Welcome to Winter 2025 offering of CS 138! CS 138 introduces software engineering students to elementary data structures and their implementation. If you have any questions or concerns please email the course staff at cs138@uwaterloo.ca
Students will be introduced to linked lists, binary search trees,
stacks, queues, arrays, vectors and more all implemented using
C++. See the Course Outline for a more detailed breakdown of the
material covered.
Please note: the time to cover each
section is an estimate only. Also, the lecture slides will be made
avalable for download on Learn up to the slide most recently gone over
in class.
Announcement | Date: dd/mm/yy | Extra Info |
For your convenience, we provide a facility to check your unofficial marks online. Please note that marks will not always be available immediately after the deadline. Re-mark requests may also take a while to appear.
Marmoset will be used to automatically compile, run, and test the output from your submitted code. If you notice any strange behaviour please notify the course ISA immediately via email
If you have any questions about the assignments, try posting them to the CS138 piazza as others might have the same problem as you.
Category | Weight (%) |
Assignments (0% for A0, 5% each for A1-A6) | 30% |
Midterm | 20% |
Final (proctored on campus if in person exam, if forced online then project) | 50% |
NOTE: Must score >= 35/70 on Midterm+Final to pass course |