CS 452/652 Fall 2023 - Project Proposal
(Version: 1)
Due Date: Thu, Nov 16th, 2023, 11:59pm
The purpose of the project proposal is to get you to think concretely about what you want to do for your project.
Your project proposal should be brief - aim for a single page. If you prefer, it can be written in point form.
The proposal should have four parts:
- Title and group.
- Overview. This should be a short description of what you expect your project to do. Write it from the point of view of somebody watching the trains, explaining what they should expect to see and how to interpret it.
- Technical challenges. This should identify the main challenges you expect to encounter when realising your project. A few sentences for each challenge should be sufficient. One of them should explain why you think the challenge is challenging.
- Technical solutions. For each challenge you identified, briefly explain how you plan to address that challenge.
Last but not least, try to find an evocative name for your project.