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  Grades will be assigned with consideration given to the objectives listed below. Note that there are objectives for form and objectives for content.

  1. content: good component reuse; duplication avoided
  2. content: effective infrastructure planning
  3. content: static structuring shows good thought
  4. content: dynamic/control structuring shows good thought
  5. content: attention to simplicity and streamlining
  6. content: entity interfaces minimal, logical, consistent
  7. content: loose coupling between entities
  8. content: good cohesion within entities
  9. content: good naming conventions
  10. content: classes/objects sensibly and effectively chosen
  11. content: class hierarchies (is-a relationships) well designed
  12. content: class composition (has-a relationships) clean
  13. content: class interaction (uses-a relationships) sensible
  14. form: formatting and layout good
  15. form: good diagrams and effective use of diagrams
  16. form: entities traceable; information indexed
  17. form: readable, clear, concise
  18. form: system structuring model(s)/principle(s) clearly indicated and presented
  19. form: control structuring model(s)/principle(s) clearly indicated and presented
  20. form: entities clearly indicated and presented
  21. form: data-flow presentation, if any, contributes to understanding
  22. form: processing narratives are clear, concise, understandable

Mon Sep 9 09:16:07 EDT 1996