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  The grade assigned will be based upon the following considerations:

  1. GP conventions have been followed throughout
  2. GP utilities have been used exclusively and appropriately for development
  3. project installs from a cold start
  4. code style is uniform throughout
  5. code commenting is good
  6. code is well crafted, concise, efficient, readable
  7. all man pages are complete and informative
  8. no extraneous gpnew* elements remain
  9. broad and good use of abstractions
  10. abstractions effectively used for polymorphic code
  11. implementations are hidden
  12. coupling is limited and weak
  13. class cohesion is high and classes have a limited, strong focus
  14. public interfaces are well planned
  15. protected interfaces are well planned
  16. design emphasis on modifiability is evident
  17. user interface is clean and easy to use
  18. all expected aspects of the project are covered
  19. calculations and results are acceptably correct
  20. RCS archives are present and have been used effectively
  21. RCS rlog information is informative
  22. test legacy is comprehensive and complete
  23. example programs have a tutorial and informative nature
  24. user documentation is concise, helpful, well organized
  25. an updated design document is provided

Mon Sep 9 09:16:07 EDT 1996