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Font Formats

Type 1 is the name of the worldwide standard for digital type software (International Standards Organization outline font standard, ISO 9541). It was first developed by Adobe Systems for use in PostScript(TM) printers. Although Adobe is a leader in the design and manufacturing of Type 1 software and maintains the standards for Type 1, hundreds of companies around the world have designed and released more than 30,000 fonts in the Type 1 format.

Type 1 is the only digital type format recognized on every computer platform from micro- computers to mainframes. It will print on virtually every printer, either directly through built-in PostScript language interpreting, or through add-on utilities, such as Adobe Type Manager.

The TrueType(TM) format was developed by Microsoft Corporation and Apple Computer for use in their proprietary operating environments to improve the low-quality bitmap fonts originally used in those systems. Like Type 1, the format for TrueType is available to any interested party.

Why Type 1?

Using Type 1 offers the following benefits:

Why Choose Adobe Type?

Adobe type offers the following benefits:

What is the PostScript language?

The PostScript computer programming language was originally developed by Adobe Systems to communicate complex graphic printing instructions to digital laser printers. It is now built into most laser printers and available in many operating systems for high-quality rendering of images on display screens.

An important characteristic of the PostScript language is that it is device independent. This means that it will produce good-looking images regardless of the resolution or color rendering of the output medium. It takes full advantage of whatever capabilities are built into the device.

Type 1 fonts are in fact a specialized form of PostScript program and are the normal file format used for type display on all PostScript printers and displays. Type 1 is the only format that takes full advantage of the capabilities of Adobe PostScript language software.

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