CS 452/652 Fall 2019 - Lecture 22
October 30, 2019
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Velocity (addendum)
- individual sensor measurements are uniformly distributed
- time interval between two sensors is sum of uniform distributions
- general case: Irwin-Hall distribution
- special case (N=2): triangular distribution
- low-frequency sampling (70ms): sample distribution bi-modal (corner cases tri-modal)
- general recommendation: keep experiment raw data as much as possible
- bug in processing → repeat only processing
- new approach to data processing → possible with raw data
Kernel Testing
- repeat speed measurements as kernel testing method
- should see similar measurements
- test reliability of train commands
- speed variation and timing
- change direction and verify using sensors
- add lights on/off to increase command intensity
Train Control Caveat
- track interface is half-duplex
- alternate between reading requested sensor data and sending commands
- other train commands delay sensor loop - options:
- reduced, fixed sensor queries - budget for train commands
- add uncertaintly to sensor timing based on number of previous train commands
- ignore additional error, because it is small
Train Control Objectives
- travel at constant speed level
- can recalibrate velocity estimate
- optional: slow down before stopping
- travel at specific velocity
- timed adjustment of speed level, verify via sensors
- travel in cohort: multiple trains at specific distance
- adjust one or both trains, verify via sensors
- timeout is a fundamental error detection mechanism
- general systen: detect failure in communication or remote service
- real-time system: detect timing violation
- e.g., based on position and velocity estimate, sensor is expected to trigger during a certain interval
- asynchronous timeout implementation
- start timeout notifier task(s)
- what if timeout no longer needed (sensor has triggered)?
- cancellation quickly becomes complex and error-prone
- synchronous timeout implementation
- periodic timeout notification
- keep track of pending timeouts
- remove timeouts that are no longer needed
- check (and fire) timeouts upon notification
- trade-off in period
- short period: more overhead, lower error margin
- long period: less overhead, higher error margin
- monitor idle times and utilization!
- priorities are a mechanism to organize various components of a computer system
- highly-loaded system: priorities determine latency and throughput (importance)
- lightly-loaded system: priorities determine latency
- sensor → notifier → server → notifier → train control → command → UART
- which part of the above processing path is less important than others?
- distingush between unknown delay budget during first half
- after train control: known delay budget to execute command
- at low utilization: priorities not as critical
- every tasks gets to execute
- use priorties for
- low-level tasks to avoid loosing interrupts or input
- background computation (route computation?), if applicable