On this page:
5.2.1 Getting Started
5.2.2 I/  O in Racket
5.2.3 Strings and Characters
5.2.4 Binary I/  O
5.2.5 Structures
5.2.6 Vectors
5.2.7 Hash Tables
5.2.8 Higher-Order Functions, Eval, Apply
5.2.9 Implicit Begins and Internal Defines
5.2.10 Local and Let
5.2.11 List Utilities
5.2.12 Regular Expressions
5.2.13 Quasiquote and Matching

5.2 Using Racket for CS241🔗

Prabhakar Ragde

modernized by Edward Lee

This is a guide to using Racket for assignments in CS 241. We will assume that students know the basics of Racket from CS 135 and CS 136. Useful references include the Racket Guide and Racket Reference, found at https://docs.racket-lang.org.

5.2.1 Getting Started🔗

Your programs should start with the line:

This wraps your entire file in a module declaration and uses a language with many helpful libraries already preloaded. To develop your programs in DrRacket, use the Racket language, not the teaching languages used in CS 135. To run your programs on the command line, type:

racket myfile.rkt

The racket binary is included with the DrRacket distribution, but you may need to set up your shell so that its search path includes the directory it is in (or an alias to it). Since Marmoset uses racket to test your programs, at least your final round of testing should use this. Given that most programs involve I/O, you may choose to do more testing on the command line.

There are many optional command-line flags for racket, including one which gives you a basic read-evaluate-print loop (REPL) after running your program. See the Racket Reference for more details. Any additional command-line arguments are put into a vector (see below) that is the value of the expression (current-command-line-arguments).

Note that the values of top-level expressions are printed after evaluation if they are not <void>. If you don’t want this to happen, you can wrap the expression with (void ...).

5.2.2 I/O in Racket🔗

You will use redirection of standard input and output to read from and write to files in 241, with one exception discussed below. The basic Racket output function is display. This will write a single value to standard output in “human-readable” form. write does the same thing in “machine-readable” form; for example, it prints quotes around strings and uses escape sequences. (newline) will begin a new line in the output. For finer control, you can use write-char, which writes a single character to standard output, or write-string.

Additionally, Racket provides the function printf, which works in a fashion similar to the function of the same name in C or C++. printf consumes a format string followed by several arguments. For example, the following prints The values are 3 and test:

(printf "The values are ~a and ~a\n" (add1 2) "test")

The notation \n in a string indicates a new line. Other such escaped characters include \space, \return, and \\ to insert a backslash in a string. The formatting escape ~a prints in the style of display; see the Racket Reference documentation for fprintf for other options.

There are two basic input functions. read-char will read a single character. read will read an S-expression, that is, something which resembles one expression in a Racket program, and produce the corresponding list. (You can think of write as writing values in a format which read can read back in.) read-line is an Racket extension which will read a single line and produce a string. There are many other I/O functions detailed in Input and Output in the Racket Reference.

The following code will read all input lines into a list of strings:
(define (read-all-input)
  (local ((define item (read-line)))
    (if (eof-object? item)
        (cons item (read-all-input)))))

Note the use of eof-object?, which tests whether the item read is a special “end of file” object. This is obviously not the best strategy if the input is very large, because it will use too much memory. In this case, you want to use a tail-recursive function to read a line at a time (or several lines, if necessary) and process them, possibly generating output, before repeating the action.

The function for-each works like map, but it is guaranteed to process the list in left-to-right order, and it throws away the result of applying the function to each element of the list. It is useful for generating output from a list.

It is occasionally useful/required in CS241 to write to “standard error”, which is a separate output stream that can be separately redirected. This is accomplished in Racket by using the more general file output functions which take a file descriptor (or port, as they are known in Racket) as an additional argument. The port associated with standard error can be obtained using the function current-error-port, and the function fprintf can use this port.

(fprintf (current-error-port) "Goodbye, world.\n")

5.2.3 Strings and Characters🔗

Converting a string to a list of characters allows one to use Racket’s various list-processing func- tions. The functions string->list and list->string convert in either direction. The ‘a’ character is specified by the Racket constant #\a. The functions char->integer and integer->char will convert to and from the numerical ASCII representation (actually, these functions work with the Unicode encoding UTF-8, but this coincides with ASCII in the 0-127 range). The function format is like printf, but instead of creating output, it produces a string. This is a quick way to create complicated strings containing computed results.

There are a number of functions which can be applied to strings such as string-length, string-ref, and substring; more can be found in the Racket documentation for the string type. Note also that Racket provides string matching using regular expressions, also described below. This is useful for breaking up a string into a list of shorter strings according to various criteria. On a more mundane level, string->integer and integer->string may be handy.

5.2.4 Binary I/O🔗

Much of CS 241 involves representation and manipulation of bit strings.

Racket allows integer values to be specified not only as arbitrary-length strings of decimal digits, as you are familiar with, but in binary, octal, and hexadecimal as well. The Racket values 10, 10, 10, 10, and 10 are all equal. The printf and format functions permit one to print integers in binary, octal, and hexadecimal.

To manipulate such values on the bit level, there are a few functions described in Bitwise Operations in The Racket Reference. bitwise-and, bitwise-ior (“inclusive OR”), bitwise-xor, and bitwise-not should be obvious, except that they can be given arguments of arbitrary length. To figure out what they should do, consider their arguments to be padded on the left. Nonnegative integers are padded with an infinite number of 0’s, and negative integers are padded with an infinite number of 1’s (as happens with 2’s complement numbers). Thus (bitwise-not 0) is −1.

The function integer-length will return the number of bits in a number without such padding, and arithmetic-shift will shift such sequences of bits a specified number of places left or right.

CS 241 also deals with bits grouped into bytes and words. Racket provides the data type bytestring to deal with such groupings effectively. A byte string is a sequence of bytes, each byte being a value between 0 and 255 inclusive. You can specify a byte-string constant like a string constant but putting a # just before the first double quote. If you need to specify an eight-bit value that doesn’t correspond to a character on the keyboard or a convenient escape sequence like "\n", you can use a backslash followed by the octal representation; thus the byte strings #"a" and #"a" are equal.

There are a number of bytestring functions that parallel the string functions. For example, there are functions bytes->list and list->bytes; the lists produced are not lists of characters but lists of numbers between 0 and 255. Sections Byte and String Input and Byte and String Output of the Racket Reference describe byte I/O, again parallel to the character-based I/O described above in I/O in Racket. For example, there are functions read-bytes-line, read-bytes (with the number of bytes to be read as a parameter), read-byte, and the corresponding write procedures.

5.2.5 Structures🔗

CS 135 students will be familiar with structures, which are found full Racket and the teaching languages. Here is the definition of a structure type holding the coordinates of a point from Racket, with syntax similar to how structures worked in Beginning Student:

(define-struct posn (x y) #:transparent)

CS 135 students will not be familiar with the third argument, which makes the fields of the structure visible in all circumstances. (This is best described in the Reference documentation for Defining Structure Types: struct.

The above expression, when evaluated, provides the constructor make-posn (taking two arguments in this case), the selectors posn-x and posn-y, and the type predicate posn?. Structures are immutable by default; adding the keyword #:mutable also provides the field mutators set-posn-x! and set-posn-y!.

The preferred way to define a structure in full Racket, however, is to use the struct keyword instead of define-struct. With this definition:

(struct posn (x y) #:transparent)

the constructor is simply called posn; all other selectors, predicates, and mutators, however, as defined in the same fashion as define-struct though.

5.2.6 Vectors🔗

Most languages provide arrays, which implement constant-time insertion and lookup into a fixed- sized table. In Racket, these are known as vectors. The only advantage of vectors over lists is speed. However, they are less flexible than lists. Imperative languages tend to emphasize arrays for historical reasons, and many “pseudocode” algorithms are described using them. These algorithms can often be implemented using lists or hash tables (described below). There are times when vectors are appropriate, but this has to be determined by a careful examination of their intended use.

A vector can be created with vector. The expression (vector 1 ’blue true) returns a vector containing the three given elements. build-vector consumes an integer k and an optional initial value, and creates a vector of size k. vector-length produces the length of its vector argument. Vectors are indexed starting with 0. (vector-ref v i) produces the ith element of vector v, and (vector-set! v i val) sets the ith element of v to val. The functions vector->list and list->vector do what they suggest.

Here is an implementation of binary search using vectors. Note that we are using the Racket construct (if test true-exp false-exp), which shortens single-test conds (Racket also provides one- armed when and unless). You should know that #f and false are the only things that if and cond tests consider to be false, but any other value is considered to be true. This can simplify some tests.

We are also using the local construct from CS135, which provides a convenient alternative to the Racket constructs let, let∗, and letrec. We will discuss Local and Let below.

; binary search
(define (contains? svec key)
  (local (
          (define (bin-search lower upper)
            (if (= lower upper)
                (local (
                        (define (mid (quotient (+ lower upper) 2))))
                  (if (> key (vector-ref svec mid))
                      (bin-search (add1 mid) upper)
                      (bin-search lower mid)))))
          (define answer (bin-search 0 (sub1 (vector-length svec)))))
    (if (= key (vector-ref svec answer))
; an example vector and some tests
(define example (vector 1 3 5 6 7 9 10 12))
(= (contains? example 3) 1)
(not (contains? example 8))
(= (contains? example 9) 5)
5.2.7 Hash Tables🔗

Racket provides both mutable and immutable hash tables, described in Hash Tables in the Racket Reference. These implement what one might call “dictionaries”, providing nearly constant-time insertion, lookup, modification, and deletion of (key, value) pairs. The only advantage of a hash table over a list of (key,value) pairs (or an unbalanced binary search tree) is speed. Hash tables retain some of the flexibility of lists, but there is no implicit ordering. Hash tables will be useful in CS 241 for implementing symbol tables and other lookup tables. There will be times, however, when a list of (key,value) pairs will suffice.

(make-hash) creates a new hash table in which values are to be compared with equal?, as is necessary for strings; (make-hasheq) creates a table for which eq? (pointer comparison) is used). (hash-set! table key value) puts the given (key, value) pair into the given table (removing any other pair with the same key), and (hash-ref table key failure) retrieves the value associated with the given key. If there is no such value, then if failure is a procedure with zero arguments, it is called and it provides the value; if failureis not a procedure, it is returned by hash-ref. (hash-remove table key) will remove any (key, value) pair without replacing it. (hash-count table) gives the number of elements in the hash table. You can iterate over hash tables with hash-map (which accumulates the result of applying the given function into a list) or hash-for-each. Racket also provides immutable hash tables, which can be updated in a purely functional fashion (the update function produces a new table).

Here is an example of removing duplicates from a list in (essentially) linear time. We process the list accumulatively, checking whether each element is a key in the hash table. If it is, it’s a duplicate. If it isn’t, we add it (with value true), and also add it to the accumulator.

(define (remove-duplicates lst)
  (local (
          (define ht (make-hash))
          (define (rd-helper lst acc)
              [(empty? lst) (reverse acc)]
                 [(hash-ref ht (first lst) false)
                  (rd-helper (rest lst) acc)]
                  (hash-set! ht (first lst) true)
                  (rd-helper (rest lst) (cons (first lst) acc))])])))
    (rd-helper lst empty)))
; produces  (2 3 4 1)
(remove-duplicates (list 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 2 3))
5.2.8 Higher-Order Functions, Eval, Apply🔗

The common presentation of map gives it two arguments (a function with one parameter, and a list). In fact, it can take k arguments, where the first argument is a function accepting k 1 parameters. The expression (map + list1 list2 list3) will produce a list which is the element-wise sum of the three argument lists. This is also true for for-each, and for many other higher-order list functions such as foldr and foldl (which are discussed below).

The Racket function apply consumes a function and a list, and applies the function with the elements of the list as an argument; (apply + (list 1 2 3)) produces 6. This is occasionally useful.

5.2.9 Implicit Begins and Internal Defines🔗

There are implicit begin statements wrapped around the body of every lambda expression (including the implicit ones in function definition), and every local, let, and the other similar constructs discussed below in Local and Let. There are also implicit begin statements wrapped around every cond answer (though not if, for obvious reasons). We used this in the “remove duplicates” example in the Hash Tables section above.

Before the implicit begin in a lambda or function definition, Racket allows internal defines. This is an alternative to immediately using one of the constructs in the next section (internal definitions are converted to a use of letrec).

5.2.10 Local and Let🔗

The single local binding construct local used in 135 is also available in the full Racket language, but Racket contains many similar constructs.

let takes a number of name-value bindings without using the keyword define, plus any number of body expressions. (let ([x 1] [y 2]) (+ x y)) yields 3. None of the names are in the scope of any of the value-expressions.

let∗ is like let, but later bindings can use names defined in earlier bindings. let∗ is implemented using nested lets.

letrec adds the feature that all of the names are in the scope of all the value-expressions. It can be used to define recursive and mutually-recursive procedures.

The semantics of local is that the list of definitions at the beginning are lifted to the top level after being rewritten using unique names, with a similar rewriting of the body; the following two blocks are semantically equivalent:

(local ((define x 1)
        (define y (+ x 1)))
  (+ x y))
(define x_unique 1)
(define y_unique (+ x_unique 1))
(+ x_unique y_unique)

There is a variation on let known as “named let” which facilitates the writing of loops. CS 135 teaches how to do this using an accumulatively-recursive helper function. The following code does this using a named let, whose syntax essentially defines the local helper function myloop. The names in the list of bindings in the let become the parameters, and the values are the initial arguments.

(define (filter pred lst)
  (let myloop ((l lst) (acc empty))
      [(empty? l) (reverse acc)]
      [(pred (first l)) (myloop (rest l) (cons (first l) acc))]
      [else (myloop (rest l) acc)])))
(filter even? '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
; produces '(2 4 6)
This saves a little bit of typing and indentation.

Racket provides for-style iterations and comprehensions (see for and friends), which are basically ways of writing nested loops in a very terse fashion. These may save you a lot of typing, at the cost of some time spent initially to learn to use them properly.

5.2.11 List Utilities🔗

CS 135 students will be familar with the renamed basic list functions first, rest, and empty?, which make code easier to read. Then there is the higher-order function filter, as well as foldr which abstracts structural recursion on lists and foldl which abstracts accumulative recursion. Pairs and Lists of the Racket Reference lists several more useful utilities, such as assf for working on association lists (lists of two-element lists), findf, last-pair, sort, take, drop, append-map, filter-not, remove, and remove∗. Knowing about these can save a lot of time coding small helper functions.

5.2.12 Regular Expressions🔗

CS 135 and CS 136 spent little time on strings in Racket. There are some useful string functions provided with the string datatype, but the really useful ones concern regular expressions.

Racket provides some functions which use regular expressions to manipulate strings. A regular expression is a way of specifying a string which is actually a pattern intended to match a portion of another string called the text string. The simplest regular expressions are strings like "abc", which just matches an occurrence of "abc" in the text string. But some characters are special in patterns. A period matches any character, so "a.c" will match an occurrence of "abc" but also "aqc". If you really want to match a period, you must escape it with a backslash: "a\\.bc". You can match zero or more occurrences of a character by putting an asterisk after it, and one or more by using a plus. So "a*bc" will match "bc", "abc", "aabc", and so on. There are more special characters, which you can read about in Regular Expressions in the Racket Reference and in Regular Expressions in the Racket Guide.

Playing with various patterns and texts, using regexp-match, is the best way to understand these. Note that you will learn about regular expressions in CS 241, though the syntax will be different, as it will be for regular expression libraries in other languages. regexp-match, given a pattern and text, produces a list of all substrings of the text that match the pattern. regexp-split is the opposite: given a pattern and text, it produces a list of strings which are all the parts that don’t match. This is very useful.

(define test "abc,def,gh,i,jk,lmn")
(regexp-split "," test)
; returns ("abc" "def" "gh" "i" "jk" "lmn")

You know from CS 135 and CS 136 that a typical way of working with a string in Racket is to convert it to a list of characters with string->list, process it in some fashion (perhaps making use of abstract list functions) and convert the result back with list->string. Many efficient implemen- tations of this type of processing are also provided by Racket; functions like string-append. Other functions, like string-take, string-drop, string-map, string-fold, string-index, and string/replace, can be accessed by the standard Scheme library (require srfi/13).

Racket also provides string-join (in base Racket) and string-tokenize (in SRFI/13) may be useful for simple ways of putting together or taking apart strings.

String processing is tricky in many languages. Suppose you wish to write code to create an answer list incrementally by tacking one new element at a time onto the end, using append. This will, as we saw in CS 135, take time proportional to the square of the length of the final result. The same thing will be true if we use string-append to tack short strings on to the end of an answer string one at a time. The solution in CS 135 was to accumulate the answer list in reverse order (just using cons to add each new element to the front of the accumulator) and reverse it once it was complete. The string solution, using SRFI/13, is to accumulate the answer string as a list of strings in reverse order and then use string-concatenate-reverse (a function you can easily write yourself) to concatenate the strings from the end of the list to the front, in time proportional to the length of the final result. There is also a functionstring-concatenate in case you have the list of strings in the correct order already.

5.2.13 Quasiquote and Matching🔗

You probably know quote as a way of quickly writing lists. The lists '((1 2) (3 4)) and (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4)) are structurally equal.

Quasiquote is a way of using quote notation but interpolating expressions which are not quoted, but evaluated. To do this, an open-single-quote is used to start the list, and a comma to start an expression that is evaluated.

(equal? '(1 2 ,(+ 3 4)) '(1 2 7))

This avoids big expressions using list. You can also splice in the contents of an expression which evaluates to a list, using ,@.

(equal? '(1 2 ,@(build-list 3 add1)) '(1 2 1 2 3))

Trees are an important data structure in CS 241. From CS 135, you know that you can rep- resent trees using either structures (example: binary search trees) or hierarchical lists (example: expression trees). The advantage of using structures is that code is more readable and you will get an understandable error if your code assumes a node is of one type but you provide it a node of a different type. The advantage of using lists is that the notation described above makes it easy to describe data, you have all the abstract list functions available to you, and you don’t need to replicate code for similar but different types of structures. You will have to think carefully about how you represent data.

Some of the differences between these two representations can be erased with the use of pattern matching, introduced in Pattern Matching in the Racket Reference and Pattern Matching in the Racketr Guide. Racket provides a number of pattern-matching functions that are very useful when you have to destructure and work with lists or structures. Instead of using list or structure selector functions to pick values out, and then using constructor functions to put together a related computed value, you can specify a pattern with variables that match parts of lists or structures, and then use those variables to specify the result.

The example below shows how a value is removed from a binary search tree using conventional syntax, and then using the match special form.
(define (remove-from-bst n bst)
    [(boolean? bst) false]
    [(< (node-ssn bst) n)
      (node-ssn bst)
      (node-name bst)
      (node-left bst)
      (remove-from-bst n (node-right bst)))]
    [(> (node-ssn bst) n)
      (node-ssn bst)
      (node-name bst)
      (remove-from-bst n (node-left bst))
      (node-right bst))]
    [(boolean? (node-left bst))
     (node-right bst)]
    [(boolean? (node-right bst))
     (node-left bst)]
      (node-ssn (largest-in-bst (node-left bst)))
      (node-name (largest-in-bst (node-left bst)))
      (remove-largest-from-bst (node-left bst))
      (node-right bst))]))
(define (remove2 n bst)
  (match bst
    [#f false]
    [(struct node s nm l r)
       [(< s n) (make-node s nm l (remove2 n r))]
       [(> s n) (make-node s nm (remove2 n l) r)]
       [(boolean? l) r]
       [(boolean? r) l]
       [else (match-let ([(struct node s1 nm1)  (largest-in-bst l)])
               (make-node s1 nm1 (remove-largest-from-bst l) r))])]))

You can see how match takes an argument and a series of pattern-expression pairs; the first pattern that matches binds a number of pattern variables which are used in evaluating the corre- sponding expression. The “struct” indicates a structure (whose name follows); changing that to “list” would match a five-element list, binding the five names that follow (node is the first) to each of the values in it. An underscore or “ ” will match anything. Note the use ofmatch-let in the last case. This type of pattern matching is built into the languages ML and Haskell, but is not standard in regular Racket.

There are many more options for patterns described in section Pattern Matching of the Racket Reference. The example below demonstrates the use of literal symbols and computed predicates in simplifying an interpreter for arithmetic expressions such as ’(+ (∗ 2 3) (− 4 1)). First, we present the version written without pattern matching.

(define (interp exp)
    [(number? exp) exp]
    [(symbol=? (first exp) ’+) (+ (interp (second exp)) (interp (third exp)))]
    [(symbol=? (first exp) ’−) ( (interp (second exp)) (interp (third exp)))]
    [(symbol=? (first exp) ’∗) ( (interp (second exp)) (interp (third exp)))]
    [(symbol=? (first exp) ’/) (/ (interp (second exp)) (interp (third exp)))]))
This would be even less readable if we used car, cadr, and caddr instead of first, second, and third. It’s not too bad as is, but if we want to add more syntax (keywords, variables, etc.) it would get complicated fast. Here’s the pattern-matching version.

(define (interp exp)
  (match exp
    [(list ’+ l r) (+ (interp l) (interp r))]
    [(list ’− l r) ( (interp l) (interp r))]
    [(list ’∗ l r) ( (interp l) (interp r))]
    [(list ’/ l r) (/ (interp l) (interp r))]
    [(? number? n) n]))
These techniques can pay off when manipulating abstract syntax trees in CS 241.