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  The document should include a presentation of the issues of resource assessment, task breakdown, prioritization and fallback, responsibility and authority, communication and coordination, review, backup. It should then provide the PERT, Gantt, and Resource Usage charts from MicroSoft Project.

  1. team member strengths/skills assesses
  2. team member time/availability inventoried
  3. team member time resources not expected in excess
  4. task size/granularity is reasonable
  5. task assignments justified
  6. task times sensibly estimated
  7. management/review responsibilities clear and complete
  8. testing tasks included
  9. implementation tasks included
  10. preparation/infrastructure tasks included
  11. communication/coordination/review tasks included
  12. documentation tasks included
  13. activities carried on reasonably in parallel
  14. backup provided
  15. tasks structured and prioritized
  16. partial system completion evident and possible
  17. task sequencing accounts for priority and partial completion
  18. uniformity is enforced and controlled
  19. reasonable milestones at reasonable intervals
  20. justifications are given, are reasonable, and show thought

Mon Sep 9 09:16:07 EDT 1996