Software Design and Architectures
SE-2 / SE426 / CS446 / ECE426
Fall 2003
Assignment 2
This assignment is due in class (1pm RCH 205) on Monday September 22. Each student should submit his own work, not that of a group.
Draw four simple models of a word-processing desktop application. Include a model from each of the four categories of view (logical/data, process/functional/behavioural, physical/behavioural, and constructional/development). Include at least one black-box and one white-box model. Use a graphical representation for each model.
Explain how each of the following scenarios operates in each of your models. (Some scenarios may be unrelated or invisible in some models.)
a) Create a bulleted list from a selection of paragraphs in the text.
b) Print an existing document.
c) Install a new version of the application.
d) Build the application from source
Since you have four models and four scenarios, there will be sixteen explanations.
The emphasis here is on breadth not depth. Don't try to make your models complete.