Patch for GDB and OS/161 for Spring 2011

The new version of cs350-gdb that is being used this term may not work completely with OS/161. In particular, it may have trouble identifying source code line numbers and displaying local variables and stack backtraces, which can be a bit of a problem!

We have patched OS/161 to correct this problem, and the OS/161 version that is now available through the course account and the course web page includes the patch. However, some of you may have already installed the unpatched version. If you are experiencing problems with cs350-gdb, you have a couple of options:

  1. One option is to re-install OS/161 from scratch, using the version that is currently available on the web site.
  2. If you don't want to do that, you can easily patch the OS/161 version that you have already installed. To do this, you should replace the file

    with this modified version of the ldscript. Make sure that the new version is called ldscript, like the old one. Once you've installed the new ldscript, you should go to the kernel compile/ASSTX directory and do
    make clean
    make depend
    make install

    This should give you a new kernel which will play nicely with gdb.