CS 452/652 Spring 2022 - Lecture 17
Jun 28, 2022
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Demo Preparation
- participants: demo group, instructor, teaching assistant
- 45 minutes, roughly 3 parts of 15 minutes max
- no requirement to fill the 15 minutes alloted time!
- software deadline as given in the assignment description: Wed 9am!
General Advice
- you are in control → stay in control!
- get back in control, if necessary: harrumph, set up next demo, speak louder!
- compe prepared
- don't leave dead air
- two students: one presenter, one operator
- switch roles at some point
- for each step of the demo:
- before: explain what is going to happen and why
- during: point out what to pay attention to
- after: provide more details, if necessary
- take into account knowledge of audience
- general knowledge and experience with subject matter
- no detailed knowledge about your particular project, difficulties, trade-offs, etc.
Part 1 - scripted
- plan what you are going to do and who will do it
- know which parts of your program working and only show working parts
- explain what does not work
- if necessary, show partial functionality using different programs
- think about timing and specific phrases you want to use
- despite your best preparations, things might still go wrong...
- prepare to explain:
- what does a particular part of the demo show?
- where will the train(s) go? why?
- what does train motion show about your speed calibration?
- what is the operator doing at the terminal? show us!
- what parts of the demo are done automatically vs. manually?
- increase chances for success
- dry-run entire demo
- keep copy of working executable
Part 2 - unscripted
- we might ask questions, such as
- can you do this with another train?
- can you do this on the other track?
- can we fake sensor triggers?
- can the train go to this or that location?
Part 3 - discussion & code review
- be prepared to explain and justify your design and coding decisions