CS 350 - Exam Information
Study Aids
Midterm Exam
- When: Tuesday, October 30, 2012: 7:00-9:00 pm
- Where: M3 1006
- If you have a conflict with the scheduled midterm exam time
(e.g. a regular course or another exam at the same time), please send
an email to
Olga Zorin (ozorin@uwaterloo.ca)
as soon as possible, and
not later than Friday September 28,
with the following information: your name, your student id#, your userid,
and brief description of the conflict, i.e., what exam/class, when and where.
- Closed book (no books, notes, or calculators allowed).
- You should be able to
find your seat assignment at
Final Exam
- When: Monday, December 10, 2012: 4:00-6:30pm
- Where: DC 1350, DC 1351