mark (as long as they attended and completed the lab they get the mark). We used an excel sheet for this since it made it easy to upload the marks to FileMaker (see below). A template for what we did can be found in the 1249 archive on the course account, but feel free to modify it to suit your needs.
Running Labs
At the beginning of the lab period you should hand out the lab packages, one to each student, even if they are working in groups. There are instructions for the students for how the lab runs on the lab templates, but you may wish to explain them and general lab rules at your first lab. During the labs you should be available to answer questions and be walking around periodically to see if anyone needs help and how far along the students are. After around 45 minutes, or whenever it seems like most people have finished, you should start taking up the answers on the board. Go through the solutions, explaining the answer/concept, making sure to ask the students if the have any questions. The lab rooms often don't have whiteboard markers so be sure to bring one if need be, and if you need to use the projectors the code to access them is 411.
Once students have completed the lab they can bring it to you to show you to receive their participation mark; they can do this at any time, and once they do you can let them leave. You don't need to read over every response, just make sure they've completed each question, and then check them off in your document and return their lab to them so they have it to study with. I also like to sign their lab when I marked them off, so that they had a record that they got the participation mark.
After taking up the answers, any remaining time should be treated as additional office hours, where students can come to your with any questions they have. Af the 2 hour mark or if the students have all left before then you are welcome to leave, but before the 2 hours are up as long as any of the students are in the lab still you should remain in the room, even if the students are just working and aren't asking questions.
After Labs
After each lab has finished you will need to upload the lab marks to FileMaker. This can either be done by manually entering each student's grade (0 or 1), but it is easier to just import an Excel file.
If you have never accessed the course's file maker, here's how to do so. Download and launch the FileMaker program. On the left-hand side, select the "Favorites", then click on "Add App" and select "From Hosts...". From here, beside the "Search Hosts" bar you should see a plus sign, click on this and beside "Host's Internet Address:" type in and click save. You should now see a list of databases, select "CS100Marks" and click "OK". You will now have the CS100 database saved so you can access it whenever you enter FileMaker; to enter the database it will prompt you to enter your username and password, if you don't have that yet ask Barb/your ISC.
Once in FileMaker, to manually enter the lab grade simply navigate to the "Labs" section and enter a 0 if they didn't attend or a 1 if they did attend. The better way to enter marks however is to use the import feature. While on the "Labs" tab, on the ribbon the the very top of the screen (beside the apple logo) go to the "File" dropdown and select "Import Records", then "File". Select the lab participation marks from your local files (you should be using a shared excel file, so make sure to download a copy before going to upload), then when it gives you a list of worksheets select "Entire Class". At the top, if it isn't already set the import type to "Update". Then, make the WATIAM source field be the "Match Field" connected to the "Username" target field, and make whatever lab you are on be the source field that imports to the corresponding target field, and set all other fields to "Don't Import". After you've checked that everything is set properly, select "Import". After importing the lab marks will automatically be filled in, but you should do a quick check to make sure they all imported correctly.
Common Student Questions
Each of the major modules will have repeating questions. There are always a few common ones that arise due to simple user error. If you find a question that is not listed here, please be sure to add it! This will make the lives of future ISAs much easier.
There was no Excel unit this term for no FAQ for that topic.
The main questions arose from HTML/CSS. Many people were wondering why their HTML and/or CSS changes wouldn’t appear. Usually, the files weren’t in the same folder, or the file names has errors in them when references in the HTML file. Something as seemingly small as using .jpg instead of .jpeg will cause images to not appear.
Some people also would forget to save their files before reloading the webpage and thus would not see any changes. Another reason they might not be seeing the changes to their HTML and/or CSS is that the file they are editing is the file saved on their local device, not cyberduck, but they are looking for changes on their webpage. To fix this they'd need to upload the updated copy to cyberduck and/or open the copy saved on cyberduck to edit that instead. If their webpage is not showing up at all (i.e. giving a "Not Found" error), it is usually an issue of the file name they put in the URL not matching exactly with the actual file name. It could also be the case that they uploaded their file to cyberduck but not in their public_html folder; this is more common when the name of their file comes after p alphabetically, as it may show up right under the public_html folder, so appear like it's in it when it isn't. Very rarely, some students' computers will be working in a 16-bit standard instead of an 8-bit standard. The fix here is to write @ charset "UTF-8";
as the top line of their css file.
There will be a lot of questions for errors on uploading files, which it's a good idea to have the students try CyberDuck file uploads before the (first) HTML assignment is due, so you can work through the problems with them ahead of time.
If students get a login error, ask them to reset their password, preferably in-person with you during the lab or office hours. Many students just don’t reset their CS teaching password and use their regular WatIAm password for CyberDuck which does not work. Some people will also reset their password and then forget what they set it to. Doing it live with them is helpful and resolves 99% of issues. Some students simply did not have a folder created for them. In this case, you must contact CSCF through email and give them the name, email and student number of the student so they can manually create the folder. Students will have issues with permissions too. If they mess up the permissions, ask them to log out and then log back in so it resets. Sometimes students will take away permissions to read for themselves in which case it needs to be reset by logging out. We noticed a few instances this term of students having difficulties uploading files that were saved to OneDrive, as they received a "file not found" error. Usually if they downloaded the file to be saved directly on their local device and then tried uploading this fixed the issue. Lastly, VPN doesn’t seem to always be necessary for CyberDuck. However, keeping the VPN on is usually a better idea for security reasons.JavaScript Quiz
The main issue with this one was that pressing the Submit button on their quizzes would do nothing. For this, there are a couple things you need to check. First, make sure that the brackets are properly matched in the weights. If you even miss one bracket, or use the wrong bracket, the quiz will not work. Also, make sure the use commas after each bracket. Without the commas, the quiz will not work.
Next, in the questions for the quiz, each question will use q1, q2, q3 and so on. If they use q1 for all the questions, it will cause some errors in the quiz such as not being able to choose any options. Make sure they’ve used unique question tags.Learn
Learn is currently what the course uses for content delivery. This might have changed in the future, and if it does, please be sure to update this section.
Test Student
If you want to see what the Learn page looks like from the view of the student, you need to make use of the Test
student. To access this, first access the class list:
Once here, you want to click on the Test Student option:
Then click on the little downwards arrow beside the Test Student. You can pick either one. From this menu, you can click on Impersonate:
Confirm that you want to and then you will be able to see the course as you were a student in the course. To exit this view,
simply logout and log back in.
Helpful Tips
For Learn itself, be careful before deleting anything. Always double check with your supervisor. When you need to upload a hidden file, first upload a blank text file, and change that to hidden from students. Then you can replace that file with the file you want to upload. This is helpful when uploading marking schemes or answer keys as when you first upload it, it is available for students to see.
Archive the Course
To archive the course at the end of the semester, simply copy all assignment questions into individual Word files (one assignment per file). You can include the answer key/marking scheme in the same document with question, or attach as a seprate file within the assignment folder, just remember keep it consistent. Once copied, upload all the files into a single folder within the course account, specifically in the Archives Folder. Don't forget to include the current term in the folder name!
Course Accounts
The course account consists of the folder for the course where you can access all of the previous terms assignments and backups. This is helpful in case you need to go back to reference anything, or you need inspiration for new questions.
How to access this should be covered during your training. If you have access to your MacBook, you can simply open finder and then choose Go on the top left. From here you can connect to server and type in the appropriate credentials. These should also be covered in your training.Exam
The exam for this course is the one of the major components of the course for the students. It is very tedious to mark. The creation of the exam should be done by the instructor.
Exam Marking
As there are no TAs for this course, exam marking will take up a lot of time. This will be similar to marking assignments; however, you will be using Crowdmark. For this, it is better to choose certain questions to mark rather than marking the entire exam for a group of students.
There will also be a few sections that are left blank a lot. These are usually the CSS sections. Being consistent is much easier here as you mark the same questions for everyone. Just be sure to be to follow any instructions laid out by your instructor.Review Sessions
Holding at least 2 review sessions for the students is a good idea. A mix of in-person sessions and online is ideal.
You may choose to cover anything you think is beneficial for the students during these sessions. We went over all the common errors documents for each assignment and talked about the important ideas that most students got wrong. Our goal wasn’t necessarily to highlight what questions most students got wrong in those assignments, but to highlight the ideas and concepts behind them. Be sure to record all sessions so students can refer to it. For booking rooms, contact Jessica or whoever the administrative person is during your term. Online sessions can be done through Teams. Be sure to consult with your instructor to see if they have any specific requirements for the session including topics to cover or when to hold the session.Things To Change
There are a few things that bothered us during the term that we would have preferred to change if possible. Things such as:
- Remove the discussion board. Only a few students use it, and it just isn’t active enough. A better idea would be to have Piazza or something else where students can anonymously post. Also, the Learn discussion board is rarely used by other classes. Being able to post anonymously allows a lot more students to post and ask questions.
- When uploading the HTML files to the Dropbox in the quiz, Learn seems to change the fie by removing the header and other important aspects. This makes marking very hard as one cannot see what the original file was. Now, if the student uploads the file to the servers, the ISA can download it from there to see the original file. There might be a setting somewhere in Learn that allows us to change this effect or you can ask students to compress their files before uploading them which prevents this issue.
Common Mistakes/Pitfalls
This section goes over some of the things we fell for or didn’t do properly. Hopefully this serves to help future ISAs avoid any similar mistakes.
Falling Behind On Marking
Falling behind on the marking of one assignment can lead to a huge domino effect. If the grades for one assignment are released late, the marking for the next one will also start late and those grades will probably be released later too. This leads to all future assignments being released late and students not receiving the feedback they need to work on future assignments.
To avoid this, be sure to stick to a strict schedule and push the other ISAs to finish marking on time. If someone is sick or cannot complete marking due to personal reasons, the other ISAs should try to pick up their marking.Discrepancy between Excel Template and Instructions
This was a major issue for the F22 ISA team. There were major discrepancies between the Excel template and the screenshots on the instructions for A6. This caused a lot of issues with students emailing us as they couldn’t check their answers.
Be sure to double, and even triple check if everything matches. View the assignment through the test student and download it from there and then see if it matches.Marking Discrepancies
Another issue that arises when marking assignments is discrepancies in how the marking scheme is viewed. Even after the marking meetings, there will be multiple cases that are unique and need to be dealt with. These cases are simply different ways a student might answer a question that can be considered right but aren’t 100% right. In these cases, always communicate with the other ISAs! It is better to send a simple message now rather than have to remark multiple students later on.
Late Communications
When students send emails, try to reply to them promptly everyday. If emails are sent after hours, the students should expect a reply to the next day. However, if there is a major deadline, ISAs should be present to reply to emails throughout the day. The ISAs can set certain hours later in the day to reply to emails.
Not replying to students questions can cause them to be behind on assignments as they might be waiting on the reply.Update Log
Site created and information added – January 8th, 2025.