
CS 241E - Foundations of Sequential Programs (Enriched)


Office Hours

Tutorial Code
Additional Reading

Assignment Setup
IntelliJ IDEA Setup
Assignment Policies



The official statement of the course policies is in the Course Outline. Excerpts of two of those policies are summarized here.

Academic Offences

  • All assignments in CS 241E are to be done individually. You are welcome to discuss general ideas regarding assignments with other students in the class, but no code-level sharing is permitted. You may not look at someone else's code, nor share your code with someone else, either in person or via electronic communication (e.g., instant messaging, discussion forum). When code is shared, both parties are considered to have committed an offence.
  • It is an offence to use someone else's Marmoset account for any purpose.
  • It is an offence to submit for credit anything that has previously been submitted for credit in the same or any other course, unless permission is explicitly granted to do so.
  • Although each assignment is worth only about 2% of your final grade, the standard penalty for an offence under Policy 71 is a grade of 0 on the assignment and an additional 5% deduction from your course grade.
  • Discipline cases involving any automated or partially automated marking system such as Marmoset include, but are not limited to, printing or returning values in order to match expected test results rather than making an actual reasonable attempt to solve the problem as required in the assignment question specification.

Late Policy

  • To receive full credit, a submission must be received before the due date/time of the assignment. For every assignment except Assignment 11, a submission received up to one week late will receive partial credit calculated as 75% of the grade on the late submission plus 25% of the grade on your best on-time submission for the same assignment.