Context-Free Grammar & Parsing File Formats

The assignment on context-free grammars and parsing involves various file formats, which are constructed by combining various components. These components are summarized below.

CFG Component

A CFG component starts with a header line .CFG, followed by a sequence of lines representing the rules of the CFG. Each line after the header has the form:

left-hand-side-symbol right-hand-side-symbols

Where left-hand-side-symbol is a single symbol, and right-hand-side-symbols is either a sequence of symbols separated by whitespace, or the special string .EMPTY. A symbol is a string of printable non-whitespace ASCII characters that is not equal to .EMPTY.

These lines should be interpreted as CFG production rules. For example, the line expr expr - term would represent the rule expr → expr - term.

The special string .EMPTY represents the empty string (normally denoted ε); so the line S .EMPTY would represent the rule S → ε.

The other elements of the CFG may be inferred from the production rules as follows:


Consider the following CFG with start symbol expr:

expr → expr + term | term
term → term * factor | factor
factor → # | id

As a CFG component, it would look like this:

expr expr + term
expr term
term term * factor
term factor
factor #
factor id

Here is an example that uses the empty string:

S → (S)S | ε

As a CFG component, it would look like this:

S ( S ) S

Note the whitespace in the first rule. If we wrote it as S (S)S, then (S)S would be treated as a single symbol instead of four symbols.

The remaining components are all defined relative to a CFG. They do not make sense unless exactly one CFG component has been defined earlier in the file.


A DERIVATION component starts with a header line .DERIVATION, and is followed by a sequence of lines representing the steps of a leftmost derivation of a string, using the rules of the specified CFG.

Each line contains a single rule from the CFG, representing the rule that was applied to expand the leftmost nonterminal at that step the derivation. These rule lines have the same format as the rule lines in a CFG component.

The derivation steps must satisfy the following conditions to be valid:

The derivation steps can optionally be preceded by whitespace. This allows you to use indentation to organize your derivations, which you may find useful.


Suppose this is our CFG component:

expr expr + term
expr term
term term * factor
term factor
factor #
factor id

Here is a DERIVATION component for this CFG:

expr expr + term
 expr term
  term factor
   factor id
 term term * factor
  term factor
   factor #
  factor id

The indentation is optional, but makes it a little easier to see which line expands which nonterminal. This represents the following leftmost derivation:

⇒ expr + term 
⇒ term + term
⇒ factor + term
⇒ id + term
⇒ id + term * factor
⇒ id + factor * factor
⇒ id + # * factor
⇒ id + # * id

The image below shows the correspondence between the leftmost derivation and the parse tree for the string id + # * id.

INPUT Component

An INPUT component starts with a header line .INPUT, followed by a sequence of terminal symbols from the CFG, with each symbol separated by whitespace (possibly including newlines). This represents an input string for a parser. The parser should interpret the entire input section as a single string to be parsed, not as multiple strings.


Suppose we have this CFG component:

S BOF expr EOF
expr expr - term
expr term
term id
term ( expr )

Each of the following INPUT components is a valid way of specifying the following input sequence: BOF id - ( id - id ) EOF

BOF id - ( id - id ) EOF

id - ( id - id )


ACTIONS Component

An ACTIONS component starts with a header line .ACTIONS, and is followed by a sequence of lines representing actions for an bottom-up parser to perform. Each line has one of the following forms:

reduce n

In a reduce n line, n is a non-negative integer referring to a rule in the CFG. The first rule is numbered 0, the second rule is numbered 1, and so on.

See the assignment specification for more details on how the actions in an ACTIONS component should be processed.


A TRANSITIONS component starts with a header line .TRANSITIONS, followed by a sequence of lines encoding the transitions of an SLR(1) parsing DFA for the given CFG.

States of the DFA are represented by non-negative integers, and the initial state of the DFA is state 0.

To completely specify an SLR(1) parsing DFA, a REDUCTIONS component (discussed below) is also required.

Each line after the header has the form:

from-state symbol to-state

Where from-state and to-state are non-negative integers, and symbol is a terminal or nonterminal symbol from the CFG.


A REDUCTIONS component starts with a header line .REDUCTIONS, followed by a sequence of lines encoding information about the reducible items in the SLR(1) parsing DFA.

To completely specify an SLR(1) parsing DFA, a TRANSITIONS component (discussed above) is also required.

Each line after the header has the form:

state-number rule-number tag

Where state-number and rule-number are non-negative integers, and tag is either a terminal symbol from the CFG, or the special string .ACCEPT. Each of these lines has the following meaning:


Consider the following CFG:
S → BOF expr EOF
expr → expr - term
expr → term
term → id
term → ( expr )

The components below encode this CFG and its SLR(1) DFA.

S BOF expr EOF
expr expr - term
expr term
term id
term ( expr )
0 BOF 6
1 id 2
1 ( 3
1 term 8
3 id 2
3 ( 3
3 term 4
3 expr 7
6 id 2
6 ( 3
6 term 4
6 expr 10
7 - 1
7 ) 9
10 - 1
10 EOF 5
2 3 -
2 3 )
2 3 EOF
4 2 -
4 2 )
4 2 EOF
8 1 -
8 1 )
8 1 EOF
9 4 -
9 4 )
9 4 EOF


This is not a true component; it is simply used to mark end of a file containing components. Every input file format used on the assignment will end with a line that just contains .END so that when you read this line, you know you are done reading the file.