CS 452/652 Fall 2023 - Kernel Design Presentations

Prepare a brief (10-15 minutes) presentation of your kernel design. The presentation should cover:
  1. important data structure(s) and memory usage: stack layout, task descriptor, queues
  2. how your context switch works
  3. kernel events that you've defined
  4. a brief overview of your clock and I/O server implementations (though these are not strictly part of the kernel)
  5. any other characteristics you deem interesting - good or bad
Each group will present on either 31 October or 02 November - I will assign a date for each group. The presentations themselves will not be graded, but preparing the presentation and presenting in class is a mandatory part of the course. Attendance is mandatory for those two classes.

Presentation Schedule

Tue 31 OctGroup 2Niclas Heun, Trevor Yao
Tue 31 OctGroup 3Jack Christensen, Luke Tao
Tue 31 OctGroup 5Rivers Chen, Hans Sun
Tue 31 OctGroup 7Richard Yizhe Kang
Thu 02 NovGroup 4Joseph Lu, Arshiya MollaZainali
Thu 02 NovGroup 6Robert Cai, Daniel Cheriyan
Thu 02 NovGroup 9Daniel Liu, Joey Zhou
Thu 02 NovGroup 10Aryan Abed-Esfahani, Mason Liu
Thu 02 NovGroup 11Franco Chen, Chenxi Liu