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  You are to prepare and submit, in C++ \

  1. an implementation of the abstract data type(s) described below
  2. a short program example illustrating the use of the type(s)
All development is to be carried out in a directory named ADTypes. The classes that implement the type(s) are to be be contained in .h/.cc files directly in this directory. The example is to be provided by files (.cc/.input/.output) to be found in the subdirectory ADTypes/Examples. In this subdirectory will also be found a README file describing what is illustrated by running the program with the input to produce the output. No other subdirectories are to be present.

The directories ADTypes and ADTypes/Examples will each have a Makefile. While in directory ADTypes, the command make will cause all code for the classes to be compiled, producing a library (.a) file in the ADTypes directory. While in the subdirectory Examples the command make will cause the example program to be compiled and linked to the library file, producing an executable named example in the Examples subdirectory. In this subdirectory, with such an executable, the command make verify will cause the executable to be run, with the .input file as data, following which the output of the execution will be compared with the .output file using diff.

In ADTypes the command make clean will remove all .o/.a files in both ADTypes and Examples. In Examples the command make clean will only remove the .o files from the Examples subdirectory.

Mon Sep 9 09:16:07 EDT 1996