Compile-time Errors

A "compile-time" error is one which prevents your code from compiling. This page describes 14 of the most common errors you will encounter. Compile-time errors are divided into three categories:

  1. Lexical: These generally occur when you include disallowed characters in your code (e.g. int #people = 10;).
  2. Syntactical: These occur when your code is "out of order" (e.g. for (int i=0; i++; i<10)).
  3. Semantic: These occur when the meaning of your code is unclear (e.g. two variables with the same name).

Note that the exact wording of these errors may vary, depending on which development environment you are using.

Errors described on this page (click to jump to that error):

  1. Cannot return a value from a method of type void
  2. 'Class' or 'interface' expected
  3. Class should be delcared abstract; it does not define...
  4. Else without if
  5. Expected: ;, {, }, (, or )
  6. Identifier expected / Illegal character
  7. Incompatible types / Inconvertible types (cannot cast)
  8. Method does not return a value / Missing return statement
  9. Method not found
  10. Not a statement
  11. Return type required
  12. Unreachable statement
  13. Variable already defined
  14. Variable not declared

Cannot return a value from a method of type void

When a method is declared as having a return type of void, it cannot contain any return statements which return a value (it can, however, contain a return statement by itself, which will simply end the execution of the method). This problem is usually caused by accidentally making a method be of type void when it shouldn't be or by accidentally including a return statement where there shouldn't be one.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

This method has a return type of void and so it may not return any values.

We change the return type of this method in order to fix the problem.

01  public void getName()
02  {   return;
03  }
01  public String getName()
02  {   return;
03  }

'Class' or 'interface' expected

This error will most likely be caused when you omit the keyword class or interface, as seen in the example below.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

Here, we do not have either keyword present.

We add in class or interface, depending on our intentions within the program.

01  public Test
02  {
03      public void someMethod()
04      {   System.out.println("Hello, world!");
05      }
06  }
01  public class Test
02  {
03      public void someMethod()
04      {   System.out.println("Hello, world!");
05      }
06  }
-- OR --
01  public interface Test
02  {
03      public void someMethod();
04  }

Class should be delcared abstract; it does not define...

This error arises when implementing an interface. Recall that when you say implements SomeInterface for a certain class, you guarantee that you have written all of the methods specified within that interface. If you are missing at least one of the methods which is listed in the interface, Java will not let your code compile.

As an example, consider an interface TestInterface which looks like:

public interface TestInterface
  public int methodOne();
  public String methodTwo(String z);
  public boolean methodThree();

Using TestInterface, consider the following example.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

We receive an error message in this case because we implement TestInterface but do not include methodThree().

To allow this program to compile, we add in a "stub" for the required method. This is the quick way around the problem: in most cases, you will want to actually write a method body for this method so that it does what it was intended to do.

01  public class Test implements TestInterface
02  {
03      private int y = 700;
05      public int methodOne()
06      {   int x = this.y - 1;
07          return x;
08      }
10      public String methodTwo(String z)
11      {   String label = "Val: " + z;
12          return label;
13      }
14  }
01  public class Test implements TestInterface
02  {
03      private int y = 700;
05      public int methodOne()
06      {   int x = this.y - 1;
07          return x;
08      }
10      public String methodTwo(String z)
11      {   String label = "Val: " + z;
12          return label;
13      }
15      public boolean methodThree()
16      {   return false;
17      }
18  }

Note that when you are implementing methods in the interface, the method signatures must match exactly. That is, if the interface expects that you implement a method public String longer(String a, String b), then you must write a method with exactly the same name, exactly the same return type, and exactly the same parameters (in this case, two Strings).

Else without if

This error occurs when you have an else or else if clause without an if clause above it. This is most likely because you have accidentally forgotten/added extra { or } braces, or you have placed an else clause in the wrong place, as illustrated in the example below. The key idea is that every else clause needs to have an associated if clause which occurs before it.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

Here, we have accidentally placed the else clause within the if clause.

We place the else clause after the if clause, which correctly associates them.

01  String text = "abaaba";
03  if (text.length() >= 6)
04  {   text += text;    
05  else
06  {   text += text.substring(3);
07  }
08  }
01  String text = "abaaba";
03  if (text.length() >= 6)
04  {   text += text;
06  }
07  else
08  {   text += text.substring(3);
09  }

Expected: ;, {, }, (, or )

Java is very specific about use of characters such as semicolons, brackets, or braces. Forgetting a semicolon is the simplest of these errors, and is fixed by placing a semicolon at the end of the line which causes the error. Brackets can be more complicated, because you may have to read through several nested if statements or loops in order to make sure that all brackets "match up" with each other properly. This is one of the reasons why indenting your code properly is a good idea.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

Here, lines 6, 7, and 10 will give us compile-time errors because we have forgot to include brackets, a semicolon, and a close-brace respectively.

We add these in to fix the problems.

01  public class Test
02  { 
03      public void getName()
04      {   int k = 10;  
06          if k == 10
07          { k++
08          }
09      }
01  public class Test
02  { 
03      public void getName()
04      {   int k = 10;  
06          if (k == 10)
07          { k++;
08          }
09      }
10  }

Identifier expected / Illegal character

An identifier is another term for a variable. In Java, every variable name must begin with a letter/underscore and can then have any combination of letters, numbers, and underscores. The example below illustrates two cases you may run into.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

The variable name 10Names is not allowed because it begins with a number. The variable name wtPer#ofPeople is not allowed bacause it contains a pound sign.

To fix this, we change these to valid variable names.

01  private String[] 10Names;
02  private int wtPer#ofPeople;
01  private String[] tenNames;
02  private int wtPerNumberOfPeople;

Incompatible types / Inconvertible types (cannot cast)

In a Java assignment statement, the type of the variable on the left hand side must be the same as the type of the variable on the right hand side (or it needs to be able to be cast first in order to make it work). The example below would give three 'incompatible types' error messages.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

Lines 5, 6, and 7 all give us errors. This is because an int cannot be assigned to a String, a boolean cannot be assigned to an int, and a String cannot be assigned to a boolean, respectively.

We change these three statements so that the primitive type / Object type is the same on both sides of the assignment (=) sign.

01  String theAge = "Twenty-two";
02  int x = 22;
03  boolean b = false;
05  theAge = x;
06  x = b;
07  b = theAge;
01  String theAge = "Twenty-two";
02  int x = 22;
03  boolean b = false;
05  theAge = "Thirty-three";
06  x = 33;
07  b = true;

Note that one common exception to this rule is that an int value can be assigned to a char value and vice-versa (this is because every character is actually represented as an integer ASCII value).

This error may also occur when trying to pass a value of one type into a method which expects another. An example of this is below.

Example 2: Incorrect Code Example 2: Fixed Code

Here, we try to pass a String as an actual parameter into a method which has an int as its formal parameter (these two types are incompatible).

To fix this, we change the type of the variable which is being passed. Alternately, we could have also changed the type of the actual parameter to be a String and then re-coded the method calcNewAge accordingly.

01  String theAge = "Twenty-two";
02  int result = calcNewAge(theAge);
04  public int calcNewAge(int theAge)
05  {   return theAge / 2 + 7;
06  }
01  int theAge = 22;
02  int result = calcNewAge(theAge);
04  public int calcNewAge(int theAge)
05  {   return theAge / 2 + 7;
06  }

You may also get a similar error if you are attempting to cast incorrectly. Recall that a primitive type may not be cast to an object or vice-versa. When casting between two objects, recall that object "A" may be cast to be of the same type as object "B" only if B's class extends A's class. As an example, consider a class Cat which extends the class Animal.

Example 3: Incorrect Code Example 3: Fixed Code

Here, lines 2 and 3 are incorrect attempts at casting because neither Animal nor String are subclasses of Cat.

Line 2 is a correct cast because Cat is a subclass of Animal (a Cat is an Animal, but an Animal is not necessarily a Cat).

01  Cat c = new Cat("Sparky", "black");
02  Animal a = (Animal) c;
03  String theCat = (String) c;
01  Animal a = new Animal("Sparky");
02  Cat c = (Cat) a;

Method does not return a value / Missing return statement

In Java, every method which does not have a return type of void must have at least one return statement.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

The return type of this method is String, so Java expects that we have a return statement which returns a value with this type. As written, this method does not return anything.

Instead of printing these values to the screen, we return them.

01  public String getFortune()
02  {   if (this.age >= 19)
03      {   System.out.println("Good times ahead");
04      } 
05      else
06      {   System.out.println("Hailstorms unavoidable");
07      }
08  }
01  public String getFortune()
02  {   if (this.age >= 19)
03      {   return "Good times ahead";
04      } 
05      else
06      {   return "Hailstorms unavoidable";
07      }
08  }

This compile-time error can have a very subtle point which is often overlooked. If the return type of a method is not void, Java needs to ensure that the method will return a value in every possible case. That is, if all of your return statements are nested within if statements, Java will disallow the compilation process to continue because there is a chance that no return statement will be reached. The example below illustrates this.

Example 2: Incorrect Code Example 2: Fixed Code

In this example, we get a compile-time error because Java sees a possibility of this method not returning a value (if this.age is 99, for example).

To fix this, we ensure that the method will return a value in all possible cases by adding an else clause.

01  public String chatMethod()
02  {   if (this.age <= 18)
03      {   return "MSN";
04      } 
05      else if (this.age > 19 && this.age <= 30)
06      {   return "ICQ";
07      }
08  }

01  public String chatMethod()
02  {   if (this.age <= 18)
03      {   return "MSN";
04      } 
05      else if (this.age > 19 && this.age <= 30)
06      {   return "ICQ";
07      }
08      else
09      {   return "BBS";
10      }
11  }

Note that an easy way to "fix" this error is to simply add a meaningless return statement at the end of the method, such as return -1; or return null;. This often leads to problems elsewhere, such as causing the method to return unintended values.

Method not found

In Java, recall that a method's signature consists of the method's name and the types of its actual parameters. For example, the method public void move(int howFar) has the signature move(int). When a method call is made, a method with a signature exactly matching that of the method call must exist (e.g. the method name, the number of parameters, and the types of all parameters must match exactly). This error is illustrated below.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

Line 3 calls a method which has signature larger(String, String). However, the method at line 5 has signature larger(int, int). These two signatures do not match (e.g. there exists no method with signature larger(String, String)), so an error is produced.

To fix this, we can modify the larger so that it has a matching signature to our method call. Alternately, we could have left the current method alone and written another (overloaded) method with the appropriate signature.

01  String first = "CN Tower";
02  String second = "Calgary Tower";
03  String res = this.larger(first, second);
05  public int larger(int a, int b)
06  {   if (a > b)
07      {   return a;
08      } else
09      {   return b;
10      }
11  }
01  String first = "CN Tower";
02  String second = "Calgary Tower";
03  String res = this.larger(first, second);
05  public String larger(String a, String b)
06  {   if (a.length() > b.length())
07      {   return a;
08      } else
09      {   return b;
10      }
11  }

Also note that this error may occur if you do not have the correct import statements at the top of your class.

Not a statement

Each line of Java code must have some sort of meaningful purpose. The compile-time error "not a statement" is usually the result of typing only part of a statement, leaving it incomplete and meaningless. One example of how this may occur (there are many) is seen below. In general, asking yourself "what was I trying to do with this line of code?" is sufficient to fix the problem.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

Line 5 will cause the error in this case, as the line grades[1]; is completely meaningless by itself, as it does not give any instruction to the compiler.

We change this line to be a valid, meaningful statement ("set the value of x to be the value of the array grades at element 1"). This is just one possible way of fixing the problem (it depends on how you intend things to work).

01  int grades[] = new int[2];
02  int x;
03  grades[0] = 96;
04  grades[1] = 93;
05  grades[1];
06  System.out.println(x);

01  int grades[] = new int[2];
02  int x;
03  grades[0] = 96;
04  grades[1] = 93;
05  x = grades[1];
06  System.out.println(x);

Return type required

For each method, Java requires a return type (e.g. String, int, boolean). Note that void is also considered to be a "return type" even though a method with a void return type does not return a value.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

An error is caused because the theAnswer() method does not have a declared return type.

Two possible solutions to this problem are suggested (each would depend on the context of how the method is to be actually used in your program).

01  private theAnswer()
02  {   System.out.println("42");
03  }
01  private void theAnswer()
02  {   System.out.println("42");
03  }
-- OR --
01  private int theAnswer()
02  {   return 42;
03  }

Unreachable statement

This error usually occurs if you have a statement placed directly after a return statement. Since Java executes code line-by-line (unless a method call is made), and since a return statement causes the execution of the program to break out of that method and return to the caller, then anything placed directly after a return statement will never be reached.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

Line 4 is directly after a return statement, so it cannot be reached because the method will end at line 3.

We switch lines 3 and 4 to ensure that nothing is after the return statement.

01  public String oneMoreA(String orig)
02  {   String newStr = orig + "A";
03      return newStr;
04      this.counter++;
05  }
01  public String oneMoreA(String orig)
02  {   String newStr = orig + "A";
03      this.counter++;

04      return newStr;
05  }

You (may) also get this error if you place a statement outside of a method, which could be the result of { and } braces not being matched up properly.

Variable already defined

This compile-time error is typically caused by a programmer attempting to declare a variable twice. Recall that a statment such as int temp; declares the variable named temp to be of type int. Once this declaration has been made, Java can refer to this variable by its name (e.g. temp = 15;) but does not let the programmer declare it a second time by including the variable type before the name, as seen in the example below.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

Here, we have declared the variable temperature twice: once at line 3 and then again at line 6.

We have fixed the problem by only declaring the variable once (at line 3) and we refer only to the variable's name on line 6.

01  int a = 7;
02  int b = 12;
03  int temperature = Math.max(a, b);
05  if (temperature > 10)
06  {   int temperature = 0;
07  }
01  int a = 7;
02  int b = 12;
03  int temperature = Math.max(a, b);
05  if (temperature > 10)
06  {   temperature = 0;
07  }

You may also get this error if you have tried to declare two variables of different types using the same variable name (in Java, every variable must have a unique name). The example below illustrates this using two variables of type int and String.

Example 2: Incorrect Code Example 2: Fixed Code

Here we are trying to declare two variables using the same variable name of temperature. This is not allowed, regardless of the types of the variables.

We fix the problem by ensuring that each variable has a unique name.

01  int temperature = 22;
02  String temperature = "Hot Outside";
01  int temperature = 22;
02  String tempDescription = "Hot Outside";

The only time where repetition of variable names or declarations are allowed is if the two variables are in different scopes. Recall that the scope of a variable is determined by the set of braces, { and }, in which it is enclosed. This is illustrated in the two examples below.

Example 3: Correct Code Example 4: Correct Code

This is allowed because the delarations on lines 4 and 7 are being done within different scopes. One is within the scope of the if statement, and the other is within the scope of the else if statement.

Similarly, this is also allowed because temp is declared in two different methods and will therefore be done within different scopes.

01  int temp = 22;
03  if (temp >= 20)
04  {   String desc = "Hot";
05  }
06  else if (temp >= 10 && temp < 20 )
07  {   String desc = "Nice";
08  }

01  public void cold()
02  {   int temp = -27;
03  }
05  public void hot()
06  {   int temp = 27;
07  }

Variable not declared

This error occurs when a variable is not declared within the same (or an "outer") scope in which it is used. Recall that the scope of a variable declaration is determined by its location with { and } braces. The example below illustrates a simple case of this error. To fix this problem, make sure that the variable is declared either in the same scope in which it is being used, or it being delcared in an "outer" scope.

Example 1: Incorrect Code Example 1: Fixed Code

The variable balance is declared within the scope of the first if statement, so line 9 will cause an error.

To fix the problem, we declare balance in the scope of the entire method so that it can be referred to in all places within the method.

01  boolean newAcct = true;
02  double deposit = 17.29;
04  if (newAcct == true)
05  {   double balance = 100.0;
06  }
08  if (deposit > 0)
09  {   balance += deposit;
10  }
01  boolean newAcct = true;
02  double deposit = 17.29;
03  double balance = 0;

05  if (newAcct == true)
06  {   balance = 100.0;
07  }
09  if (deposit > 0)
10  {   balance += deposit;
11  }

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Created by Terry Anderson (tanderso at uwaterloo dot ca) for use by ISG, Spring 2005