CS452 F23 Lecture Notes
Lecture 05 - 21 Sep 2023

1. Assignment Advice

  • data structures: encapsulate, start simple, improve later
  • use assertions generously
  • some examples of mixed C/assembly programming in CasmDemo
    • main.c, adder.c: basic arg passing using registers
    • adder10.c: passing more than 8 args
    • main.c, asmadder.S: manual assembler function with C caller
    • asm.c - embed assembler in C code, exchange data with local vars
  • recommendations:
    • use embedded assembler only for short code sequences that do not access stack pointer
    • use assembler routine linked as C routine for context-switch code

2. System Call Return

  • context we saved when the svc instruction occured
    • X0-X30
    • spel0 (the user program’s stack pointer)
    • elrel1 (the user program’s program counter)
    • spsrel1 (the user program’s processor state)
  • when kernel has finished handling the interrupt and wants to return to a user task
    • it needs to save kernel state (possibly)
    • restore
      • spel0, elrel1, spsrel1 from saved state
    • finally, execute eret (exception return) instruction (eret cannot be used from EL0)
      • eret restores PC from ELREL1, PSTATE from SPSREL1
      • returns to EL0 exception level

3. Kernel Initialization

  • will initially be running boot.S:
    • sets up EL1 stack pointer, masks interrupts, jumps to kmain
  • what else needs to happen?
    • need to initialize exception vector
    • need to initialize any kernel data structures
    • need to create an initial task, and context switch to it
      • initial task will need to run some user-level function, at some priority
        • you write the function, hard code function pointer into kernel
      • set up task decriptor for intial task (see below)
    • how to context switch to the initial task
      • set up saved task context to be the desired initial context for the user program
      • return from exception (restore user context, the eret)

4. Task Descriptors

  • task Id, parent Id, Priority, State (ready?, blocked?, running?)
  • links?
  • saved EL0 context (so you can context switch back to this task)

5. Passing Parameters

  • see Chapter 9 of the Programmers Guide, and the Procedure Call Standard
  • ABI (application binary interface) specifies register roles during procedure calls
    • X0-X18 are “caller saved”
      • X0-X7 are used for argument passing and return values
        • first parameter in R0, second in R1, etc.
      • X8 is indirect result location register
        • for large results that cannot be placed in a register
      • X9-X15 are temporary registers
      • X16-X17: intra-procedure call temp register (otherwise - temp register)
      • X18: platform register (otherwise - temp register)
    • X19-X29: are “callee-saved”
      • subroutine must save values before using registers, restore them on return
      • caller expects values in these registers will be preserved across subroutine calls
      • R29 - frame pointer
    • R30 - link register
      • holds return address, placed there by BL instruction used to invoke the subroutine
    • Stack pointer alignment must be 16

5.1. System Call Parameters

  • example: int Create(int priority, void (*function)())
    • how does the kernel receive the two parameters?
    • how does it return the int?
  • simple answer: can use the same arg/return conventions established by the ABI
    • user program puts params into X0 and X1 before svc
    • kernel exception handler saves application context
      • it can inspect saved X0 and X1 to find parameters
    • kernel overwrites saved X0 with return value before eret
    • after eret, user program looks in X0 to find result
  • system call stubs
    • suppose we create a user-level function corresponding to each system call
int Create(int priority, void (*function)()) {
  --> svc N
  • Compiler will have placed params in x0 and x1 prior to branching to Create
  • Compiler expects return value in x0 on ret from Create

Author: Ken Salem

Created: 2023-09-21 Thu 10:27