Documentation ============= GTKmm API documentation: GTKmm 3 reference manual: GTKmm 3 tutorial: Glade: Versions of GTKmm ================= ubuntu1404-0NN.student.cs.uwaterloo has gtkmm 2.24.4 installed globally, with gtkmm 3.18.1 installed under /u/cs_build/gtkmm, which means you need to put export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/u/cs_build/gtkmm/lib/pkgconfig/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u/cs_build/gtkmm/lib in your .profile file to ensure the correct paths are searched when compiling and linking. has gtkmm 3.18.0 installed globally. You can use dpkg to search for what version of gtkmm is installed: % dpkg -l "*gtkmm*" Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-===================-==============-==============-=========================================== ii libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a:a 1:2.24.4-1ubun amd64 C++ wrappers for GTK+ (shared libraries) ii libgtkmm-2.4-dbg:am 1:2.24.4-1ubun amd64 C++ wrappers for GTK+ (debug symbols) ii libgtkmm-2.4-dev:am 1:2.24.4-1ubun amd64 C++ wrappers for GTK+ (development files) un libgtkmm-2.4-doc (no description available) ii libgtkmm-3.0-1:amd6 3.10.1-0ubuntu amd64 C++ wrappers for GTK+ (shared libraries) ii libgtkmm-3.0-dbg:am 3.10.1-0ubuntu amd64 C++ wrappers for GTK+ (debug symbols) ii libgtkmm-3.0-dev:am 3.10.1-0ubuntu amd64 C++ wrappers for GTK+ (development files) un libgtkmm-3.0-doc (no description available) Known Glade Issue ================= "I investigated the issue and the problem happens when you use the new gtk+ that I installed in the cs_build account. There's some version incompatibility, and the glade that's installed globally on Ubuntu 14.04 is too old to use the new gtk stuff I installed (it complains about a missing 'sort-directories-first' key which newer gtk has). If you unset the PKG_CONFIG_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, glade should run. But I know it's annoying unsetting and setting them back every time you use glade. Alternatively, you should be able to start glade on ubuntu1604-000.student.cs, with those environment variables set. I'll try and upgrade gtkmm later this week, and at the same time see if I can install a newer version of glade that's usable from ubuntu1404."