amar patel's gallery

cs488 - spring 1999

Here are 8 of the 16 pics I generated for my final project.  I did a Monte Carlo ray-tracer, which is composed of the following features: 'jittered' supersampling, depth-of-field, soft shadows, soft reflections/refractions, and motion-blur.  Other added features were simple refraction, texture mapping (with either implicit texture-coordinate generation for primitives, or cylindrical/spherical/planar "wrapping"), and bump mapping. 

This was an extension of my ray tracer assignment, for which the added features were reflection and some extra basic primitives.

All modeling was done by me, except the mask model.  All textures came from free texture websites, except for the mask texture which I drew, and some of the bumpmaps which I derived from other textures.

An artifact you will notice is graininess that is characteristic of my basic distribution ray tracing technique.  Note that jpg compression (for the web!) damages the images significantly.

Here is a .zip file containing the Tcl/Tk scripts that generated these images using my ray-tracer.


the pics...

Here is a demo of some implicit texture-coordinate generation, with texture and bump mapping (detail on the cylinder lost due to compression):

This is a demo of cylindrical, spherical and planar texture coordinate wrapping onto polyhedra.  Can you deduce which mapping type is used for each mask? :)  Also, the floor tiles and the wall-paper are bumpmapped - however the jpg compression somewhat kills the effect.

This image shows refraction in polyhedra, and reflection.

This image shows refraction in primitives.  Jittered supersampling and soft refraction/reflection are also used.  "Importance sampling" is used for the soft effects.  This is my favourite pic!

This one shows soft shadows and depth-of-field.

This one tests motion-blur.  Rotation, scaling, translation, acceleration, and in the case of the left box - combination of rotation/translation.

Here I stuck in a whole bunch of effects at once.  I had a refraction parameter set wrong for that gem in the middle in the tcl script, so it doesn't look like a gem - doh!  The image finished rendering a few minutes before the project was due, so I was out of luck. :) The chalice looks nice though!

A butterfly! - 4A Comp Eng - 1999