Administrative API Reference

sqlureot - Reorganize Table

Reorganizes a table by reconstructing the rows to eliminate fragmented data, and by compacting information.


This API affects all nodes in the nodegroup.


One of the following:

Required Connection




C API Syntax

/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Reorganize Table */
/* ... */
  sqlureot (
    _SQLOLDCHAR * pTableName,
    _SQLOLDCHAR * pIndexName,
    _SQLOLDCHAR * pTablespace,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */

Generic API Syntax

/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Reorganize Table */
/* ... */
  sqlgreot (
    unsigned short TablespaceLen,
    unsigned short IndexNameLen,
    unsigned short TableNameLen,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca,
    _SQLOLDCHAR * pTablespace,
    _SQLOLDCHAR * pIndexName,
    _SQLOLDCHAR * pTableName);
/* ... */

API Parameters

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the table space string. Set to zero if no table space is specified.

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the index name. Set to zero if no index is specified.

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length in bytes of the table name.

Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For more information about this structure, see SQLCA.

Input. A string containing the name of the system temporary table space if the caller wants a secondary work area when reorganizing a table. May be NULL.

Input. The fully qualified index name to be used when reorganizing the user table. The records in the reorganized table are physically ordered according to this index. Setting this parameter to NULL causes the data to be reorganized in no specific order.

Input. Name of the table to be reorganized. Can be an alias, except in the case of a down-level server, when the fully qualified name of the table must be used.


REORG TABLE tablename [INDEX iname] [USE tablespace_id]

REXX API Parameters

The fully qualified name of the table.

The fully qualified index name used to reorganize the table. If an index name is not specified, the data is reorganized in no specific order.

The name of a system temporary table space.

Sample Programs




Usage Notes

This API is not supported for declared temporary tables.

Tables that have been modified so many times that data is fragmented and access performance is noticeably slow are candidates for reorganization. Use "REORGCHK" in the Command Reference to determine whether a table needs reorganizing. Be sure to complete all database operations and release all locks before calling REORGANIZE TABLE. This may be done by issuing a COMMIT after closing all cursors opened WITH HOLD, or by issuing a ROLLBACK. After reorganizing a table, use sqlustat - Runstats to update the table statistics, and sqlarbnd - Rebind to rebind the packages that use this table.

If the table is partitioned onto several nodes, and the table reorganization fails on any of the affected nodes, then only the failing nodes will have the table reorganization rolled back.
Note:If the reorganization is not successful, temporary files should not be deleted. The database manager uses these files to recover the database.

If the name of an index is specified, the database manager reorganizes the data according to the order in the index. To maximize performance, specify an index that is often used in SQL queries. If the name of an index is not specified, and if a clustering index exists, the data will be ordered according to the clustering index.

The PCTFREE value of a table determines the amount of free space designated per page. If the value has not been set, the utility will fill up as much space as possible on each page.

REORGANIZE TABLE cannot be used on views.

REORGANIZE TABLE cannot be used on a DMS table while an online backup of a table space in which the table resides is being performed.

To complete a table space roll-forward recovery following a table reorganization, both data and LONG table spaces must be roll-forward enabled.

If the table contains LOB columns that do not use the COMPACT option, the LOB DATA storage object can be significantly larger following table reorganization. This can be a result of the order in which the rows were reorganized, and the types of table spaces used (SMS/DMS).

DB2 Version 2 servers do not support down-level client requests to reorganize a table. Since pre-Version 2 servers do not support table spaces, the pTablespace parameter is treated as the Version 1 path parameter, when Version 2 clients are used with a down-level server.

If a Version 2 client requests to reorganize a table on a Version 2 server, and that request includes a path instead of a temporary table space in the pTablespace parameter (for example, an old application, specifying a temporary file path, being executed on Version 2 clients), REORG chooses a system temporary table space in which to place the work files on behalf of the user. A valid system temporary table space name containing a path separator character (/ or \) should not be specified, because it will be interpreted as a temporary path (pre-Version 2 request), and REORG will choose a system temporary table space on behalf of the user.

REORGANIZE TABLE cannot use an index that is based on an index extension.

See Also

sqlarbnd - Rebind

sqlustat - Runstats.

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