Michael Grigoriev contributed the following guide to cross compiling. This is useful if you want to develop at home, e.g. using Bochs.

I spent some time getting cs452 stuff compiling and running under bochs on my Linux/x86 laptop. If you want to use C++ in your project (as opposed to sticking to plain C), looks like you have to build a cross compiler to get a version of libstdc++ for i586-elf (thanks to Stefanus for suggesting this). It is also useful to have a cross compiler because i686-pc-linux-gnu (which is what my native gcc is compiled for) appears to be sufficiently different from i586-elf that the supplied ld scripts don't work with it.

Anyway, here is what I did. It worked for me, but your mileage may vary.

tar jxvf binutils-
tar zxvf newlib-1.12.0.tar.gz
tar jxvf gcc-3.3.4.tar.bz2

mkdir binutils-build
cd binutils-build
../binutils- --prefix=$HOME/i586-elf \
--target=i586-elf --disable-nls
make install

mkdir gcc-build
cd gcc-build/
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/i586-elf/bin/
../gcc-3.3.4/configure --prefix=$HOME/i586-elf --target=i586-elf \
--enable-languages=c,c++ --with-gnu-ld --with-gnu-as --disable-nls \
--with-newlib --disable-shared --enable-multilib=no \
make install

mkdir newlib-build
cd newlib-build
../newlib-1.12.0/configure --prefix=$HOME/i586-elf/ --target=i586-elf \
make all
make install

scp -r uw:/u3/cs452/i586-3.3.3/include/cs452 $HOME/i586-elf/include/

Then adjusted your Makefile to include something along the lines of:

ifeq ($(shell uname), Linux)

CFLAGS = -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib
CFLAGS += -O6 -Wall -I.  -I$(CS452DIR)/include \
-I$(CS452DIR)/i586-elf/include -I$(CS452DIR)/include/cs452 \
LDFLAGS = -L$(CS452DIR)/lib -lstdc++ -lc -lgcc

Now remember to add $HOME/i586-elf/bin/ to your path, and you should be able to compile, link and run Hello World on your own box!

Note: My a1 does not seem to work in bochs. I suspect this is probably because it is trying to initialize com2 which does not exist in bochs, but I haven't spent too much time trying to figure it out.