Creating a Group
Follow the instructions below carefully and be sure to submit before the deadline.
- Figure out who is going to be in your group.
- One person from each group must submit assignment 0.
- In the submitted file, groups.txt, include a blank separated list of the
userids of the people who will form the group.
For example, the following would be an appropriate submission for a group consisting of
users brecht and fjburkow.
brecht fjburkow
- Creation of your group may take a few days.
Postings will be made on the course newsgroup and/or announcement page to indicate
which group number has been assigned to each group.
- Again: one submission per group, please!
Once you are assigned a group number you will be able to use a shared CVS repository
(see the course webpage for instructions to set this up).
It will be assumed that anyone not listed in a group file submission by the deadline will be
working alone.