Administrative API Reference
Allows application programs to access the Performance Configuration wizard
in the Control Center. Detailed information about this wizard is
provided through the online help facility within the Control Center.
Required Connection
C API Syntax
db2Uint32 db2VersionNumber,
void * pAutoConfigInterface,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
typedef struct {
db2int32 iProductID;
char iProductVersion[DB2_SG_PROD_VERSION_SIZE];
char iDbAlias[SQL_ALIAS_SZ];
db2int32 iApply;
db2AutoConfigInput iParams;
db2AutoConfigOutput oResult;
} db2AutoConfigInterface;
typedef struct {
db2int32 token;
db2int32 value;
} db2AutoConfigElement;
typedef struct {
db2Uint32 numElements;
db2AutoConfigElement * pElements;
} db2AutoConfigArray;
typedef db2AutoConfigArray db2AutoConfigInput;
typedef db2AutoConfigArray db2AutoConfigDiags;
typedef struct {
db2Uint32 numElements;
struct sqlfupd * pConfigs;
void * pDataArea;
} db2ConfigValues;
typedef struct {
db2ConfigValues oOldDbValues;
db2ConfigValues oOldDbmValues;
db2ConfigValues oNewDbValues;
db2ConfigValues oNewDbmValues
db2AutoConfigDiags oDiagnostics;
} db2AutoConfigOutput;
API Parameters
- db2VersionNumber
- Input. Specifies the version and release level of the structure
passed in as the second parameter, pAutoConfigInterface.
- pAutoConfigInterface
- Input. A pointer to the db2AutoConfigInterface
- pSqlca
- Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For
more information about this structure, see SQLCA.
- iProductID
- Input. Specifies a unique product identifier. For valid
Product ID values see the API Include File
- iProductVersion
- Input. A 16 byte string specifying the product version.
- iDbAlias
- Input. A string specifying a database alias.
- iApply
- Input. Updates the configuration automatically.
- iParams
- Input. Passes parameters into the wizard.
- oResult
- Output. Includes all results from the wizard.
- Token
- Specifies the configuration value for both the input parameters and the
output diagnostics.
- Value
- Holds the data specified by the token.
- numElements
- The number of array elements.
- pElements
- A pointer to the element array.
- db2AutoConfigDiags
- Returns tokens and values for diagnostics and problem
determination. The tokens identify the problems and the values state
the recommendations when appropriate. For a list of tokens and values
see the API Include File db2AuCfg.h.
- pConfigs
- A pointer to the SQLFUPD structure. For more information on this
structure see SQLFUPD.
- pDataArea
- A pointer to the data area containing the values of the
- oOldDbValues
- Output. If the iApply value is true, this value represents
the database configuration value prior to using the wizard. If the
apply value is false, this is the current value.
- oOldDbmValues
- Output. If the iApply value is true, this value represents
the database manager configuration value prior to using the wizard. If
the apply value is false, this is the current value.
- oNewDbValues
- Output. If the iApply value is true, this value represents
the current database configuration value. If the apply value is false,
this is recommended value for wizard.
- oNewDbmValues
- Output. If the iApply value is true, this value represents
the current database manager configuration value. If the apply value is
false, this is recommended value for wizard.
- oDiagnostics
- Output. Includes diagnostics from the wizard.
Sample Programs
- C
- \sqllib\samples\cpp\autoconf.sqc
Usage Notes
To free the memory allocated by db2AutoConfg, call db2AutoConfigFreeMemory.
See Also
sqlfudb - Update Database Configuration
sqlfusys - Update Database Manager Configuration.
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