CS 350 - Course Appeals

Procedure for Assignment Appeals

  1. Contact the TA who marked your assignment. The TA list for each assignment will be made available on the newsgroup.
  2. If you are not satisfied after talking with your TA, fill out a reappraisal form and submit it to your tutor.

Procedure for Exam Appeals

If you have an exam that you would like to have reappraised you must use the reappraisal form. Print this form, fill it out, staple it to the exam in question and hand that in to your tutor. The entire exam will be reevaluated and your grade may be raised or lowered. Please look at the grading, remember that it's not an exact science/art and that while you may have deserved a few marks more on one question you may have been given more marks than you deserve on another question. Also please think about whether your final grade will actually be modified if the grade on an individual piece of work is changed.