Administrative API Reference

sqlxphcm - Commit an Indoubt Transaction

Commits an indoubt transaction (that is, a transaction that is prepared to be committed). If the operation succeeds, the transaction's state becomes heuristically committed.


This API only affects the node on which it is issued.


One of the following:

Required Connection




C API Syntax

/* File: sqlxa.h */
/* API: Commit an Indoubt Transaction */
/* ... */
extern int SQL_API_FN sqlxphcm(
   int                  exe_type,
   SQLXA_XID            *pTransId,
   struct sqlca         *pSqlca
/* ... */

API Parameters

Input. If EXE_THIS_NODE is specified, the operation is executed only at this node.

Input. XA identifier of the transaction to be heuristically committed.

Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For more information about this structure, see SQLCA.

Usage Notes

Only transactions with a status of prepared can be committed. Once heuristically committed, the database manager remembers the state of the transaction until sqlxhfrg - Forget Transaction Status is issued.

For information about the SQLXA_XID structure, see SQLXA-XID.

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