CS 452/652 Fall 2019 - Lecture 5
September 13, 2019
Kernel Structure
concurrency: asynchronous control flow
conceptual reasons: divide problem, separation of concerns
practical reasons: parallel hardware
task: abstraction for concurreny
multiple tasks
each with synchronous control flow
kernel: creates and manages tasks
uninterruptible (thus predictable) system manager
hardware typically supports at least "user" and "system" modes
"system" mode: with all privileges
→ "dangerous" operations possible
type / shared: code, readonly data, write-once?
instance / private: state - read/write data
primarily on stack
ok to use static global for singleton tasks with subroutines
management state: Ready, Active, Blocked, etc.
→ need queues for management
meta information: parent task
execution state
high-level language: line of code, variables
machine-level: program counter, stack (content, pointer), status register, other registers
in-kernel data structure hold task state
no heap → use intrusive linkage, i.e., embed 'next' pointer
Execution State
ARM Architecure Reference Manual
, Sections A1, A2 (showed PDF Pages 29, 41, 43).
R0-R15 registers
operands for processor operation
special purpose: r13/sp (stack pointer), r14/lr (link register), r15/pc (program counter)
PSR: Processor Status Register
condition codes (N,Z,C,V)
interrupt flags
processor mode
per-mode instances of ('banked') registers, CPSR vs. SPSR
other instances not directly usable/accessible
but needed for mode switch (more later)
Context Switch
save / restore execution state
similar to and presents as subroutine call
Subroutine Call
starting point for context switch considerations
Application Binary Interface (ABI) defines rules subroutine call:
ARM Call Standard
argument passing: r0-r3, rest on stack
stack pointer alignment: 8 bytes
caller-saved registers (subroutine can overwrite): r0-r3, r12, lr, psr
callee-saved registers (subroutine must preserve): r4-r11, sp, lr
call/return uses lr, thus both caller- and callee-saved
call subroutine: branch-and-link (lr := pc + 4)
bl <destination>
return from subroutine (pc := lr)
bx lr
, OR
mov pc, lr
Stack Switch
simplest form of context switch
used for coroutines, user-level threading, or inside multi-threaded kernel
could be declared as
void stackswitch(char* newSP, char** oldSP);
implemented in assembler
push callee-saved registers on stack
save stack pointer into memory location r1
load stack pointer from register r0
pop callee-saved registers from stack
seems easy, why? direct access to both stacks, only store callee-saved registers
Mode Switch
no direct access to both stacks
to be continued...