CS 452/652 Fall 2020 - Context Switch Presentation
(Version: Jan 31 10:19:22)
Due Date: Tue, Feb 11, 2020, 5:00pm
Prepare and submit (by email to the instructor) a brief presention of your context switch implementation. The presentation should take around 5-7 minutes and essentially be comprised of title + 3 slides (possibly including animations):
- relevant data structure(s): stack layout and/or task descriptor
- leave_kernel() routine or equivalent
- enter_kernel() routine or equivalent
If you are using latex's 'beamer' class, having multiple PDF pages represent a single slide with "animations" is fine. As an example, this sample counts as one slide.
A random subset of groups will be asked to present in class on Feb 12 and Feb 14. The presentations themselves will not be graded, but preparing the presentation and presenting in class (if asked) is a mandatory part of the course.