CS 452/652 Kernel Project
(Part II - Send / Receive / Reply)
In this assignment you will extend your kernel
by adding the interprocess communication primitives and the remaining process
identification primitives. You should provide an implementation for the
Send, Receive, Reply, ValidPid, MyParentPid,
MyPriority, RegisterAs, and WhoIs primitives as described
in the Kernel Specification. The last two
primitives listed should be implemented by creating a name server. You must
also provide an
implementation of the the test system described in pseudo-code below.
Printf("Init --- MyPid = 0x%x\n", MyPid());
Printf("Init --- MyParentPid = 0x%x\n", MyParentPid());
Printf("Init --- MyPriority = 0x%x\n", MyPriority());
tid = Create("Test", PRI0);
Printf("Init --- Created 0x%x\n", tid);
i = 6
Send(tid, &i, lengthof (i), &i, lengthof (i));
Printf("Init --- Got %d back\n",i);
Printf("Test 0x%x --- MyParentPid = 0x%x\n", MyPid(), MyParentPid());
Printf("Test 0x%x --- MyPriority = 0x%x\n", MyPid(), MyPriority());
tid0 = Receive(&i, lengthof (&i));
Printf("Test 0x%x --- Got %d from 0x%x\n", MyPid(), i, tid0);
if (i > 1) {
tid1 = Create("Test", PRI0);
Printf("Test 0x%x --- Created 0x%x\n", MyPid(), tid1);
j = i - 1
Send(tid1, &j, lengthof (j), &j, lengthof(j));
Printf("Test 0x%x --- Got %d back\n", MyPid(), j);
i = i*j
Reply(tid0, &i, lengthof (i));
} else
Reply(tid0, &i, lengthof (i));
The system recursively calculates 6! (720)
using process creation and Send/Receive/Reply. The kernel
should create a process running the program Init as the first
process in the system.
You must submit a documented copy of the
source code for both your kernel and the test system, along with a brief
description of your implementation. You must also provide a downloadable
file which can be used to run the above test with your kernel.