CS349 User Interfaces (W23)
CS 349 - LAB,LEC,TST - 0.50 - User Interfaces
An introduction to contemporary user interfaces, including the basics of human-computer interaction, the user interface design/evaluation process, the event abstraction, user interface components, specification of user interfaces, and the architectures within which user interfaces are developed. Implementation and evaluation of a typical user interface is considered.
[Note: Lab is not scheduled and students are expected to find time in open hours to complete their work. Offered: F,W,S]
Prereq: CS 241 and (one of MATH 115, 136, 146); Computer Science students only
The course includes lectures every Monday and Wednesday. Lectures will not be recorded, and you are expected to attend classes. Copies of the lecture notes / slides will be provided.
Section | Days | Time | Room |
LEC 001 | MW | 10:00 am - 11:20 am | MC 1085 |
LEC 002 | MW | 11:30 am - 12:50 pm | MC 1085 |
LEC 003 | MW | 2:30 pm - 3:50 pm | RCH 105 |
A comprehensive list of topics by week can be found on the course schedule.
You will also be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the material in programming assignments, bi-weekly quizzes, and a final exam. See assessments for details.
After successfully completing this course, students should be able to:
Explain architectural and design issues underlying current user interfaces.
Understand the design trade-offs of different styles of user interface, and suitability of styles to a particular device.
Design and build compelling and efficient desktop and mobile user interfaces using Kotlin, JavaFX, and the Android SDK.
There are no required textbooks for this course.