“Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing.”
— Rob Pike
In this module, we discuss Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), a paradigm that has enjoyed considerable popularity in recent decades. Proponents of OOP cite its potential for information hiding and code reuse; opponents argue that the hierarchical type systems imposed by object-oriented languages are not always an accurate reflection of reality, and can lead to compromised and unintuitive type hierarchies.
Objects were first introduced in 1967, as part of the programming language Simula, a descendent of Algol1 . While Simula had many of the features we now attribute to OOP, they came almost by accident from its goal of simulation (hence the name). Later languages, in particular our exemplar, Smalltalk, are responsible for expanding on and refining them into modern OOP.
However, the widespread adoption of OOP into the programming mainstream did not happen until decades later. OOP grew from fairly niche to major importance in the 1990s. Currently, OOP is one of the most popular (probably the most popular) paradigms among programmers; most widely-used modern programming languages have some kind of support for OOP. However, there are relatively few languages that conform strictly to the object-oriented mentality and may thus be legitimately considered “purely” object-oriented. Smalltalk is one such language, but it’s difficult even to name a second, setting aside research languages and languages with no modern maintenance. Instead, OOP acts more as a “meta-paradigm” that may be combined with other paradigms. For example, Ada95 and C++ are fundamentally structured, procedural languages, with support for objects in addition to that procedural core. Java conforms more strictly to the object-oriented mentality than do C++ and Ada (as Java forces programs to be organized into classes), but the language in which methods are written in Java remains fundamentally structured programming. On the other hand, languages like CLOS and OCaml add object-orientation to functional languages.
In Module 1, when we introduced Smalltalk, it was described as being “so object oriented that it’s barely a procedural imperative language”. It is the complete absence of traditional procedures, the fact that even simple numbers are objects, and the encapsulation of conditions and loops—structured programming—into objects that makes Smalltalk purely object-oriented. Mostly-OOP languages like Java eschew this level of OOP purity in favor of familiarity and predictability.
Because of its current widespread popularity, object-oriented programming is a particularly difficult paradigm to study in the abstract. Part of the reason for the difficulty is that there is no widespread consensus among programmers and language designers about what the defining features of an object-oriented language should be. Here we will present the most common language features possessed by object-oriented languages. When we discuss semantics, we will discuss it in the context of Smalltalk, with occasional sidebars to discuss how other languages differ.
At the very least, OOP has objects: the encapsulation of data and behavior into a single abstraction, which can be viewed equivalently as records with associated code, or code with associated records. Some other language features commonly associated with object-oriented programming are outlined below:
Most object-oriented languages possess at least some of the above characteristics.
You’ve already learned and used Smalltalk in this course, so there’s no need to introduce its syntax here. Instead, we’ll discuss Smalltalk’s place in language history.
Smalltalk was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg, and many others. You may have heard of Xerox PARC; it’s a research group famous for inventing everything before anyone else and then failing to monetize any of it. Among their various inventions are:
Xerox is known for printers.
In fact, the first and third items in that list are one and the same: Smalltalk! The graphical user interface that Xerox PARC was famous for inventing was Smalltalk. Indeed, a course on the history of human-computer interaction (HCI) would probably discuss Smalltalk as a major leap forward in HCI, with only a brief mention of the fact that it’s also a programming language. It’s nearly impossible to separate the two concepts, because of the experience of programming in Smalltalk: there is no such thing as a Smalltalk file2 , and to write Smalltalk code, one interacts with a Smalltalk environment in which they can graphically create and define new classes. The Smalltalk language and implementation were described thoroughly in the so-called “blue book”, Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation [3]. The Smalltalk programming environment was described in the so-called “red book”, Smalltalk-80: The Interactive Programming Environment [2]. An example of a Smalltalk environment is shown in Figure 1.
Smalltalk’s design throws out the idea of a main function or starting point, and instead opts for the program and
interface to be a uniform medley of objects. This is useful for keeping Smalltalk quite pure in its OOP design: in Smalltalk,
everything is an object. But, we need many objects to already exist to even perform basic functions (think of
Smalltalk’s true
and false
), so it’s hard to rectify this design with a “starting point”. Instead, Smalltalk
software is distributed as images, which are essentially a frozen state of one of these object medleys; one
loads an image and is then experiencing the same environment as that in which the programmer wrote their
Ultimately, much of that design, while central to Smalltalk’s philosophy, isn’t relevant to our interest in object-oriented programming. GNU Smalltalk gets around it by having a special file syntax and semantics. We’ll get around it by borrowing a concept from Java: a main class with a main method. But, we’re getting ahead of ourselves; let’s focus on the basic elements of OOP.
Smalltalk is untyped, so when discussing types, we’ll use an extended syntax borrowed from Strongtalk [1], a typed3 variant of Smalltalk. In Strongtalk, the types of fields, variables, arguments to methods, and returns from methods are annotated with explicit types, like so:
1hypotenuseWithSide: x <Number> andSide: y <Number> ^<Number> [ 2 | x2 <Number> y2 <Number> | 3 x2 := x*x. 4 y2 := y*y. 5 ^(x2 + y2) sqrt 6]
The <Number>
next to each argument indicates that that argument is of type Number
, and the ^<Number>
at the end
indicates that this method returns a Number
as well. Like in the Simply Typed λ-calculus, the return type can be discovered
from the return statements in the method, so it doesn’t need to be explicitly specified. But, as methods may have multiple
return statements in Smalltalk, we’ll specify it explicitly.
Most—but not all—object-oriented languages use classes to describe objects, and can be described as class-based languages. A class is a description of a set of objects with identical behavior and identical form, but (presumably) different internal state. This definition is similar to the definition of a type, and indeed, classes form the types of an object-oriented type system. For now, let’s just focus on semantics.
In a purely object-oriented, class-based language, the global scope contains only classes, and all imperative code must be boxed into classes. Even in GNU Smalltalk, which violates OOP purity by allowing behavior outside of classes, the global scope contains only classes; GNU Smalltalk also has a file scope, and an individual file may have other elements in its scope, but if you load multiple files, they can only see each others’ classes.
A class contains fields and methods. The fields are conceptually the same as fields of a record from imperative languages, and in that aspect, classes can be considered to be an extension of records: every object of a given class has values for each field declared in the class. Purely object-oriented languages such as Smalltalk provide no syntax for accessing the fields of another object, so that the particular fields of an object are an implementation detail, but most object-oriented languages provide a way to break this encapsulation. Public fields can always be rewritten in terms of getter and setter methods, so the distinction is largely in intent.
Methods are conceptually similar to procedures, but they are associated with classes, and a given method is called on an object of the class, so that a given method will always be called with an appropriate object. There is a now-simmering war between two camps on how to describe methods: Smalltalk proponents usually describe messages which are matched to methods, and the methods are then invoked. In Java, C++, and most other object-oriented languages, methods are simply “called”, like procedures. There is no practical difference between them, and we only fight over this question of language because programming language people are, after all, language people.
The object that a method is called on is the receiver of the message if you’re using Smalltalk terms, and the target of the
call otherwise. It is sometimes conceptually convenient to describe the target as a “hidden parameter”, and that is indeed
how implementations of object-oriented languages work, but taking this concept too far will make typing of class-based
languages inconsistent, so be careful of it. Within a method, the target object can be accessed, typically with the name self
or this
, depending on the language.
We’ll use GNU Smalltalk’s syntax for classes. In GNU Smalltalk, we declare a class—we’ll ignore for the moment the subclassing that this introduces—like so:
Rectangle subclass: Square [ " content of the Square class... " ]
This introduces the name Square
into the global scope, referencing the class. The class can be used to create objects,
with, in this case, Square new
. There are as many syntaxes for creating objects of a given class as there are object-oriented
programming languages, so we won’t explore any others.
Let’s create a syntax for class declarations. For the time being, that’s the only syntax we’ll need:
⟨prog⟩ | ::= 𝜖 | ||
| ⟨classdecl⟩⟨prog⟩ | |||
⟨classdecl⟩ | ::= ⟨var⟩subclass : ⟨var⟩[⟨fieldsdecl⟩⟨methodslist⟩] | ||
⟨fieldsdecl⟩ | ::= 𝜖 | ||
| “|”⟨varlist⟩“|” | |||
⟨varlist⟩ | ::= 𝜖 | ||
| ⟨var⟩⟨varlist⟩ | |||
⟨methodslist⟩ | ::= |
Thus, a program is a list of class declarations, and a class declaration has four parts: a superclass, a name, field declarations, and method declarations. We haven’t defined the syntax for methods, but as you’ve already seen Smalltalk, we’ll use its syntax in examples.
Note that in the file itself, nothing does anything. We’ve encountered this phenomenon before: in most typed functional languages, you can only write declarations into a file, not expressions. In a purely object-oriented language, you can only write class declarations into a file, not statements.
Aside: In this sense, purely object-oriented languages are declarative: declarations are primary, not behavior. Indeed, the same thing tends to happen with typed procedural languages. For historical reasons, the “declarative” paradigm is considered opposite to imperative, and so has less to do with declarations than referential transparency.
When a class is declared, it is declared a subclass of some existing class, which is in turn its superclass. In our simple
example, Square
was declared as a subclass of the Rectangle
class. This means that it inherits all of the fields and
methods from Rectangle
. At its most basic level, this inheritance is very simple: if Rectangle
has a field named width
, then
also has a field named width
; if Rectangle
has a method named area
, then Square
has an identical method
named area
. But, Square
may be defined with additional fields and methods as well as those defined by
Finally, Square
may re-define methods that were defined in Rectangle
: instead of inheriting the behavior of a
method, it may override the behavior of a method. In such an overridden method, you may call the superclass’s
original implementation, or any other method of the superclass, typically with a special syntax that looks like
calling the method on the object super
. For instance, consider this partial implementation of Rectangle
1Object subclass: Rectangle [ 2 | width height | 3 " ... constructor, etc... " 4 5 setWidth: v [ 6 width := v. 7 ] 8 9 setHeight: v [ 10 height := v. 11 ] 12 13 setWidth: w setHeight: h [ 14 self setWidth: w. 15 self setHeight: h. 16 ] 17 18 area [ 19 ^width * height 20 ] 21] 22 23Rectangle subclass: Square [ 24 setWidth: v [ 25 super setWidth: v. 26 super setHeight: v. 27 ] 28 29 setHeight: v [ 30 self setWidth: v. 31 ] 32]
By overriding the setWidth:
and setHeight:
methods, a Square
guarantees that it will always be, well, square: the
method calls Rectangle
’s setWidth:
and setHeight:
methods on the same value, and the setHeight:
method calls
’s setWidth:
method. There’s no need to override the setWidth:setHeight:
method, since it calls setWidth:
, but it’s important to note the behavior of self setWidth:
and self setHeight:
within the setWidth:setHeight:
method: if self
is a Square
, then this will call Square
’s method even though it’s actually part of the implementation of
! Any method which is not overridden is inherited, so regardless, the subclass is guaranteed to have at least all the
same methods as the superclass. Some languages require explicitly specifying when a method is intended to override a
superclass method.
When a method is dispatched, it is the class of the actual object at run-time that determines which method implementation (the original or an override) will be called, never the static type. Method dispatch intentionally obscures what method implementation is actually called, as subclasses—including subclasses the calling code is unaware of—may override methods of superclasses. In this way, code that uses objects is separated from the code that implements the objects, allowing modular substitution of methods—at least, ideally. Note that in C++, methods are non-virtual by default, which is quite contrary to the spirit of object-oriented programming; methods are a concept that exists exactly for this virtualization, so hobbling that renders C++ non-OO by default.
Aside: I will repeatedly pick on C++ when mentioning many features. This isn’t because of particular animosity to C++; it’s just expected that many programmers have learned OO with C++, and unfortunately, if they have, then they’ve learned a very peculiar derivative of OO. It’s necessary to mention the many ways that C++ is not OO (or atypically OO) so that programmers accustomed to it know when to discard this prior knowledge.
Since classes define objects with the same fields and methods, the implication of this inheritance is that an object of the
class Square
is an object of the class Rectangle
: it has at least all the same fields and methods, so anything you can do with
a Rectangle
, you can do with a Square
. But it may have more than Rectangle
has. So, all Square
s are Rectangle
s, but not
all Rectangle
s are Square
s. This requirement also mandates the use of references to objects: if Square
added additional
fields, then it would need more space, but a local variable of type Rectangle
must also accept a Square
, so instead the local
variable simply stores a reference, which is always the same size. Once again, C++’s violation of this makes C++ non-OO
by default; you must use pointers or references to objects in C++ for subclasses and their superclasses to be truly
At the basic level, the semantics of an object-oriented language follow naturally from the semantics of an imperative language. However, as basic mathematical operators are—or at least, can be—methods, we don’t need most of the weight from even the Simple Imperative Language. Instead, we will define a simple(ish) semantics, with some parts based very loosely on Featherweight Java [4], for an object-oriented language in the style of Smalltalk.
We need a few exceptions to Smalltalk to make the language tractable to formally define its semantics. First, we will
make field access syntactically distinct from local variable access, by imagining that fields are accessed with an arrow, e.g.
, as in C++. Since fields and local variables are both explicitly declared, it would be trivial to modify existing
Smalltalk code in this way. Second, because Smalltalk has several different syntaxes for methods, we require that
all user-defined methods be of the colon-separated form, such as setWidth:setHeight:
. We will define two
zero-argument methods as built-in methods, and this will assure that they are separate and distinct from user
methods, as well as just simplifying the rules for calling methods. Third, we require that every method have
exactly one return statement, and that that return statement be the last statement in the method. This is
because return’s ability to break out of a method early makes the semantics much harder to define. Finally,
we remove expression syntax entirely by requiring that every statement be of one of a limited set of forms:
x := M
, where x
is a variable name, and M
is a method call. Both the target and the arguments to the method
call must be variable names.
x := [ ... ]
, i.e., an assignment of a block to a local variable.
x := y
, i.e., an assignment of a variable to another variable.
x := self->y
, i.e., the transfer of a field of self
to a local variable.
self->y := x
, i.e., the transfer of a local variable to a field of self
, i.e., a return statement returning from a local variable.
, just a variable name.For instance, we would rewrite
x := r setWidth: (s area).
x1 := s area. x := r setWidth: x1.
Since even mathematical operators are methods in Smalltalk, any expression can be broken up into individual steps in this way.
The store, σ, will contain global class declarations and, like in our semantics for the Simple Imperative Language, “freshened” local variables. We also need a heap, Σ, to store our objects, and labels to reference them4 . There is no syntax for an object value in Smalltalk, so we’ll have to define one: an object is defined by its class and the values of all of its fields. So, we will give its syntax in the heap like so:
⟨object⟩ | ::= ⟨var⟩[⟨fieldvaluelist⟩] | ||
⟨fieldvaluelist⟩ | ::= 𝜖 | ||
∣⟨var⟩“:=”⟨value⟩.⟨fieldvaluelist⟩ |
The ⟨var⟩ in the definition of ⟨object⟩ is the object’s class. Each field is written ⟨var⟩ := ⟨value⟩, where the first ⟨var⟩ is the name of the field, and ⟨value⟩ is the field’s value. Technically, Smalltalk allows multiple fields to have the same name if they’re in different classes, but we’ll see in Section 9 that this can easily be written away, so we’ll stick to just field names. The values in Σ will all be ⟨object⟩s, and the values in σ, along with the globally defined classes, will be labels for objects in Σ.
In fact, we need one more type in σ: blocks. Smalltalk can’t operate at all without blocks, so we’ll need them to make sense of anything. Since blocks evaluate to a value, we will restrict them similarly to methods: the last statement in the block (which is equivalent to the return statement) must just be a variable name, which will be the value that the block evaluates to.
Like with Haskell, our global scope contains only declarations, so we need a resolve function to populate σ with all of the defined classes.
Exercise 1. Define resolve for Smalltalk, given the restriction that files contain only class declarations.
Also like with Haskell, since our files contain only class declarations, we need a starting point. GNU Smalltalk’s answer
to this is to allow files to contain statements, but that breaks object-orientation purity; other Smalltalk implementations’
answer to this is to be an environment rather than a program, but that’s not very useful for defining semantics. We will
borrow a concept from Java by having a main class, which we will distinguish simply by requiring to to be named Main
and requiring that it have a main method, which we will require to be named main:
. Thus, we start our
execution with a σ already populated with classes, and with the following standard statements to “bootstrap”:
x := Main new. x := x main: x.
. Note that the argument to main:
is useless, and is only required to fit the restrictive syntax we
defined above.
Let the metavariables L, Q, O, M, v − w, x − z, and ℓ range over statement lists, statements, objects, method declarations, values, variable names, and labels, respectively.
There are only a small number of possible statements, so we simply need to define a semantics for each of them.
Unfortunately, a few method calls require special implementations. First, the built-in method call for creating a new object,
. Because of inheritance, new
needs a way of gathering all of the fields in all of the superclasses of the named class. We
will define this as fields(σ,x), which returns a list field names for all the fields in x and all of its superclasses. As a practical
matter, new
always has a special implementation in the Smalltalk language implementation, and cannot be
implemented directly as a Smalltalk method, so it’s natural for the semantics to implement it specially as well.
Whew! This might be the longest semantic rule we’ve written yet! But, it’s fairly simple when we break it down into its
component parts: The first premise says that the fields for x1 are y1 through yn. The second premise defines an object with
an appropriate shape for the class: it has all of the yi fields, and each is given the value nil
. nil
is the default value of a
field in Smalltalk. The third, fourth, and fifth premises add a link from the variable to a label and from that label to the
object in the store and heap.
Next, we’ll look at the value
method of blocks. This is relatively straightforward:
Quite simply, to evaluate a block, we run its statements, and assign the value of its last statement—which, recall, we’ve restricted to being a single variable name—to the target of our assignment. Since a block contains a statement list, this operates over statement lists rather than statements.
Next, simple assignments of a variable to another variable:
That is, we can assign from a variable y to a variable x by looking up y’s value in σ, and adding the same value mapped from x.
Next, fields:
To read a field, we look up the object by name in σ, look up that label in Σ, and find the field-value pair matching the name y. We then update σ to map x1 to that value. To write a field, we similarly look up the object and value in σ, and look up the object’s label in Σ, but this time, we update Σ to have an identical object, but with the field-value pair for y replaced with the new value. In practice, of course, we wouldn’t replace O with an identical object changed slightly, but simply update the one field in place.
All that remains (really!) is method calls. Calling a method is similar to calling a procedure from Module 7, with one major difference: we need to find the method. We will thus break down calling a method into a “finding” step and a calling step. To find a method, we need to walk up the superclasses of the target class until we find the named method. We’ll handle those steps first, by defining a function method(σ,x,y), which finds a method of x with the name y:
The first rule extracts a method named y from the class x if it’s present in the class. The second rule says that if y is not found in the class (x1)—that is, it’s not among the methods z1 to zn—then the superclass (x2) should be searched. If the method isn’t defined at all, then method has no definition, so our semantics will get stuck.
With method defined, we can now call methods similarly to the Simple Imperative Language. Like in
Module 7, we will do this by freshening its variables to avoid conflict, and assume that freshen is already
defined. Importantly, freshen also needs to freshen the name “self
”. Our method call rule is as follows:
Yes, it’s another monster of a rule. But again, we can break it down into simpler parts: The first premise says that x2 must
refer to a label, and the second premise says that that label must refer in the heap to an object of some class x3. The third
premise uses that class name, x3, to look up the method. Remember that methods in Smalltalk are named in several broken
parts, in this case y1 :, y2 :, etc, so y1 : y2 : yn :. The fourth premise generates a substitution to freshen the names in the
method, and the fifth premise freshens the important name self
. Finally, the sixth premise defines all the names in the
freshened method, so that we can use them to take a step. In the conclusion, like in the Simple Imperative
Language, we rewrite the method as writes to the freshened variable names corresponding to its arguments,
then the method body. SIL didn’t have returns, so we also include a write of the return value to the target
The ubiquity of objects makes these the most complex rules we’ve seen yet, but if you’ve understood the behavior of Σ
and σ, you should be able to disentangle them. Alternatively, if you’ve written in an object-oriented programming
language, start from there. In particular, it’s surprising that our semantics have no conditions or loops, but
in fact, they’re not needed: we can build them out of True
and False
classes exactly like Smalltalk does:
1Object subclass: Boolean [ 2 " ... " 3] 4 5Boolean subclass: True [ 6 ifTrue: block [ | x | x := block value. ^x ] 7 ifFalse: block [ ^nil ] 8 ifTrue: tBlock ifFalse: fBlock [ | x | x := tBlock value. ^x ] 9] 10 11Boolean subclass: False [ 12 ifTrue: block [ ^nil ] 13 ifFalse: block [ | x | x := block value. ^x ] 14 ifTrue: tBlock ifFalse: fBlock [ | x | x := fBlock value. ^x ] 15]
In our brief introduction to polymorphism, we mentioned inclusion polymorphism, but left it for later elaboration. In the context of object-oriented languages, the most common form of polymorphism is inclusion polymorphism. In this section, we discuss inclusion polymorphism and its relationship with inheritance.
Inclusion polymorphism is based on the arrangement of the types into a hierarchy of subtypes. A language may define
subtypes however it wishes, but as a minimum restriction, a type a
is a subtype of a type b
if a value of type a
be used anywhere that a value of type b
can be used. You may notice an analogy to inheritance here: if
classes are our types, and this is the only restriction we place upon subtypes, then Square
is a subtype of
We define subtyping formally with a a relation <:, which is reflexive and transitive, and is typically a partial order. That is, every type is a subtype of itself (∀τ1.τ1 <: τ1); if τ1 <: τ2 and τ2 <: τ3, then τ1 <: τ3; and there exist pairs of types τ1 and τ2 for which neither τ1 <: τ2 nor τ2 <: τ1. When types τ1 and τ2 are related by τ1 <: τ2, we say that τ1 is a subtype of τ2, and equivalently, that τ2 is a supertype of τ1. The goal of an inclusion-polymorphism-based type system is to assure that if τ1 <: τ2, then a value of type τ1 can be used anywhere where a value of type τ2 is expected, but the reverse does not hold.
The key type rule associated with inclusion polymorphism is known as subsumption, which can be written like so:
In words, an expression of type τ1 may be given type τ2 whenever τ1 is a subtype of τ2. Typically, T_Subsumption isn’t written quite so generally, because this version is not syntax-directed: if we judge e to have type τ1, we could then decide arbitrarily to give it any supertype of τ1 in place of τ1. Instead, subsumption is often written implicitly with respect to particular rules. For instance, consider a subsumptive version of a rule for adding integers:
Of course, a particular language might have a more precise rule that allows addition to yield a subtype of the integers, but this rule demonstrates that syntax-directed subsumption is possible. It remains to determine which types may be related by <:.
There are, broadly, two answers to this question: structural subtyping and nominal subtyping. We will focus on structural subtyping first.
Consider these two Smalltalk classes, which we will define without any explicit superclass (which isn’t actually valid in Smalltalk):
1HelloEN [ 2 greeting ^<String> [ ... ] 3] 4HelloFR [ 5 valediction ^<String> [ ... ] 6 greeting ^<String> [ ... ] 7]
Both of these classes have no fields, and have a method named greeting
. HelloFR
additionally has a method
. The greeting
methods have a lot in common, which we call their signature. The signature of a method is its
name, number and type of arguments, and type of return. Given correct objects to call them on, two methods with the
same signature are interchangeable; either will work in all the same situations. Since greeting
was the only method of
, anywhere where a HelloEN
can be used, a HelloFR
can also be used. We haven’t explicitly defined these classes as
having any relationship to each other, but implicitly we can see that they meet our minimum bar for subtyping: that one
can be used in place of the other.
Aside: “Valediction” is to “greeting” as “goodbye” is to “hello”: it’s a word for words and phrases of parting.
A language in which that minimum bar is the only bar is said to employ structural subtyping. Assuming that the signature function in our formal model extracts the signature of a method, we can write a rule for subtyping. In the following rule, let the metavariables F and M range over field lists and methods, respectively, and assume that our class syntax has no explicit subtyping specified:
We can break down this rule into several parts. The first and second premise simply state that τ1 and τ2 are types referring to classes x and y, respectively. Class x contains methods M1,1 to M1,n, and class y contains methods M2,1 to M2,m. The third premise is the important one: if, for every method M1,∗, there exists a method M2,∗ with the same signature, then τ2 is a subtype of τ1. The particular quantifications are very important here. Every method in τ1 must have a corresponding method in τ2, but the reverse is not true. Thus, a τ2 may be used in place of a τ1, but a τ1 cannot (necessarily) be used in place of a τ2. Note that we haven’t discussed fields; we’ll get to why when we discuss encapsulation, in Section 8.
Structural subtyping is uncommon in practice, for pragmatic reasons of implementation which we will address when we discuss nominal typing. Structural subtyping is sometimes also called duck typing—if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck—but “duck typing” is more frequently used to describe an informal sense of types in a dynamically typed language than a static type system. A static type system can certainly be structural, but would usually not be called duck-typed.
Structural subtyping is distinct from parametric polymorphism by the presence of a hierarchy. In parametric polymorphism, a function with type parameter α must work for any substitution of α. Thus, it’s more common to use parameters in which α forms part of some larger type, such as α → α, since α is essentially a black box, and α → α can at least do something. In a structurally subtyped inclusion-polymorphic language, if a method’s parameter has type τ, it may get a value of a subtype of τ, but it can still count on having a definition for τ that holds.
The <: relationship in structural subtyping is naturally reflexive and transitive. τ1 will definitely have the same methods as τ1 (reflexivity). If τ3 has all the methods of τ2, and τ2 has all the methods of τ1, then τ3 clearly has all the methods of τ1 (transitivity). However, we do not need explicit rules for reflexivity and transitivity, as these arise naturally from the T_Structural rule.
When we looked at structural typing, we left out any explicit specification of subclasses. In nominal subtyping, that explicit specification is the subtyping relationship. That is, τ1 <: τ2 if τ1 was explicitly specified to be a subclass of τ2. The only other type rules needed are reflexivity and transitivity, which must be explicitly specified in nominal type judgments.
For nominal typing to make any sense, we must have a way to explicitly declare subtype relationships, and as we already saw, Smalltalk has this: every class is declared as a subclass of another class, and if class a is a subclass of class b, then the type represented by a is a subtype of the type represented by b. Like with subtypes and supertypes, if a is a subclass of b, we say that b is a superclass of a. We don’t define the superclass relationship as reflexive, however: a class is not a subclass of itself. For instance, we could declare several classes like so:
1Object subclass: Greeter [ 2 greeting ^<String> [ ... ] 3] 4 5Greeter subclass: Parter [ 6 valediction ^<String> [ ... ] 7]
We haven’t explicitly given Parter
the structure of Greeter
, but it implicitly has the structure of Greeter
because of
inheritance, so the basic requirement of subtyping is satisfied: a Parter
can take the place of a Greeter
. Inheritance
automatically gave us a sufficient relationship for subtyping, so nominal subtyping is simply using the inheritance
relationship as the subtyping relationship.
Exercise 2. Write the rules for <: in nominally typed Smalltalk. Remember, <: must be transitive and reflexive!
We’ve said that classes are defined as subclasses of other classes, but this leaves a question: how do we define our first class? Object-oriented languages have two answers:
, which is defined a priori by the language implementation.
There is no way for a programmer to define a class without a superclass, so the Object
class is unique, and
cannot actually be written in the language. This allows the language designer to ensure that some methods
are available on every object, such as GNU Smalltalk’s display
method.Nominal subtyping is usually justified by implementation concerns, rather than theory, as it’s strictly more restrictive than structural subtyping. So, let’s discuss those implementation concerns.
When we compile Smalltalk code, we have to decide how we’re going to call methods on objects. Thus, we have to have some way, given an object, to find a given method for that object. One solution would be to remember every method’s name, and use a hash map stored in the object to map every method name to its machine code. This is viable, but it can be too slow, or more importantly, its performance can be too unpredictable for most language implementations.
Instead, classes are compiled into virtual tables (also called vtables or vtbls), which are simply arrays of pointers to
machine code. Every method gets an index in this array, typically simply in the order that they appear in the source code.
For instance, the Greeter
class above would have a virtual table with one element, which points to the machine code for
. If we know from our type judgment that a given value has Greeter
as its type, then we know which element of its
virtual table corresponds to greeting
. Without subtyping, this is sufficient: remember, a type is just a set of values, so the
type is all objects created as Greeter
s, and all Greeter
s will naturally be created with Greeter
’s virtual
To support subclasses, all we need to do is make a subclass’s virtual table compatible with its immediate superclass’s
virtual table. Since it inherited the methods anyway, that’s simple: the virtual table for Parter
has two elements, of which
the first points to greeting
, and the second points to valediction
. Now, every Parter
behaves like a Greeter
, because the
first element of its virtual table is a greeting
method, and a Parter
simply has a second method in an index that would
never be used by a simple Greeter
. If we had overridden Parter
’s implementation of greeting
, we would put that in the first
slot of the virtual table, regardless of the order in which it was defined, to guarantee compatibility with
This virtual table design works well, but makes structural subtyping essentially impossible. The compatibility between
two virtual tables depends not just on the types of all the methods of their classes, but the order in which they happen
to be declared, which is irrelevant for structural subtyping. For instance, HelloEN
and HelloFR
would have
incompatible virtual tables. Thus, the desire for well-performing implementations spurred on a desire for nominal
It is not impossible to implement similar optimizations in a structurally typed language—indeed, this is done for modern dynamic languages such as JavaScript, and for structural subsets of languages like Java—thanks to just-in-time compilation (JIT) and type profiling, but these are beyond the scope of this course.
Aside: While beyond the scope of this course, JIT compilation is the instructor’s area of expertise, so if you want to know more, he’d be happy to spend countless hours telling you more.
Although the most frequent argument for nominal typing is practical, there is also an argument about usability: structural subtyping can sometimes render accidental relationships between classes. In nominal typing, subtyping is never an accident, since it’s always explicitly specified.
Smalltalk has a very unusual method syntax. However, it’s superficial: there’s nothing about its unusual method syntax that makes methods behave any differently in Smalltalk than they do in any other programming language.
Methods in Smalltalk take three forms: nullary methods (taking no arguments), operators, and n-ary methods.
Nullary methods are simply named by an identifier, such as area
, and are called by placing the name next to the target
object, such as x area
Operators are named by symbols, but are otherwise just methods. In Smalltalk, 2 * 2
is a call to the *
method on the
object 2, with argument 2.
The signature of an n-array methods in Smalltalk is given with a sequence of pairs of a partial method
name and a parameter name. For instance, the setWidth: w setHeight: h
signature is for a method with name
, and parameters w
and h
. In a language like Java, this method would probably be written
setWidthAndHeight(x, y)
, but the difference is superficial. When Smalltalk code is compiled, it shuffles these parts
around to recognize the name setWidth:setHeight:
, and that is (usually) used internally as the method’s
As specified all the way back in Module 1, we can also write Rectangle>>setWidth:setHeight:
to indicate specifically the
method of Rectangle
We haven’t yet mentioned method types. At a basic level, method types are exactly the same as procedure types: a list of parameter types. Methods are procedures which return values (typically), so in addition, we need a return type. Thus, we can write a procedure type as (τ1,τ2,,τn) → τr, where τ1 through τn are the parameter types, and τr is its return type.
With non-object-oriented procedural languages, one could imagine a procedure being curried (and thus represented as τ1 → τ2 →→ τr instead), though very few, if any, languages like this actually exist5 . With methods, the same does not apply, because methods are not values.
A method is called on an object. That object cannot then return a method, because that method would be naked; it would have no object to call it on. Many object-oriented languages support functions, so that those functions can be values when methods cannot; but, many don’t.
The fact that methods are not values makes method types a bit of a dubious proposition. We said that types are sets of values, but now we’ve said that methods aren’t values at all. In fact, method types aren’t complete types: they only exist as part of object types. An object’s type is defined by its class, which contains methods; no expression can have a method type, but method types nonetheless exist, bound up within object types.
Method types themselves aren’t complicated, and are usually written explicitly. For instance, the Rectangle>>setWidth:
method would be written in Strongtalk as
setWidth: v <Number> ^<Rectangle> [ ... ]
Smalltalk has no unit type, so the typical return type from a method that doesn’t need to return anything is
the type of the surrounding class, and the default return value is self
. This method’s type is (Number)
Note that the hidden parameter—self
—does not represent any part of this type! That’s because it doesn’t need to:
remember that method types are part of their surrounding object types, so the type of the hidden parameter is implied.
There are no naked methods.
Now, let’s look at Square>>setWidth:
. It would be written in Strongtalk as
setWidth: v <Number> ^<Square> [ ... ]
This method’s type is (Number)
. But wait, Rectangle>>setWidth:
’s type was (Number)
, and
that’s not quite the same. We said that subtypes would depend on the signatures of the methods being the
same, but this signature is not the same! We need a concept of method compatibility, and with it, method
The goal of subtyping is that if τ1 <: τ2, then a value of type τ1 can be used in the place of a value of type τ2. The same is true of method subtyping: we want a method type τ1 to be a subtype of τ2 if τ1 can be used in place of τ2. But, when is this true?
First, let’s consider the return. Square>>setWidth:
returns a Square
, but Rectangle>>setWidth:
was expected to return a
. This isn’t actually a problem, though: Square
s are Rectangle
s! The return type is compatible so long as it’s a
subtype, so we can fill in part of our subtyping relationship:
For a method type to be a subtype, its return type must be a subtype.
Now, let’s consider the parameters. At a bare minimum, we can insist that the number of parameters must be the same. In fact, in Smalltalk, it’s not even possible for the name to be the same if the number of parameters isn’t the same. Thus, we need to consider how we’re allowed to override a given parameter type.
Consider overriding Square>>setWidth:
to take an Object
as its argument instead of a Number
. Object
is the top of our
type hierarchy, so Number <: Object
. As a consequence, this wouldn’t break anything: we can still take all the
argument values that Rectangle>>setWidth:
can take, we can just accept more. The reverse, however, isn’t
true: if Square>>setWidth:
took Float
as its argument (Float <: Number
), then we wouldn’t be able to use
in all the ways we could use Rectangle:setWidth:
(i.e., we couldn’t pass it any other
number type), so we can’t allow a subtype. What’s surprising about this, however, it that it’s in reverse. It
was safe for Square>>setWidth:
, in a subtype of Rectangle>>setWidth:
, to take a supertype of Number
as its
With this surprise, we may now fill in the rest of our subtyping relationship:
Note how the type requirement for the parameters is the inverse of the requirement for the return: the parameter types on the right must be subtypes of the parameter types on the left, while the return type on the left must be a subtype of the return type on the right. This reversal of the subtyping relationship of embedded types within a constructed type is called contravariance, and when the relationship is not reversed, we call it covariance. An additional possibility is invariance, which we will discuss in Section 8.
There’s one final corner to discuss: What about that hidden parameter, self
? The type of self
in Square>>setWidth:
, since Square>>setWidth:
will always be called on Square
s. Similarly, the type of self
in Rectangle>>setWidth:
. So, the hidden parameter type is covariant, even though the other parameter types are contravariant! In fact,
this corner is why it’s often confusing to think of the target as a hidden parameter. The reason we can confidently define
’s type as Square
within Square>>setWidth:
is precisely because it’s not actually an argument, but the target: the very
fact that we found this method means self
must have been a Square
. This is also why it’s necessary that
methods cannot be values: if you were to strip a method from its object and call it on some other object, you
would need to know, for instance, that you’d stripped it from a Square
, even if the type system said it was a
. This odd typing anomaly of self
itself is part of why the target is usually not included in a method’s
One of the principles of object-oriented programming is that the details of how a particular object works should be hidden,
so that those details can be changed without needing to change the interface. The interface is whatever part of
an object is accessible from outside that object; but, what should it be? Generally speaking, an object’s
methods are accessible from outside the object, as otherwise they’d be rather useless. Many languages allow
specific methods to be marked private
, which makes them only accessible from other methods within the
But, what about fields?
First, let’s consider the most open option, by making all fields accessible from outside the object. What this means is that objects truly behave like records, but with methods. This completely breaks our principle of hiding the implementation, since every aspect if it is bared to all users, but that’s just a principle, not a rule.
If we do allow all fields to be fully accessible, what does this mean for typing objects? Let’s expand our Rectangle
from above to be explicit about the width
and height
Object subclass: Rectangle [ | width <Number> height <Number> | ... ]
We don’t need to add any fields to Square
, because it inherits these fields from Rectangle
. And, let’s imagine an
expanded Strongtalk syntax that allows you to access fields of objects other than self
using an ASCII arrow, e.g., r->width
So, we could forcibly set the width of a rectangle (or square!) to 10 with r->width := 10
, and get the width
Now, let’s consider a new class, IntSquare
. In Strongtalk (and Smalltalk), Integer
is a subtype of Number
, so we might
quite reasonably want a square with integer width and height, an IntSquare
, to be a subclass of Square
. We define it as
follows, assuming that in this unlikely version of Strongtalk, we can override fields in the same way that we override
Square subclass: IntSquare [ | width <Integer> height <Integer> | ... ]
And now, let’s look at an unrelated method that expands a rectangle by a factor of 1.5:
expandRectangle: r <Rectangle> ^<Rectangle> [ r->width := r->width * 1.5. r->height := r->height * 1.5. ^r ]
But now, we have a problem. What happens if we call the expandRectangle:
method with an IntSquare
as its argument?
We’ll attempt to set width
to a floating-point number (probably), but this doesn’t work; an IntSquare
’s width
field is of
type Integer
! So, we can’t possibly let field overrides be covariant.
Well, if field overrides can’t be covariant, how about contravariant? Let’s imagine a new kind of square, that’s not as
restrictive about the sides being defined by boring numbers. AbstractSquare
will allow the sides to be of any object type
(but don’t ask what this actually means):
Square subclass: AbstractSquare [ | width <Object> height <Object> | ]
Unfortunately, this still doesn’t work. If we pass an AbstractSquare
to expandRectangle:
, it attempts to call the *
method on an Object
, and so fails.
In fact, the only way we can define a width
field in the subclass is with exactly the same type as in the superclass.
We call this requirement type invariance, and because of it, there’s no reason to allow field overrides at
all: if you can only “override” the field by declaring an identical field, then there’s no real overriding being
Invariance also comes up if we have OCaml-style references in a language with method (or function) subtyping: ref
τ1 is
only a subtype of ref
τ2 if τ1 = τ2.
Exercise 3. Work out why OCaml-style references require invariant typing. You may want to imagine a reference
class with methods put
and get
Recall that this entire discussion was in the context that we make fields completely open. Smalltalk takes the most
opposite approach: fields are completely private; you can’t even access the fields of a superclass in a subclass! This fits the
design goal of hiding implementation details well, since even if you inherit from a class, you can’t touch its fields, but
it’s also fairly inflexible. Because fields are private to particular classes, you can even define fields with the
same name in a subclass. The field doesn’t override, it’s just a totally distinct field: Rectangle>>width
is a
different field from IntSquare>>width
, and when a method in Rectangle
reads width
, it will only find its
Weirdly, although Smalltalk fields are as private as possible, Smalltalk doesn’t even support private methods. All methods in Smalltalk are usable by anyone with a reference to the object. Software which intends to be more controlled works around this by defining an interface class (sometimes called a proxy class) and an implementation class for all public types, where the interface class has a field reference to the implementation class, and exposes only the methods intended to be public.
Most programming languages choose a compromise somewhere between Smalltalk and our hypothetical all-open language, allowing individual fields and methods to be declared private or public.
Because, as we’ve now said many times, the purpose of the subtyping relationship τ1 <: τ2 is to ensure that a τ1 can be
used anywhere where a τ2 is expected, field and method privacy also affects subtyping. The effect is quite simple,
though: we can simply disregard all private fields and methods, since they don’t affect the public interface of
objects. This is also why we disregarded fields entirely while describing <:
: fields are completely private in
In Smalltalk, an object may have two fields with the same name. This is possible if the fields are defined on different classes, and works because it’s completely unambiguous which field is meant in any context, since methods of a class may only access the class’s own fields, and not any superclass’s fields. This is one kind of overloading. Most statically typed object-oriented languages also allow method overloading. Strongtalk does not, but we will use its syntax to describe the idea.
Broadly, overloading is a facility by which different entities in the same context can share the same name. Overloading is one (very limited) form of polymorphism, so an object-oriented language with overloading is mainly inclusion-polymorphic, and secondarily overloading-polymorphic. References to the shared name are disambiguated by information from the context of the reference. In the case of overloaded methods, the compiler examines the number and type of the arguments passed to the method, and in some languages, also the return type of the method. It then selects the instance of the shared name that best fits. If there is no match, or if there are multiple matches, the compiler signals an error. The process of disambiguating references to overloaded names is known as overload resolution.
In Smalltalk, the number of arguments to a method is part of the name of the method, so it’s meaningless for two methods with the same name to have a different number of arguments. However, we could imagine defining methods with the same name but different argument types.
Consider a Strongtalk class for handling money in dollars and cents, with a method for adding two dollar amounts together:
1Object subclass: Money [ 2 | dollars <Integer> cents <Integer> | 3 4 Money class >> withDollars: d cents: c [ 5 " ... constructor ... " 6 ] 7 8 dollars ^<Integer> [ ^dollars ] 9 cents ^<Integer> [ ^cents ] 10 11 + second <Money> ^<Money> [ 12 | d c | 13 d := dollars + second dollars. 14 c := cents + second cents. 15 c > 100 ifTrue: [ 16 d := d + 1. 17 c := c - 100. 18 ]. 19 ^Money withDollars: d cents: c 20 ] 21]
For pragmatic reasons, it may also be useful to add an amount of money specified as a number. With support for
method overloading, we could simply define a second +
method, this time taking a Number
as an argument:
... + second <Number> ^<Money> [ " ... round second's cents, perform the addition, etc... " ] ...
Now, consider the expression m + 42
. This is a call to the +
method on m
(which we will assume is a Money
), with 42
as an
argument. Assuming the compiler is doing its job, it should know the types of m
and 42
: Money
and Integer
, respectively.
Since m
’s type is an object type—indeed, all values are objects in Smalltalk—its type is defined by a class. Looking into this
class, the compiler finds two +
methods: one expecting a Money
as an argument, and one expecting a Number
. 42
is neither a
nor a Number
, which on the surface is a problem. An ideal method would be of some type (Integer
) →Object
because in this context, we don’t care what the return type is), but our options are (Money
) →Money
and (Number
) →Money
Subtyping can rescue us again: we need a method that can take an Integer
as an argument, so we need a
method with an argument type which is a supertype of Integer
. Indeed, we need a method which is itself a
subtype of our ideal method type! (Number
) →Money
<: (Integer
) →Object
, so we select that version of the
Overload resolution can get vastly more complicated than this. For instance, if we had a version of +
for Number
, but a
third version of +
for Integer
specifically, then both of those methods fit a call with an Integer
argument. In some
languages, this ambiguity is simply disallowed, or the call is not allowed if it has multiple matches. In other languages, such
as C++, there is an algorithm by which a “closest match” is chosen, but that algorithm is not always intuitive or
Method overloading introduces several complications which may not be immediately obvious. Almost without realizing it, we’ve lost a useful feature: erasability! With System F, for example, we could erase all of our types, and our semantics would behave exactly the same. Until method overloading, the same was true of procedural and object-oriented types. This is so because while classes define types, classes are not types in and of themselves; all type declarations can still be erased. Indeed, erasing all type declarations from Strongtalk yields Smalltalk, and that fact is part of why Strongtalk doesn’t allow method overloading.
With method overloading, types actually affect compiled code: we need to know which overloaded method to call, and the only way to decide is with the types. This causes difficulty both for our formal semantics, which don’t usually mix types and semantics, and for a language implementation, which often needs to have a unique name for a method simply to generate code. We typically resolve this in our formal semantics by ignoring it: for all its usability benefits, method overloading isn’t semantically very interesting, so is typically left out of semantics for object-oriented languages. In implementations, this is resolved by having a type-directed compilation step called name mangling.
Name mangling is simply a renaming stage in which methods (or anything else with overriding allowing conflicts) are
renamed to system-generated names containing their surrounding class’s name, the types of all of the arguments, and, if it’s
used in overloading, the return type. In fact, every time we’ve specified a field or method with >>
, we’ve
been performing a light form of name mangling. A Strongtalk-with-overloading compiler could rename +
on numbers as, for instance, Money>>+<Number>
. Name mangling may also involve reducing the character
set of mangled names, usually for platform-specific reasons such as label names in assembly code, in which
case +
’s name could instead become, say, _ZN5MoneyplE6Number. It’s not worth trying to disentangle
this particular name (it was generated by GNU C++); it’s just an example of character-set-reduced name
We’ve only mentioned overloading polymorphism now, in the object-orientation module. Overloading is perfectly compatible with imperative languages, as well, and many imperative languages allow procedure overloading.
Parametric polymorphism and overloading polymorphism aren’t inherently incompatible, but they don’t work well
together. For instance, in Java, a generic class cannot overload Object
and the type parameter in the same method, because
the resulting rules on choosing and overload would be ambiguous.
However, there is a more pressing reason why most parametric polymorphic languages don’t have overloading: most parametric polymorphic languages are curried, and currying is difficult or impossible to reconcile with overloading. If a function is overloaded on its second parameter, but the language is curried, then there must be some way to pass in the first argument and get a function. That function would have an unresolved overload, since the second, type-overloaded argument hasn’t been given yet. An unresolved overload is a set of functions, not a function, so it’s not a value. The same problem arose with type inference: an unresolved polymorphic type cannot be a value.
Now that our types form subtypes in a hierarchy, we can discuss the extreme points of that hierarchy.
We’ve already talked about Object
, the root of the hierarchy. In Smalltalk, because every class must be declared as a
subclass of some other class except for Object
, every class is, unavoidably, a subclass (directly or indirectly) of Object
, and
thus every value is a subtype of Object
. Object
forms the top of our type hierarchy, as ∀C.C <: Object
. The top of a type
hierarchy is written as ⊤, which is not a capital T, because mathematicians love creating as many nearly-indistinguishable
symbols as possible.
Many object-oriented languages do not have Object
as the root of their hierarchy, and many mix objects with other
kinds of data. For instance, in C++, there is no root of the class hierarchy, and in both C++ and Java,
simple primitive values such as int
s aren’t objects at all. Even in a language like Smalltalk, where numbers
are objects, to define the semantics of numbers, we need to eventually describe them in terms of actual,
mathematical numbers, which are not objects. In these cases, is there a top of the hierarchy? Should there
Aside: As an implementation detail, no Smalltalk implementation actually allocates objects for most numbers used in Smalltalk, and so the actual value at run-time is not a reference to any object. Yet, the language still acts as if they’re references. Since object-oriented languages such as Smalltalk hide the implementation details of objects regardless, it’s possible to have the user language remain purely OO but implement faster numbers as a transparent optimization.
C++’s answer is no. As a consequence, on the surface, it may seem impossible to write a C++ procedure which accepts any value as an argument, but in fact, C++ implements a form of parametric polymorphism called templates to get around this problem. We’ll talk a bit about templates in Section 12.
Java uses another form of polymorphism to paper over the problem of ⊤: coercion. Coercion is an ad
hoc form of polymorphism in which values of some types are allowed to take the place of values of another
type by converting them at run-time. For instance, in Smalltalk, if you add 3 + 0.14
, because the underlying
machine can only add together two integers or two floating-point numbers, the integer 3
is first converted into a
floating-point value. In Java, as well as numeric type coercions like that, all non-object types are coercible into
object types. For instance, if you write Object o = 42;
in Java, then it will insert code to create an instance of
the Integer
class, which is a subclass of Object
. In this way, even though int
is not explicitly a subclass of
, an int
can be used anywhere an Object
is expected, by coercion. By defining <: with both nominal
types and coercion in mind, we restore Object
as the root of the type hierarchy. Note that coercion is not
Aside: Java also implements overloading, so Java has inclusion polymorphism, overloading polymorphism, and coercion polymorphism! If you’re keeping score, that’s three of the four forms of polymorphism from the Cardelli-Wegner polymorphism hierarchy discussed in Module 4. Now, if only we can get parametric polymorphism too...
We’ve found the top of the type hierarchy. Is there a bottom? That is, is there some type τ which is the subtype of every possible type? Again, different languages have different answers; in fact, it’s even more divisive than the top type. In any case, the bottom type is written ⊥.
One answer is that bottom is the type of errors, exceptions, failures, and infinite loops. That is, it’s the type we give to an expression that will not produce a value, or will not produce a “normal” value. This is Haskell’s answer, and fits typing well, because it allows that any expression could have such an error.
A second answer is simply that there needn’t be a bottom type. With inclusion polymorphism, the bottom type is odd anyway: it would need to be able to take the place of any type in the entire system, and thus would presumably have to have every defined method, and more generally, every conceivable method. Given that a value cannot have every conceivable method, we can simply reject the idea of a bottom type. The only problem with this answer is the initialization problem from Module 7: if an object of a class has all the fields defined in that class, what are their values before you’ve first assigned them? With object orientation, this problem only gets more difficult to solve: how can we set up a complicated object hierarchy with interactive, even cyclic, object references, if we’re also not allowed to set an object’s fields directly? There is no satisfying answer to this question, and it remains the subject of active research.
The third answer is both the most controversial and the most popular: null
“I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965.”
— Tony Hoare
The null reference is written in different ways in different languages: nullptr
, null
, nil
, etc. We’ll use nil
, because that’s
Smalltalk’s name for it. nil
is both a type and a value, and there is only one value of type nil
: nil
. nil
is an object with no methods
and no fields6 .
And ∀τ. nil
<: τ. The fact that nil
is a subtype of every other type doesn’t arise from the typing rules; indeed, it makes no
sense! How can a type with no interface be a subtype of every other type? The answer is, because it’s an axiom:
We simply allow nil
to be taken as any type, by fiat.
This, of course, breaks the entire concept of typing. The goal of type checking is to prevent the semantics from getting stuck (and thus, presumably, prevent the implementation from crashing, or needing to consider badly-typed cases, etc), but how can the semantics possibly not get stuck if we try to call a method on a value that has no methods? The answer is, it gets stuck. And, the implementation usually crashes or throws an exception.
So, why add this problematic ⊥ type, nil
, if it breaks our type safety and causes crashes at run-time?
“... At that time, I was designing the first comprehensive type system for references in an object oriented language (ALGOL W). My goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn’t resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement. This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years.”
— Tony Hoare
An answer to this question that’s less self-flagellating than Tony Hoare’s is the initialization problem. nil
gives us a
powerful aid in initialization: a default value. Since nil
is a subtype of every type, we can set every field to nil
to start with,
and leave the problem of correct initialization to the programmer!
An amusing second consequence of nil
is that every proof of type safety of an object-oriented language with nil
has an
extra caveat: an expression will yield a value of the judged type, reduce forever, or attempt to dereference null. Oh well;
except-for-null type safety is almost type safety I suppose.
Notice that in our semantics, every object in the heap carries with it the name of its class. This is a form of run-time type information, and it allows us to recover type information. It is, of course, another way in which types are usually not erased in object-oriented languages.
For instance, consider the following snippet of Strongtalk code:
1Object subclass: IntHider [ 2 | value <Integer> | 3 4 add: x <Number> [ 5 value := value + x. 6 ] 7]
This may seem fine, but actually contains a type error! We’re adding an Integer
to a Number
, so the result is a Number
not an Integer
! In fact, because of Strongtalk’s lack of overloading, this would occur even if x
were defined as an Integer
Most object-oriented languages provide some kind of run-time type checking and casting, by which we can check if a value
has a particular type, and ascribe it that type, respectively. Strongtalk doesn’t, so we’ll have to imagine syntax for
1Object subclass: IntHider [ 2 | value <Integer> | 3 4 add: x <Number> [ 5 | v <Number> | 6 v := value + x. 7 v is<Integer> ifTrue: [ 8 value := v <Integer>. 9 ] ifFalse: [ 10 self halt. " unrecoverable, crash " 11 ]. 12 ] 13]
is a Number
, so the assignment to v
is allowed. The is<Integer>
is an imagined syntax for checking if v
is of the class
, and v <Integer>
is a similarly imagined syntax for casting.
Type checking involves looking in the run-time type information to validate the type. Because of inheritance, this means
looking through an entire chain of classes. This also means that some information needs to be stored about classes in the
run-time system. In most object-oriented languages, Class
is a class, and classes are elements of that class, so that the
run-time system can look information like this up. Thus, the Class
class contains a method something like this:
1isSubclassOf: query <Class> [ 2 self = query ifTrue: [ ^true ]. 3 superclass isNil ifTrue: [ ^false ]. " we've reached the root of the object hierarchy " 4 ^superclass isSubclassOf: query 5]
Casting, which we’ve written as v <Integer>
, gives the expression v <Integer>
the type Integer
, but at run-time, performs
a check, so that the type is guaranteed to be correct. If the check succeeds, then this expression is the same as v
; the cast
doesn’t do anything. If the check fails, though, the behavior depends on the language. Some languages evaluate to nil
, since
is of every type. Others raise an error, which yields yet another exception to type safety in object-oriented languages: an
expression will yield a value of the judged type, reduce forever, attempt to dereference null, or perform an incorrect
Me: Can we get some type safety?
Mom: We have type safety at home.
Type safety at home:
“We prove a type soundness result for FJ: if a well-typed expression
reduces to a normal form [...] then the normal form is either a well-typed value [...] whose type is a subtype of the type ofe
, or stuck at a failing typecast.” — Featherweight Java[4], emphasis added
Yet another solution is flow typing, which allows us to eschew casting entirely. If we examine the code with knowledge of
how is<Integer>
works, then it’s clear that in the ifTrue:
block, v
must be an integer. A flow-typing-based type
checker would give v
the type Integer
in that block, and the type Number
everywhere else. Flow typing requires
considering many more and more complex cases (consider loops, for instance), and is beyond the scope of this
Consider a class defining a linear linked list:
1Object subclass: List [ 2 | el next | 3 " constructor... " 4 5 setEl: to [ 6 el := to. 7 ] 8 9 el [ ^el ] 10 11 setNext: to [ 12 next := to. 13 ] 14 15 next [ ^next ] 16]
If we want to give this class types, that’s relatively easy for next
—it’s a List
—but what about el
? We could make el
type Object
, and we would then be able to store anything in our list, but presumably anyone using the List
type knew
specifically what they were storing. Setting el
to something so generic would force every user of the class to cast every time
they retrieve an element from the list, which is unfortunate. If we make el
a more specific type, then our list would only be
useful for that type.
We’ve actually already seen the solution: parametric polymorphism. Recall that in System F, we can define a function over types, a Λ (capital lambda, second-order lambda) function. A Λ function isn’t directly usable as a λ-calculus function, because a type must be supplied first. In object orientation, the same concept exists over classes: generics.
A generic is a family of classes, defined by a function over types. To get an actual class, you need to call that function
with a type as its arguments. Like in System F, the syntax for these type functions is distinct from the syntax for normal
functions: in Strongtalk, we declare and call a type function with square brackets. Let’s rewrite List
to use generics:
1Object subclass: List[A] [ 2 | el <A> next <List[A]> | 3 " constructor... " 4 5 setEl: to <A> [ 6 el := to. 7 ] 8 9 el ^<A> [ ^el ] 10 11 setNext: to <List[A]> [ 12 next := to. 13 ] 14 15 next ^<List[A]> [ ^next ] 16]
here is not a specific class, but any class; it’s a type variable. List
is not a class, but a family of classes. To get a
specific class, we instantiate List
with a specific type argument, such as List[Integer]
. Like Λ-abstractions in System F,
this is simply done by substitution, in this case substituting A
for Integer
, like so:
1Object subclass: List[Integer] [ 2 | el <Integer> next <List[Integer]> | 3 ... 4]
Of course, one never explicitly writes the above code; it’s merely the result of using List[Integer]
. As a result, we
only need to write the structure of a list once, and it is then instantiated into as many specific list types
as the program needs. Note that since List
is not itself a class, it isn’t a type either. List[Integer]
is a
Generics raise some type-theoretic issues. First, there’s the question of when to type-check a generic class: we can type check the class with no specific type for the parameter type, but then the parameter type is completely opaque. Or, we can type check it only when it is used with a specific type as argument, which allows it to be defined only for argument classes with the right interface, but means we can’t type check it unless or until it’s used.
The bigger question is, is List[Integer]
<: List[Number]
? It can’t be, because that would allow the setEl:
method to
be used wrongly. Then, is List[Number]
<: List[Integer]
? Again, it can’t be; in this case, el
would return the wrong type.
In most languages, generic types are invariant over their parameter types for this reason. Some languages instead allow
parameter types to be declared as explicitly covariant or contravariant. An explicitly covariant parameter type
cannot be used in a method argument, because its actual type may be a supertype of its specified type.
An explicitly contravariant parameter type cannot be used in a method’s return. Neither may be used as a
Generics are erasable, in that a generic family of classes can be replaced with a single class if all types are removed.
However, types aren’t generally erasable in object-oriented languages, so erasing generic types can cause problems. For
reasons of backwards compatibility, Java’s generic types are erased, but as a consequence, casts between different, e.g., List
types are allowed, causing errors when they’re used.
Aside: If generics are a form of parametric polymorphism, and Java has generics... yes, that’s right, Java has inclusion polymorphism, overloading polymorphism, coercion polymorphism and parametric polymorphism! That’s all four forms in the Cardelli-Wegner polymorphism hierarchy, bingo! Presumably, someone at Sun asked “what sort of polymorphism should Java support?”, and the response was “yes”.
Generics are defined over a specific class, e.g., List[A]
. If we extend it to any number of classes, or procedures, etc, we
get templates, which are C++’s equivalent. Although this makes templates very powerful, they’re actually exactly what
we already had with Λ-abstractions; it’s generics that restricted this. Thus, templates aren’t distinct from
our perspective, so we won’t discuss them further. We can simply consider “template” as another name for
Some object-oriented languages permit multiple inheritance, by which a class may inherit code from more than one other class. For instance, we could imagine writing
(Money, Rectangle) subclass: Wallet [ ... ]
to create a Wallet
class which is both a Money
and a Rectangle
Multiple inheritance poses semantic problems when a class inherits from two or more classes that define methods with
the same name. Consider, for instance, adding +
to Rectangle
, so that we can add two rectangles together. Given v1
of type
, what is the meaning of v1 + v2
? It could mean either. Overloading could provide a solution—after all, the two
versions of +
don’t have the same argument type—but even that falls flat: what if v2
is also a wallet? There is no
general answer to this conundrum. Most languages ban multiple inheritance entirely because of it. Some
make the conflicting method (in this case, +
) unusable on the problematic class, requiring an explicit cast to
differentiate which method is meant. Some have explicit ways of stating preferences. And some, including
Strongtalk, have a specific ordering to multiple inheritance, with later superclasses having priority over earlier
ones7 .
Another consequence of multiple inheritance is a phenomenon known as repeated inheritance. Suppose class A
from classes B
and C
, each of which also inherits from a class D
, which has a method g
. Then A
inherits g
twice: once through
and one through C
. If g
is not overridden in either B
or C
, then there is no problem; the two g
s can be merged into one, as
they’re the same. On the other hand, if one of the classes, say C
, overrides g
, then which should we prefer? Worse yet, what
if both override g
As bad as multiple inheritance is on our semantics, it’s much worse for implementation. Consider our virtual tables, from
Section 5.2. Virtual tables worked because subclasses could look like their parent classes in the first elements of their virtual
table, and then add their own methods afterwards. But, the virtual table for Money
will want dollars
to be in
the first element, and the virtual table for Rectangle
will want setWidth:
to be in the first element, so how
can we define a virtual table for Wallet
? There are many solutions to this conundrum, and none are very
A simple solution is to disallow multiple inheritance.
Another solution is multiple virtual tables. Java classes have one virtual table for their class, and an extra virtual table for each interface they implement. In Java, an interface is a list of method signatures, with no bodies; formally, then a Java class doesn’t inherit from an interface at all, since the interface doesn’t define any behavior, which solves the name clash issue as well. The difficulty with multiple virtual tables is just looking them up. Classes in Java contain a hash-map mapping interfaces to their virtual tables, and several layers of optimization to make this a bit less terrible than it sounds.
Another solution is sparse virtual tables, used by many C++ compilers. If the compiler can see all of the classes it needs
to compile, then it can anticipate the multiple-inheritance problem, and intentionally define the virtual tables for Money
such that they don’t conflict, by giving Rectangle
enough unused elements at the beginning to fit a Money
table in as well, or vice-versa. Even in the best-case implementation, this will leave gaps in the virtual table of one or the
other, which is inefficient. But, there are very few virtual tables for very many objects, so that inefficiency isn’t very
In order for a language to be Turing-complete, it must have a way to represent decisions, and a way to repeat. In structured
imperative languages, this is the if
statement. Smalltalk, in an effort to be more-object-oriented-than-thou, instead opted
for blocks.
You should be familiar with the syntax of blocks, and from our semantics above, their semantics as well. Their semantics of blocks are unusual, and blocks always need to be specially handled, because they contain statements, but those statements are in the context of the surrounding method. Thus, a block is not like a method, because it’s nested within another method.
In Smalltalk, all blocks are objects of the Block
class, which has a field containing the internal representation of the
block’s code. Thanks to encapsulation, the details of how the statements are actually stored do not need to be exposed to
the end user, similarly to the IO monad in Haskell.
Blocks may also define their own local variables, which raises the question, what happens if you evaluate a block within itself? Most modern Smalltalk implementations treat blocks like procedures, creating multiple instances of the variables the block contains (technically, multiple stack frames). But, this makes blocks slightly slower, since they need to allocate and free space; classic Smalltalk implementations have only one instance of a block’s variable per call to the surrounding method. Thus, this method will have different effects depending on the version of Smalltalk:
1| block | 2block := [:then :x | 3 then value: [] value: 5. 4 x 5]. 6(block value: block value: 42) displayNl.
If only one x
is allocated, this method will print 5
, because the recursive call to itself has replaced the value of x
. If an x
is allocated for each call, this method will print 42
An even more unusual behavior of blocks is return statements. A block may contain return statements, and if one is
encountered, it returns from the surrounding method. This is odd for two reasons. To understand the first, consider this
example, in which we’ve explicitly defined True
for context:
1Boolean subtype: True [ 2 ifTrue: block [ 3 ^ block value 4 ] 5] 6 7Object subclass: Foo [ 8 foo [ 9 true ifTrue: [ 10 ^ 42 11 ] 12 ] 13]
When we call Foo>>foo
, it calls True>>ifTrue:
with the block on line 9 as an argument. True>>ifTrue:
, in turn, calls
, evaluating the block. The stack now looks something like this:
Foo>>foo True>>ifTrue: block from Foo>>foo
When that block evaluates its return statement, Foo>>foo
returns, bypassing True>>ifTrue:
entirely! So, Smalltalk
implementations need to be able to break out of multiple layers of the stack.
Aside: For those curious about implementation, this is done by having block objects contain a stack location, and then (fairly brutishly) force the stack pointer to that location when they return. This technique wouldn’t work in all languages; the alternative is to explicitly read and “unwind” the stack, which is what’s done by exceptions in most languages that implement them.
Weirder still, since blocks are values, we can actually strip a block from its surrounding method, even if it contains a return statement:
Object subclass: Bar [ bar [ ^[ ^42 ] ] ] Object subclass: Baf [ baf [ | x | x := Bar new. x := x bar. x value. " Where does this block return from??? " ] ]
There is no good answer to the question of where a block removed from its surrounding method returns. Most just raise an error. For instance, GNU Smalltalk will report:
Object: 42 error: return from a dead method context
We’ve focused our attention on class-based languages, but a language does not need to be class-based to be object oriented. We now turn our attention from class-based languages to object-based languages. Object-based languages differ from class-based languages in that they lack an explicit “class” construction for defining groups of similar objects. Many of the characteristics typical of object-based languages are outlined in a document known as The Treaty of Orlando [5].
Proponents of object-based languages argue that a class is a rigid structure that establishes a template for all future code reuse, thereby constraining the ways in which software may evolve. Thus, proper use of classes requires some degree of foresight—a “vision” of the structure of the overall system. Consequently, in the early stages of development, classes may get in the way; a design change may require that the entire class hierarchy of the system be redesigned. Further, classes are not well suited to capturing idiosyncratic behaviour: an object that differs from other objects in a class by some detail of its behavior requires that a new class be built to accommodate it.
On the other hand, as software projects mature, wholesale design changes are less likely to occur, and the rigidity, strong typing, and stability provided by classes become more valuable. For these reasons, object-based languages are often used for prototyping software systems in the early stage of their development (indeed, object-based languages are sometimes referred to as “prototyping” languages), while the final production system might be written in a class-based language. Some languages, such as TypeScript, support both styles for this reason.
Smalltalk is quite strictly class-based, so we will instead use mostly the syntax of Self [6] in this section. Self’s syntax is similar to, and derived from, Smalltalk’s. To make Self a bit less foreign, we’ll replace some of its syntax with the Smalltalk equivalent.
In the absence of classes, we must have a syntax to define objects directly, and field and method declarations must take place within the objects themselves, as in the following Self example:
1x = (| 2 n = 15. 3 f = ( 4 self n := self n + 1 5 ) 6|).
This example defines an object with fields n
and f
, in which the field f
is bound to a method. That object is bound to
the name x
. Note that we don’t distinguish fields from methods in object-based languages: to put a method on an object, we
assign it to a field. As a consequence, methods are values in object-based languages. We can strip a method from its object,
assign it to a field of another object, and call it, and self
will then be the second object. This makes it extremely
difficult to define sound type rules for an object-based language. For example, TypeScript allows you to strip
methods from their objects (because TypeScript is a type system bolted onto JavaScript, and JavaScript is an
object-based language), but TypeScript’s method type doesn’t contain any information on self
, so the resulting
method stripped of its object is usually unsafe to use. This lack of safety is not caught by TypeScript’s type
Of particular interest in the study of object-based languages are the mechanisms by which we achieve code sharing in the absence of classes. Clearly, our conceptions about inheritance must change. We will abandon typing entirely; structural typing of object-based languages is possible, but beyond the scope of this course.
Cloning. Most object-based languages allow objects to be cloned, i.e., shallowly duplicated. For instance, in Self, x clone
will create a duplicate of the above x
, like so:
y = x clone.
The object y
is then an exact copy of x
, having fields n
and f
. Using cloning, we may create any number of objects with
identical behavior. Since methods are just fields, we can specialize a cloned object’s behavior by changing that field in a
Prototyping. While cloning works well, it’s fairly restrictive. Self also allows prototyping, by which an object may delegate behavior to another object. For instance, we can create the following object:
z = (| prototype* = x |).
When a field is looked up in z
, if it’s not directly defined in the object, it instead looks for it in the prototype*
field. If it
finds a method in the prototype, in this case x
, the self
parameter will still be z
, so that method can access z
’s fields. In
this way, we can build classes fairly directly with prototypes: we can build all the methods into one prototype, and then
clone an object that has all the correct fields. Of course, prototype*
is also a field, so if we’re feeling especially cruel, we can
actually change an object’s prototype, though that’s not a very good idea. As a final twist, Self allows an object to
have multiple prototypes—in fact, any field named with a *
is a prototype—and thus supports multiple
inheritance. It uses priority to disambiguate, with alphabetically earlier names prioritized over alphabetically later
The constructor pattern. In Self, it’s common to use prototypes and a constructor method, like the following:
1Rectangle = (| 2 withWidth: x height: y = ( 3 | r | 4 r := (| 5 prototype* = self. 6 width = x. 7 height = y 8 |). 9 ^r 10 ). 11 12 area = ( 13 ^self width * self height 14 ) 15|)
The withWidth:height:
method is meant to be called on Rectangle
itself, and creates an object with
(as self
) as a prototype. The area
method actually won’t work if called on Rectangle
itself, because it
will look for fields named width
and height
, but no such fields exist on Rectangle
. Instead, objects created
by withWidth:height:
will have these fields, and through their prototype, the area
method. A much more
popular prototype-based language, JavaScript, does not support cloning, and directly supports the constructor
An object-oriented system usually requires some initial configuration by the implementation, which cannot be implemented
in the language itself. For instance, Smalltalk requires every class to be a subclass of some other class, except for Object
There is no way to create a class without a superclass in Smalltalk, so Object
must be defined by the implementation. The
same is true of blocks, and the Class
class, as well as the special values true
, false
, and nil
. On the other hand, the classes
for those special values—True
, False
, and Undefined
, respectively—can actually be defined in Smalltalk, and
Because Smalltalk systems are usually environments, rather than files, they have images. An image is a file-based
representation of the state of all objects in a Smalltalk system—bearing in mind that classes are objects of the Class
class—which can then be loaded to recreate the environment. Essentially, an image is a file representing σ and Σ. GNU
Smalltalk was chosen for this course because it’s incredibly difficult to grade an image, for the same reason as it’s difficult to
define a formal semantics without a starting statement.
Although neither Smalltalk nor Self are themselves particularly popular, their implementations have had profound effects on computing. The concept of Just-in-Time Compilation—compiling code as the program runs—was invented for Smalltalk, refined in Self, and then popularized in Java and JavaScript. This is the usual fate of a research language: its concepts are used, but the language is not. For most researchers, this is the desirable fate of their language, because they get all the credit and none of the maintenance!
In the next module, we will look at concurrency, through the lens of Erlang, which makes concurrency feel similar to object orientation.
[1] Gilad Bracha and David Griswold. Strongtalk: Typechecking smalltalk in a production environment. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 28(10):215–230, 1993.
[2] Adele Goldberg. Smalltalk-80-The Interactive Programming Environment. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1984.
[3] Adele Goldberg and David Robson. Smalltalk-80: the language and its implementation. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1983.
[4] Atsushi Igarashi, Benjamin C Pierce, and Philip Wadler. Featherweight java: a minimal core calculus for java and gj. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 23(3):396–450, 2001.
[5] Lynn Andrea Stein, Henry Lieberman, and David Michael Ungar. A shared view of sharing: The Treaty of Orlando. Brown University, Department of Computer Science, 1988.
[6] David Ungar and Randall B Smith. Self: The power of simplicity. In Conference proceedings on Object-oriented programming systems, languages and applications, pages 227–242, 1987.
Copyright © 2020–2025 Gregor Richards, Brad Lushman, and Anthony Cox.
This module is intended for CS442 at University of Waterloo.
Any other use requires permission from the above named copyright holder(s).
© Gregor Richards. | Design by TEMPLATED.