Administrative API Reference

sqluvend - Unlink the Device and Release its Resources

Ends or unlinks the device, and frees all its related resources. The vendor has to free or release unused resources before returning to DB2 (for example, allocated space and file handles).


One of the following:

Required Connection




C API Syntax

/* File: sqluvend.h */
/* API: Unlink the Device and Release its Resources */
/* ... */
int sqluvend (
  sqlint32 action,
  void * pVendorCB,
  struct Init_output  *,
  struct Return_code  *);
/* ... */

API Parameters

Input. Used to commit or abort the session:

Input. Pointer to the Init_output structure.

Output. Space for Init_output de-allocated. The data has been committed to stable storage for a backup if action is to commit. The data is purged for a backup if the action is to abort.

Return code
Output. The return code from the API call.

Usage Notes

This function will be called for each session opened.

There are two possible action codes:

Return Codes

Table 86. Valid Return Codes for sqluvend and Resulting DB2 Action
Literal in Header File Description Probable Next Call Other Comments
SQLUV_OK Operation successful. no further calls Free all memory allocated for this session and terminate.
SQLUV_COMMIT_FAILED Commit request failed. no further calls Free all memory allocated for this session and terminate.
SQLUV_ABORT_FAILED Abort request failed. no further calls

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