CS 350 - Operating Systems
Slip Days
Web Page for Current Term :
University of Waterloo :
Faculty of Mathematics :
School of Computer Science
Each assignment has a due date and a due time, which will be posted on the
course web page. For some assignments we will use a system of "slip days" to
give you some flexibility with the assignment deadlines. Each person starts the
term with five slip days, which can be used to
push back assignment deadlines. Slip days work as follows:
- Pushing an assignment deadline back by one day (24 hours) costs one slip day.
- An assignment deadline can be pushed back at most three days, with the exception of A3, which can only be pushed back at most two days.
Partial slip days are not allowed. In other words, it is not possible to use
part of a slip day to push a deadline back by a few hours.
- Slip days are not transferable from one student to another.
To use a slipday (if you have any remaining), submit your assignment after the
deadline. The number of slipdays you have used (if any) will be automatically
applied against your remaining total when the assignments are marked.
Assignments that are submitted late (with no slip days to cover them) will not
be accepted and will receive a mark of 0%.
Slip Days Query
Click on this button to determine the number of slip days you have left to use.
You will be required to authenticate yourself using your UWDir userid and
password (not your CS Unix password).
Again, all this does is check your remaining slipdays. To actually use a
slipday, simply submit after the assignment deadline.