CS 452/652 Winter 2022 - Lecture 5
January 14, 2022
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Kernel Structure
concurrency: asynchronous control flow
- conceptual reasons: software structure, runtime management
- practical reasons: parallel hardware
task: abstraction for concurreny
- multiple tasks
- each with synchronous control flow
- key concern: stack
kernel: creates and manages tasks
- uninterruptible (thus predictable) system manager
- hardware typically supports at least "user" and "system" modes
- "system" mode: with all privileges → "dangerous" operations possible
- type / shared: code, readonly data, write-once?
- instance / private: state - read/write data
- primarily on stack
- ok to use static global for singleton tasks with subroutines
Task State
- management state: Ready, Active, Blocked, etc.
- meta information: parent task
- execution state
- high-level language: line of code, variables
- machine-level: program counter, stack (content, pointer), status register, other registers
- in-kernel data structure holding task state → need queues for management
- no heap → use intrusive linkage, i.e., embed 'next' pointer
CPU State
- see ARM Architecure Reference Manual, Sections A1, A2 (showed PDF Pages 29, 41, 43).
- R0-R15 registers
- operands for processor operation
- special purpose: r13/sp (stack pointer), r14/lr (link register), r15/pc (program counter)
- PSR: Processor Status Register
- condition codes (N,Z,C,V)
- interrupt flags
- processor mode
- etc.
- per-mode instances of ('banked') registers, CPSR vs. SPSR
- other instances not directly usable/accessible
- but needed for mode switch (more later)