The goal of this part is to obtain hands-on experience with DHCP. You are asked to carry out Part 2 of Lab 7 from:
Mastering Networks - An Internet Lab Manual
Jörg Liebeherr and Magda El Zarki
Addison Wesley 2004
Please review the notes for Experiment I as well since this lab builds on top of knowledge gained from Experiment I. ip_forward should sound familiar to you.
Ethereal refers to an old version of software, which is now called Wireshark.
Although you are not required to produce a report for Parts 1 and 3 , you can do so. If you are interested in conducting Part 1 of Lab 7, please note the following:
In Figure 7.1, Ethernet0/0 should be labelled instead of
In Tables 7.3 and 7.4, Outside Global Address should be Inside Global Address.
Exercise 1(A): Because of the difference in equipment, you need to use PC5 as Router1 and PC6 as Router3. Router2 in the lab manual is the router we have in our lab. We are using 6 PCs and 1 Router for this exercise. We are also short of cross-over cables required for this exercise. For the connection between PC4 and the router, you can use one of the switches available. The cross-over connection between PC2 and PC4 has already been hard-wired for you. eth3 of PC2 is connected to eth3 of PC4. You can use these interfaces instead of eth0/1 for this exercise. This additional connection should not interfere with other exercises as they do not use eth3. To start the NAT service, issue the command service iptables start. Starting/restarting the NAT server purges any rules set previously via the command iptables -t nat. To reset a NIC (perhaps to purge changes made in previous exercises), take it down by issuing ifconfig ethX down with X being the number of the interface. Entries in the routing table for the interface are also removed. The interface is automatically up when an IP address is assigned to it.
Exercise 1(B): Because 'root' is a privileged user, telnet and ftp often reject this username. All the PCs have another account named 'user' with password 'user'. Use this account to log in using telnet and ftp.