CS 246 IA/ISA Feedback Form

CS 246 IA/ISA Feedback Form

Anonymous Feedback Form for IA/ISAs

This form will help the Instructional Support Group (ISG) help you.

Please spend a few minutes to tell us about your IAs (Instructional Assistant) and ISAs (Instructional Support Assistant). Your feedback will be received anonymously by the ISC (Instructional Support Coordinator), Patrick Roh. It will help us improve the course support for future terms. Additionally, IA/ISAs will benefit greatly from learning what you appreciated in their work, and what they can improve in the future.

You might want to answer questions such as the following:

Submit this form to comment on a specific IA/ISA. If you want to provide feedback about more than one IA/ISA, you can submit this form as many times as needed. Please make sure to click "submit" at the bottom so that the form is submitted.

Please remember to also submit the course/instructor evaluation.

Now receiving feedback for Spring 2023.

Name of IA/ISA:

How would you rank your IA/ISA?

Please enter your feedback here: