CS 452/652 Winter 2022 - Lecture 13
February 4, 2022
Clock Server
main loop of receiving and processing requests
server never blocks ⇒ cannot call
task blocking delegated to clock notifier
server & notifier → general design pattern
Server Processing
TIME: reply to client with current clock value
DELAY: park client task (using tick & tid) in timer list
two variations: absolute vs. relative tick
TICK: advance clock value and check parked tasks in timer list
reply to clients whose waiting times have completed
timer list should probably be a sorted data structure
Clock Notifier
main loop (at high priority)
loop: AwaitEvent() Send() tick to clock server
what to do when processor has not other work?
SETI? cryptomining? → often not appropriate!
maintenance, e.g., garbage collection → not relevant for CS 452 kernel
diagnosis, such as computation of idle fraction
save energy → halt! (cf. "race-to-idle/sleep")
implement as dedicated
task at lowest priority
for (;;) { while (maintenance()) yield(); park(); }
ARMv4T has no dedicated instruction for 'park'
EP 9302 provides device register to gate CPU clock (Section 5.2 in
EP93xx User Guide
read from
triggers halt
next IRQ wakes up CPU again
alternative: write to co-processor register (Section B6.6.5 in
ARM Architecure Reference Manual
only works in privileged mode...
concurrent or parallel access to shared resource - at least one write
results in non-deterministic outcome
coordination to avoid races has overhead
not all races are problematic! but:
correctness problem, if at least of the possible outcomes is incorrect
repeatability problem, especially with program modifications (debugging)
data races very prevalent for multi-cpu computing
careful approach to coordination needed to attain highest performance
non-determinism in CS 452
track and trains → sensor reports
human operator
races in CS 452
could arise during interrupt handler when accessing shared data
kernel (and interrupt handler) is not interrupted
only user tasks are interrupted
user tasks do not share data with each other
but be aware of the potential problem!