CS 241 - CFG-R (reversed rightmost) File Format (.cfg-r)

A .cfg-r file is a text file representing a context-free grammar followed by an abbreviated reversed rightmost derivation. The format differs from the CFG file format in that it uses an unindented reversed rightmost derivation format, and there must be exactly one derivation (as opposed to zero or more).

Context-free Grammar Representation

The context-free grammar representation is the same as a CFG file. It has four components, in order:

Unindented Reversed Rightmost Derivation

Exactly one derivation immediately follows the context-free grammar (unlike CFG files which allow for zero or multiple derivations). The derivation is a representation of the parse tree, with each node in the tree represented by a line in the file containing a production rule. (In contrast to the derivations in CFG files, these lines do not begin with any spaces.)

The order and indentation of the lines in the derivation are defined by the following recursive rules:

cs241.cfgrl tool

The student.cs environment includes a tool "CFGRL" that converts a .cfg-r file to a .cfg file. To use the tool:

cs241.cfgrl < sample.cfg-r
The tool's error checking is fairly limited. The best way to check for errors in a .cfg-r file is to pass the output of cs241.cfgrl into cs241.cfgcheck:
cs241.cfgrl < sample.cfg-r | cs241.cfgcheck

Example .cfg-r file (sample.cfg-r)

term id
term ( expr )
S BOF expr EOF
expr expr - term
expr term
term id
expr term
term id
expr term
term ( expr )
expr expr - term
term id
expr expr - term
S BOF expr EOF