Moving in and out of CS135

Late Registration in CS135

This is very similar to a CS145 → CS135 Dropdown; please see below.

CS135 → CS115 Dropdown

CS135 can be a demanding course. If you are a 1A student, you can drop down to CS115, the minor level version of the course. This must be done by the deadline - usually about 6 weeks into the term. CS115 covers the same general topics as CS135, but at a slightly slower pace and with less of an expectation of a strong math background.

For details about dropping down to CS115, including deadlines, please see .

Some important things to note from that page:

  • If you’re unsure about whether or not to drop down, we strongly recommend talking to your instructor, a CS advisor, or other course staff.
  • In order to transfer, you must get approval from the Math Undergrad Office (MUO), before the deadline.
  • If you drop down to CS115, none of your marks from CS135 will transfer with you. The remaining assignments in CS115 will have their weights redistributed.
  • Any work due in CS115 up to three days after your transfer will be excused.

CS145 → CS135 Dropdown

Welcome to CS135! This page is to help get you oriented quickly after transferring from CS145.

Here’s the stuff you need to know:

  • You need to be added to MarkUs (assignment submission and marking platform). Contact Karen Anderson if you haven’t already.
  • We do not use LEARN.
  • No marks are transferred from CS145; you start fresh in CS135.
  • Assignments:
    • The first thing to do is Assignment 00 . It is mandatory and must be done within 48 hours. It is CS135-specific and will be different from any similar assignments done for other courses.
    • Make sure you read the Style Guide to know our expectations. Some assignment marks depend on following the guide. CS135 is more concerned about style than CS145.
    • You are responsible for assignments that are due 3 business days following CS135 showing up in Quest. Assignments that were due prior to that are excused and the weight will be distributed evenly over the other assignments.
    • Midterm exams held before 3 days after you enter CS135 are similarly excused and the weight redistributed proportionately over the remaining exams (e.g. the final is worth more and so gets more of the weight from redistributed exams).
    • It is to your advantage to do at least parts of the missed assignments and get feedback on your performance and style. Submit as usual to MarkUs (ignoring late warnings). Then email the course account to have the ISAs mark it for feedback and to make sure you are following CS135’s assignment requirements.
    • You are strongly encouraged to get caught up as fast as possible to avoid always feeling behind, struggling with new material, and the resulting stress.
    • Start assignments early and submit often (as questions are completed). The last submission before the deadline for each question is what is marked. By submitting early and often, we will have something to mark if you run into internet or other problems later. We do not accept late assignments and anything submitted after the deadline is marked for feedback only (as long as students have notified the ISAs to look for it).
  • Take advantage of consulting hours as needed.
  • Make sure you understand how course grades are assigned and that in order to pass the course, you must pass the weighted assignments component and you must pass the weighted exams component.