CS 350 - Exam Information
Study Aids
Midterm Exam
- When: Tuesday February 24, 2009, 19:00-21:00
- Where: MC 4059 and 4061
- Pencils and brains only: no books, notes, or calculators
- If you have a conflict with the scheduled midterm exam time
(e.g. a regular course or another exam at the same time), please send
an email to Fenglian Qiu
as soon as possible, and not later than Friday January 30,
with the following information: your name, your student id#, your userid,
and brief description of the conflict, i.e., what exam/class, when and where.
- Alternate exam: Tuesday February 24, 2009, 16:15-18:15 or 16:45-18:45 in MC 2034
Final Exam
- When: Wednesday April 22, 2009, 9:00-11:30am
- Where: PAC 11, 12
- Pencils and brains only: no books, notes, or calculators
- Official
final exam information from the registrar's office.