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CS 241E in the Fall 2024 term.
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package cs241e.scanparse
import DFAs.Token
object Grammars {
/** A representation of a production rule in a context-free grammar. */
case class Production(lhs: String, rhs: Seq[String]) {
override def toString: String = lhs + " " + rhs.mkString(" ")
/** A representation of a context-free grammar. */
case class Grammar(productions: Seq[Production]) {
val nonTerminals = productions.map(_.lhs).toSet
val symbols = nonTerminals ++ productions.flatMap(_.rhs).toSet
val terminals = symbols -- nonTerminals
val start = productions.head.lhs
/** Given a non-terminal symbol, returns the set of production rules that have the symbol as their left-hand side.
val productionsExpanding: Map[String, Seq[Production]] =
override def toString: String = productions.mkString("\n")
/** A representation of a node of a parse tree.
* The grammar symbol corresponding to the tree node is in `lhs.kind`. If the tree node is a leaf node representing
* a terminal (token), the lexeme of the token is in `lhs.lexeme`; otherwise, lhs.lexeme is the empty string.
class Tree(val lhs: Token, val children: Seq[Tree] = Seq.empty) {
def production: String = lhs.kind + " " + children.map(_.lhs.kind).mkString(" ")
def show(indent: Int = 0): String = " " * indent + lhs + "\n" + children.map(_.show(indent + 1)).mkString
override def toString: String = show(0)
/** Generates a `Grammar` from a textual description. Each non-empty line of the input is considered a production
* rule of the grammar. The symbols of the production rule are space-separated words on the line. The first word
* is the lhs of the production rule, and the remaining words are the rhs. The lhs of the first production rule
* is considered the start symbol of the grammar.
def parseGrammar(input: String): Grammar = {
def parseLine(line: String): Option[Production] = {
val tokens = line.trim.split(" ").filterNot(_.isEmpty)
if (tokens.isEmpty) None else Some(Production(tokens.head, tokens.tail))
val productions = input.split("\n").flatMap(parseLine)