Welcome to CS343. Some general notes/reminders: 1. I would recommend that you submit your assignments early and often. There is no penalty for doing so, and its better to find out problems earlier than 5 minutes before the late deadline. Note that submit completely *replaces* all previous submissions. 2. Remember that *doc files have a line limit of 500 lines, 120 characters per line. submit will reject files over that length (see "wc -l"). Note that these files should be ASCII text only, *NOT* Microsoft Word files! 3. Verify that your [Mm]akefile works, produces executables of the required name, and that your code compiles. The mark penalty is pretty big (~1/8th of the question's worth for each question affected)! See "testcompile". 4. The system time clocks between machines are not always synchronized closely. The cut-off time will be based upon cpu08.student.cs's system time clock. Be wary of leaving your assignment submission to the last 10 minutes before the deadline. Submit early and often! 5. If you choose to work at home (and even if you don't), your code has to compile on a CPU server. Use the "hostselect attr=cpu +listall" command to find out what machines are available, or see http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/mfcf/undergrad/Undergrad_Servers.html 6. You must use GNU make. The simplest way is to use the command "make" on Linux. (See "testcompile".) 7. Lack of '\n' on last line is a common problem with make files. Use "od -c makefile" to check. Another one is using CCC instead of CXX. See the course web page for sample make files. 8. Remember, this course doesn't use "automarking" in the sense that grades are not automatically assigned when we compile and test your code. Instead, the markers read the output, and use that in conjunction with your own test document (if applicable) to assign a grade. Good luck, and remember to ask questions if you're stuck!