Provides a one-call interface to the table space container query data. The query data for all containers in a table space, or for all containers in all table spaces, is returned in an array.
In a partitioned database server environment, only the table spaces on the current node are listed.
One of the following:
Required Connection
C API Syntax
/* File: sqlutil.h */ /* API: Tablespace Container Query */ /* ... */ SQL_API_RC SQL_API_FN sqlbtcq ( struct sqlca * pSqlca, sqluint32 TablespaceId, sqluint32 * pNumContainers, struct SQLB_TBSCONTQRY_DATA ** ppContainerData); /* ... */ |
Generic API Syntax
/* File: sqlutil.h */ /* API: Tablespace Container Query */ /* ... */ SQL_API_RC SQL_API_FN sqlgtcq ( struct sqlca * pSqlca, sqluint32 TablespaceId, sqluint32 * pNumContainers, struct SQLB_TBSCONTQRY_DATA ** ppContainerData); /* ... */ |
API Parameters
Sample Programs
Usage Notes
This API uses the lower level services, namely:
to get all of the table space container query data at once.
If sufficient memory is available, this function returns the number of containers, and a pointer to the memory location of the table space container query data. It is the user's responsibility to free this memory with a call to sqlefmem (see sqlefmem - Free Memory).
If sufficient memory is not available, this function simply returns the number of containers, and no memory is allocated. If this should happen, use sqlbotcq - Open Tablespace Container Query, sqlbftcq - Fetch Tablespace Container Query, and sqlbctcq - Close Tablespace Container Query to fetch less than the whole list at once.
See Also
sqlbctcq - Close Tablespace Container Query
sqlbftcq - Fetch Tablespace Container Query
sqlbotcq - Open Tablespace Container Query
sqlbstsc - Set Tablespace Containers
sqlbtcq - Tablespace Container Query.