Software Design and Architectures
SE-2 / SE426 / CS446 / ECE426
Fall 2003
Assignment 1
This assignment is due in class (1pm RCH 205) on Monday September 15. Each student should submit his own work, not that of a group.
Identify the last Software Design course you took, or the last course with a significant software development component. Identify the last or a typical programming assignment in that course. Recall the history of how you developed a solution to that assignment. If you worked in groups for the assignment, the other group members might help you remember: but do your own analysis.
a) Identify the steps of development you followed. Give a few sentences of description of the task(s) being performed in each step.
b) Identify the external specifications, work products, and deliverables you produced. Give a few sentences description of each.
c) Describe the development process you followed, as a states-and-transition diagram, showing the start state, work products of each transition, and the final state.
d) In the same manner as above for (c), describe the design process you followed.